Anu's Piscator's KB PS VP Wander (huh huh he said anus)
Pre 2.0.0 planning can be found here with further discussion thereafter.
This build plays far better as a witch in 2.0.0. It's still possible as a Witch, Shadow, Scion, Ranger and Templar, but the witch is so far ahead in every respect except for probably perfect gear at 100 where the shadow or scion might pull ahead. Bandits OAK KRAITYN ALIRA
The Templar is so far behind now I just wouldn't recommend him. It's not that he can't be good, he can...
Like this good
125k GMP (Life leech, Rally and Atziri flask)
![]() 160k GMP (Slower Proj, Rally, Atziri flask) ![]() ... it's just that it is so tight that pre 100 he falls off, hard.
>5.5k life, >40k GMP KB, >100k PS, (77k GMP KB, 148k PS, see alternative lvl 100) Vaal Pact, Arctic Armour, CwDT.
Level 100 Acuity tree.
Alternative high dps lvl 100 build
If you are being conduit fed charges or wish to micromanage your charges from weaving Power Siphon, or from Ass Mark, losing some life and using Promise, shit gets real!!11211!!!. Using this tree with the below gear
4 Link PS
![]() Reflect map? No problem. Reflect mobs in normal maps are a non-issue, as long as we don't go and shoot a 150k power siphon in their face, GMP KB is no threat. I've used many different strategies for reflect maps but have now come to the simplest and it works great. We swap to this helm Anger is dropped and PoL replaces it, Power Siphon is taken off of our bar, PCoC goes in the GMP set up replacing crit multi. We now have 84 lightning res without pot and do almost entirely lightning damage. HoI still gives us shatter. Double ele reflect is mitigated with pots for 94% light res + Atziri chaos leech. Alternatively, simply swap left ring with
Kaom's Heart
For luls, using a Kaom's Heart I do 30K GMP with KB - GMP - LL - PCoC in a 4 link or over 36k GMP with KB - GMP - LL - Crit Multi, cursing for PCs.
Unsupported KB and PS, like single gems in unset rings, are tooltipping 50k and 54k respectively Reached lvl 100. The build did 99 to 100 without a single death, solo, with no escape logs. Build at 100 Bandits Help OAK in Normal Help KRAITYN in Cruel Help ALIRA in Merciless
GMP KB Uncharged
GMP KB Charged
4 Link PS Uncharged
4 Link PS Charged
Defence no Rumi
Defence with Rumi
![]() Levelling This is a high point build, it really comes into its own in the high 80's and then exponentially scales with every level thereafter. It's a perfect build to respec a character into. The build can be played on a fresh character but it needs to path differently until late game. Path up through Templar, through Witch, into Shadow. Doing this will get an extra PC early, early access to the Witch wand ring and EB. For example you would have something like this around level 60. Your damage is coming from auras and heralds, swap out which you run as and when you can for best damage and manageable mana, you may do this many times with different permutations until you finally run Wrath, Anger and Clarity in your Alpha's and Empowered HoT and HoI in another 4 link. Use a RRBG Alphas if you don't have a RRBB, just swap Clarity with HoI, but make the RRBB your ultimate goal, Heralds LOVE empower. Cary on filling out the offshoots of the build, referencing the end game trees in this guide. You might have something like this around level 80. Use Life Leech gem. When reflect begins to become a problem you can swap to Life Gain on Hit gem. But you will soon need to reroute down to VP and go back to Life Leech gem. The reroute can be done with ~25 regrets. Undo the offshoots you are going to lose and also a few that you are wanting to keep in order to get the 13 points necessary to link through the bottom path while still linked through the top. Once linked through, undo the top path, replace the offshoots you were keeping, grab Vaal Pact and Inner Force (if not now, next). Aim to use a 6 linked Belly, we are % life starved on the tree, Belly fixes this. Before you have a 6 linked Belly use any old 6 link with a life roll, failing that use a Tabula, failing that use a 5 link. Build can be played as Templar, Scion or Shadow, to a lesser degree Witch and Ranger. Scion Thread Scion and Shadow would require more mana regen on gear but get away without needing to reroute late game. For Scion path right through attack speed and left through mana, drop the ES link above Scion. For shadow path out through elemental damage. With reference to vaaled gems and legacy gear. I did a test on stream where I replaced any legacy gear with current available gear (self found) and replaced all vaaled gems with non-vaaled. No legacy crit multi ammy. No legacy Mali's. No lvl 21 gems (some even lvl 19 and no quality). Only lvl 3 Empower. And the shittiest rolled Piscator's I had. My GMP was still over 30k. My PS was over 75k.
