[1.3] ChristusRex's Templar Cold Snap Perma-Freeze Bloodlines

Come see the build in action at my Stream here:


Cold Snap

+Links: Cold Snap - Spell Echo - Concentrated Effect - Increased AOE - Faster Casting - Cold Penetration/Added Cold (Once Vaal Pact is needed you'll need to work in Life Leech)

DPS @ level 73: 3k w/ Spell Echo (deceptively "weak" in practice extremely strong)
DPS @ level 82: 3.8k w/ 4 Power Charges - Had to grab Vaal Pact at 78 as Reflect becomes an issue

Level 1-19: Lightning Tendrils
Level 19-60: Freezing Pulse
+Links: Freezing Pulse - LMP/GMP - Faster Projectiles - Added Cold Damage/Cold Penetration

Passive Tree Level 20:

Passive Tree Level 40:

Passive Tree Level 60:

Passive Tree Level 70:

+Passive Tree:

Bandits are as follows:

Oak - Kill - Kill

I do not go for Alira for the extra power charge in Merciless because I use that skill point to get Instability and also grab at the same time Spell Damage per Power Charge. This allows us to spend the 4 points on useful upgrades rather than use them on 4 int nodes to get over to EB and the Cold Damage wheel.

With Taryn's and the cast speed you get from the tree it is more than sufficient currently to deal out the damage necessary to save yourself in hazardous situations and also freeze multiple packs simultaneously.

+Freeze Entire Rooms
+Freeze Bosses
+Very Safe
+Post level 60 is AMAZING with Romira's and Taryns (lvl 64)

+Damage on sheet is lower compared to other builds.... but yeah thats only on sheet
+Reflect can hurt - handle by using Sapphire Flask and getting Vaal Pact when it becomes an issue and place as your 6th link Life Leech
+Leveling with Freezing Pulse is a little slow

+Required/Helpful Uniques:
Romaira's Banquet Ring
Taryn's Shiver
(optional but definitely suggested)
Belly of the Beast
(suggested for BL)
Carcass Jack (suggested for Torment)

+Gear Links:

4 Link: CWDT - Endurance Charge - Immortal Call - Increased Duration
4 Link: Curse on Hit - Herald of Thunder - Enfeeble - Reduced Mana
3 Link: Herald of Ice - Clarity - Reduced Mana
6 Link: Cold Snap - Spell Echo - Concentrated Effect - Increased AOE - Faster Casting - Cold Penetration

+Youtube Videos of Gameplay:


+Current Passive Tree @ 82:

Last edited by ChristusRex#6557 on Jan 16, 2015, 12:05:34 PM
Last bumped on Mar 31, 2016, 8:08:57 AM
Had a build like then when Forsaken Masters Came out, didn't played it since, but i would replace Increased Aoe by Elemental Proliferation, especially if you get Aoe nodes from the tree and the Carcass Jack
Hey, I am leveling a similar char atm. What do you think about a +3 cold staff or pledge of hands instead of taryn's?

Regards, q3masl
Last edited by q3masl#7755 on Jan 13, 2015, 9:45:03 AM
q3masl wrote:
Hey, I am leveling a similar char atm. What do you think about a +3 cold staff or pledge of hands instead of taryn's?

Regards, q3masl

Pledge & a 3 cold are definitely alternatives. +3 to cold skills in the end I would say would probably be better if it has spell damage and some casting speed or + cold damage. I select Taryn's because of the +1 Cold in addition to the ~80-90% increased damage and on top of that the freeze chance and 20% more damage to frozen targets.

If you already have those you should be fine, you just cant count of the freeze as often.
Pitizoziau wrote:
Had a build like then when Forsaken Masters Came out, didn't played it since, but i would replace Increased Aoe by Elemental Proliferation, especially if you get Aoe nodes from the tree and the Carcass Jack

Id totally agree if you're playing torment... in bloodlines ill be going Belly of the Beast for survivability. Carcass jack would be really nice but ripping isn't my forte.
For cruel I would guess you go for 4% cast speed and for merciless most likely skill or power change or endurance charge, but do you go for resist mana or health for normal?
Mgat wrote:
For cruel I would guess you go for 4% cast speed and for merciless most likely skill or power change or endurance charge, but do you go for resist mana or health for normal?

Ill add it into the guide.

Bandits are as follows:

Oak - Kill - Kill

I do not go for Alira for the extra power charge because I use that skill point to get Instability and also grab at the same time Spell Damage per Power Charge. This allows us to spend the 4 points on useful upgrades rather than use them on 4 int nodes to get over to EB and the Cold Damage wheel.

With Taryn's and the cast speed you get from the tree it is more than sufficient currently to deal out the damage necessary to save yourself in hazardous situations and also freeze multiple packs simultaneously.
Hey ChristusRex,

I'm loving this build so for (well 2 levels anyway). Just wondering how it's holding up on your end, and if you have any new suggestions moving forward...

Why did you specify that it is Bloodlines build?
Is there some difference on normal for this build/gear?
i7-960@4.2, GTX570, 12gb ram.
Ii don't know if anyone that tried this build is still browsing, but I just hit 70 (yay me). But it's taking me forever to kill now. Any advice?

Here's my set up currently...

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