ImPulse fridge - cheap & safe

Hello there, I would like to introduce my Impulse fridge witch build.

This build is focused on maximum safe play, cheap gear, solid dmg. It's also very friendly build for a new players. I play with Freezing pulse spell (sounds good, aye?) :-)

Build explanation

Safe - Freeze. I could write Safe = Freeze. If you take a look at this passive tree

you will see that I took +35% chance to freeze nodes.

+10% chance to Freeze comes from Cold Dorianni's Belt and next 10% chance to Freeze comes from Quality Added cold damage. And even more comes from Frostbite curse (+13% atm)

So it is 35+10+10+13=68% chance to Freeze. Ain't that good? :-) You will freeze almost everything except Act bosses. I don't use Taryn's shiver (+8% chance to freeze); have more damage and ES with Wand + ES shield.

I also take a crit nodes from tree (they are near, they support my goals = freeze everything, they add damage and they are cool).

At this moment I'm trying Cold penetration and everything seems to be freezed even more! DPS number is lower in comparation with faster casting but real damage output is better.

Now the second step of the Safe gameplay - it's pretty simple. ES. Energy shield. With my shitty gear I have 6,5k ES. In combination with Freeze chance I'm rarely injured and If I am, my ES is high enough to keep me safe. So I don't have any problems with survivability.


my gear:
Rainbowstrides = 10c (unidentified :D - got perf roll on mana & block)
Ammy = self found
Rings = self found
Gloves = 12c
Armor = 1ex (already five-linked)
Mindspiral = self found (I would prefer Hubris circlet with bulk of intelligence + resistances and ES, but I'm happy enough with this helmet too).
Belt = 20c

Added cold damage 20Q = 22c
Freezing pulse 20Q = 25c


My investment total: 3 ex



I think the Dream gear would be with Shavs, Void battery (maybe dual wield) and high ES circlet with couple of resistances.


Discipline - bulk of ES
Clarity - mana regen (FP mana cost = 50 with my setup)
Herald of Ice - bulk of DPS

2L = Freezing pulse + Lesser multiple projectiles
3L = Freezing pulse + Lesser multiple projectiles + Spell echo
4L = Freezing pulse + Lesser multiple projectiles + Spell echo + Cold penetration (Reverbation rod ftw!)
5L = Freezing pulse + Lesser multiple projectiles + Spell echo + Cold penetration + Added cold damage !Q!)
6L = power charge on crit / life leech. It's the choice - I barely get hurt so I'm ok with life leech from belt, so my choice would be Power charge on crit)

Kill / Alira

Planned tree:



I'm sorry for my poor english language knowledge so if you'll find any mistakes in this thread do not hesitate to tell me. I will be glad to learn something new!

Hardcore experience
Day 1 - Started. Don't have much time for playing after work, but I went to Prisoner's gate. Gear ok, damage ok.
Day 2 - almost finished act II - easy with Reverbation rod linked FP+Added cold+LMP

16.1.2015 - Added Cold penetration information.
11.2.2015 - Hardcore experience section added
Last edited by pajingtonn on Feb 13, 2015, 9:30:30 AM
Cold penetration would be a better choice than faster casting imo. Regarding dps they are on par but cold penetration has the advantage to improve your freezing. 30+% more damage per HIT means you can freeze mobs with 30%+ more life than with a faster casting setup. While this won't matter vs one-hit trash mobs it makes a huge difference when facing bosses.
I will try it. Ty for info!
Changelog section added!
Hi. Is this bulid able to go HC? And could you add video? TY
hi there

interesting build. im been itching to try a CI build and im really interested to try freezing pulse again. but ES is sometimes hard to come by so i may make a life variant. what u think about HC/bloodlines (all i play). viable?
Sorry guys for late response.
Build is definitely HC viable, unfortunately I don't have video.

I play on torment and have no died only 1x from stupid Dominus cruel where I went with no flask with Removes bleeding ...

Could you post an update for the skill tree? Thanks.

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