Update 6b
The changes in 6a saw a trade of 18% damage for 13% life. I decided on retaking Catalyse for a ~ 12% trade of damage for 10% life over the Update 6 build. GMP KB down from 42,499.5 to 37,474.4 4 Link PS down from 103,403.7 to 90,650.3 Crit remains 89% with no diamonds Hit remains 90% Life up from 5,083 to 5,572 This seems a far better balance. Build at 98
Update 6a
Trying out a reduced damage, increased life variation that I may stay with for the remainder of 98-100. Dropped 6 increased wand/proj/ele nodes that are not direct pathing and put those 6 points into life. GMP KB down from 42,499.5 to 34,627.2 4 Link PS down from 103,403.7 to 83,424.8 Crit remains 89% with no diamonds Hit remains 90% Life up from 5,083 to 5,753 Maybe picking up Catalyse again at the cost of some of the extra life will be the happy medium. Build at 98
Update 6
Crafted a new shield with higher ES. Swapped ammy. Swapped a ring. Resists are EW map capped. For Monster curses I'm at -1 light, -4 fire, capped cold, this needs worked on. The gear changes enabled me to pull out of the Templar Righteous Decree circle, link up through the 8% ele node, drop out of Precision, drop a Shadow projectile node and take the Shadow Depth Perception circle. Hit is 90%, crit is 89% with no diamond rings (95% with 2 diamonds). GMP went to over 42k, PS to over 103k. We are now over 42k GMP KB. While reflect mobs are still a non issue, reflect maps most definitely have the chance to be a problem now even without the stars aligning. I'm now taking some rather drastic measures to remove all danger from reflect maps. Replace Clarity with lvl 21 PoL giving me 84% Light Res without flask and 94% with. Replace Faster Attacks with Mana Leech to cover Clarity loss. Replace WED with LGoH. Replace lvl 13 20Q Arctic Armour with lvl 1 20Q Arctic Armour, we lose fire mitigation but it's all in the course of the huge benefit we are getting mitigating lightning, our main damage and highest roll. My GMP goes from 42k to 20k with these changes, still not to be sniffed at and I feel quite safe. Build at lvl 98. Bandits OAK KRAITYN ALIRA
GMP KB Uncharged
GMP KB Charged
4 Link PS Uncharged
4 Link PS Charged
Defence no Rumi
Defence with Rumi
Update 5
We are now over 40k GMP KB. While reflect mobs are still a non issue, reflect maps most definitely have the chance to be a problem now even without the stars aligning. I'm now taking some rather drastic measures to remove all danger from reflect maps. Replace Clarity with lvl 21 PoL giving me 84% Light Res without flask and 94% with. Replace Faster Attacks with Mana Leech to cover Clarity loss. Replace WED with LGoH. Replace lvl 13 20Q Arctic Armour with lvl 1 20Q Arctic Armour, we lose fire mitigation but it's all in the course of the huge benefit we are getting mitigating lightning, our main damage and highest roll. My GMP goes from 40k to 19k with these changes, still not to be sniffed at and I feel quite safe. Build at lvl 98. Bandits OAK KRAITYN ALIRA
GMP KB Uncharged
GMP KB Charged
4 Link PS Uncharged
4 Link PS Charged
Defence no Rumi
Defence with Rumi
Update 4
Build at lvl 96. Reroute pathing through Sniper in Shadow, dropping 2 wand nodes. (40 proj v 30 wand) Thanks Akamu <3 Bandits OAK KRAITYN ALIRA
GMP KB Uncharged
GMP KB Charged
4 Link PS Uncharged
4 Link PS Charged
Defence no Rumi
Defence with Rumi
