What about SANE “Set mechanics”?
Yes, I know about official devs's point of view for sets and their impact on gameplay. But what about different set mechanics, deprived of D2-sets flaws?
1. “Set” is abstract conception, not “Immortal king”, but abstract “Vitality set”, for example. 2. “Set item” is a new rare implicit item mod, appearing apart and independent from other implicit mods on rare and unique items. For example, 1/10 of all rares and 1/10 of all uniques has implicit mod “Item of <smthng> set”. 3. There's a various types of sets: “vitality”, “critical strike”, “armor”, “evasion” etc. Best explanation is by example. Let's imagine “Vitality set” property for rare items. It may add just +(1-5) max health, just for one from ten rare items which you can find! Absolutely nothing in terms of PoE. But! If we use 2 or 3 such items alltogether – their summary bonus multiplied by 2. In best case it gives (5+5+5)*2 = +30 max health, in worst (1+1+1)*2 = +6, which gives us +18 in average, which is more real, but isn't hyper-cool. But! If we get more then 3 items of same set – we get multiplier bonus of x3! In best case for 5 items it's (5+5+5+5+5)*3 = +75 max health, in worst case (1+1+1+1+1)*3 = +15 max health, which gives us real average bonus for completed 5-items Vitality set of (75+15)/2 = +45 max health. Not that good, right? But much better than nothing, on the other hand. And what about doubling set bonus for uniques? Like maximum of +10 max health for vitality set unique item? It can give enormous bonus of HP even with a couple of items being unique, with rares as other items. Lets check, for example: (8(uniq)+7(uniq)+3+4+2)*3= +72 max health! Looks pretty as additional gear bonus, right? And it's really hard to achieve! In my example, vitality bonus is capped at (+10 (on EVERY unique item)*10 (Character item slots))*3 = +300 max health! In view of it's practical impossibility of course )) Chance to get such set item as you need is 0.1 of getting' just corresponding unique item, divided by number of sets. So it's very-very high-level end-game mechanics...with opportunity to collect set rares with modest summary bonus for even the low-level. All of this – without the D2-sets disadvantages like impact on character builds variations. Practical effect is hard to underestimate. We get 2 additional item "coolness" tiers, like "ten times cooler then regular rare" and "ten times cooler then regular unique". First of it rather hard to find, especially with needed set type. And finding the last is almost impossible, which is a giant carrot for high-level characters for evolving their effectiveness. Suggestions I support: Brand new, without flaws, set mechanic: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/117837 Last edited by narical#4360 on Feb 9, 2013, 6:51:14 AM
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It's great idea i think. Want to see it in game.
"Отрастил скилл - имеешь право ногибать" СерБ
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not sure if i should've read it all 100 %,im very tired...
I'd say it would be possible (still wouldnt be sure of the effects pozitive/negative) IF IT GETS AS A MOD ,OPTION,not fixed rigid items. Also it would suck to consume 1 mod slot when you can get epic mods on some items high level & crafted with an old formula. |
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No, I told about "set property" as additional implicit mod. All other mods are free for standart using)
And yes, the key is not to use rigid items with fixed stats. It's just expands game mechanics to additional level, with every rare or unique being able to spawn as set part with a small chance. Suggestions I support: Brand new, without flaws, set mechanic: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/117837 Last edited by narical#4360 on Feb 8, 2013, 4:36:29 PM
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Interesting idea, I'd love to see the dev's pick something up from this post :)
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to always tell the difference.
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" oh ok mate...anwyay im too tired & will go get some sleep Btw it would make things very complicated.Doesn't just "expands game mechanics to additional level" but makes things a lot more complicated and i can't really predict it to you if it's pozitive/negative choice in the future,should it be implemented :) but i tend to think it would go towards negative. But hey,i myself love min-maxing my epic invented builds and chars etc ,in all games i play i like to evolve my builds/tactics/tricks etc stuff i invent. But not everyone likes min-maxing :) so as i said it would make things very complicated & unballanced :P even tough this is a game with a tendency towards the hardcore gamers and not the casuals,as many people stated in topics (and game devs and/or mods) and i did support the hardcore stuff but this is one of those that are crossing the line :D ,for most people at least,i myself have no problem,i mostly care about quality of my pvp enemies instead of quantity,but it probably would be bad for the game. |
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Just imagine sets, which are boosts evasion, or item rarity, or chaos resistance... Just the possibility to collect set items make my heart beats often)
Suggestions I support:
Brand new, without flaws, set mechanic: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/117837 |
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" I think it's a question of balancing, and keep in mind there's too hard to get big numbers this way, and doesn't get lack of other items stats. Suggestions I support:
Brand new, without flaws, set mechanic: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/117837 |
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There would be zero instances where standard mod is superior to set mod. I'm not talking virtually zero, I mean literally zero.
When people are trying to get ideal gear up, they're min-maxing things. Maybe want a lot of life and weapon elemental damage; maybe you want a lot of energy shield and spell critical chance... it doesn't matter, you want a lot of your mods and not very much of other mods. Set items just give more rewards for what people are doing anyway — streamlining their gear. If anything, this would make uniques less attractive. Why have a cool and interesting twist on your build, when a key stat in your build would suffer tremendously? This is another one of those ideas that sounds cool but a little theorycrafting proves it would be a terrible mechanic. It's not a matter of balancing it — what it is trying to do in the first place is fundamentally flawed. When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted. Last edited by ScrotieMcB#2697 on Feb 8, 2013, 7:18:43 PM
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I once made a suggestion, way back when, of creating Set Gems. Tat way, if you have two pieces of equipment with a Set Gem, you get some bonuses. 3 gives you more, etc.
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