Update 3
Build at lvl 96. Vaaled Mali's and failed. Stole Scion's legacy Mali's :O. Levelled and corrupted another HoT, still no +1 :(. Recrafted belt, yolo exed small ES and hit master 22% WED again. Divined Belly to 40/15. Recrafted boots to cover last point of lightning resist short of monster EW. Bandits OAK KRAITYN ALIRA
GMP KB Uncharged
GMP KB Charged
4 Link PS Uncharged
4 Link PS Charged
Defence no Rumi
Defence with Rumi
Update 2
Build at lvl 95. Trying 4 link PS (cuz deeps is awesome) and a 3 link CwDT. Levelled and corrupted another HoT, no +1 lvl but no -qual this time. Replaced Reduced Duration with Life Leech for supporting Lightning Warp, cuz wow!! Realised if the 39 implicit belt was blessed to 40, life would be 5k exactly. #OCDness. Bandits OAK KRAITYN ALIRA
GMP KB Uncharged
GMP KB Charged
4 Link PS Uncharged
4 Link PS Charged
Defence no Rumi
Defence with Rumi
Update 1
Build. I decided after upgrading to belly that I could trade some life for more crit. Now using Mali gloves. Respecced to cruel Kraityn 8% ias to counter the loss from rare gloves. Had to swap ammy and recraft boots to cover EW map resists. And got a rather nice divine on a Piscator's. Bandits OAK KRAITYN ALIRA
GMP KB Uncharged
GMP KB Charged
3 Link PS Uncharged
3 Link PS Charged
Defence no Rumi
Defence with Rumi
Current life focused build at 94
Quick build demo Courtyard at 27k GMP Twitch VoD Youtube Bandits POINT/OAK POINT/KRAITYN ALIRA
GMP KB Uncharged
GMP KB Charged
3 Link PS Uncharged
3 Link PS Charged
Defence no Rumi
Defence with Rumi
![]() Pierce Y U No Pierce? Pierce is a great support for KB in many builds, probably too great, I expect a nerf or a 'change to interaction with KB' soon. However, I'm not using pierce. To use Pierce I'd need to lose another gem, while pierce is great, it does not deserve to replace any of the 5 supports I use for this KB build. Arctic Armour Arctic Armour is primarily used for move speed and chill, which are gotten from a lvl 1 20q gem. Level it up to the point you can run for additional physical and fire mitigation. It's a good idea to have another Arctic Armour gem at lvl 1 and 20q for half recovery maps and as part of the gem swaps that are required for elemental reflect maps when our damage gets really high. CwDT The CwDT 4 link is just awesome in conjunction with Arctic Armour. Devos? You may prefer to replace either Enduring Cry or Increased Duration with Warlord's Mark. Or just go with a 3 link set up to allow a 4 link Power Siphon. Power Siphon Hanging on to the past? Maybe. It remains, however, an awesome single target skill even as a 3 link. Go 4 link if you want to by reducing CwDT to a 3 link. Increased Critical Damage would be the 4th gem. Be careful not to send any stray attacks into a reflect mob and really, in a reflect map, take it off your bar. Elemental Reflect Monster aura reflect is a non issue as long as you don't fire a PS at them. For reflect maps there are several ways you can mitigate. Rotating flasks will work fine at early damage levels, you won't instantly 1 shot yourself with no flasks up but the slight possibility with the aligning of the planets is there. Alternatively you could replace an aura with PoL. Alternatively you could replace WED with LGoH. You could use all 3. I personally just went with the first method for a long time but later when GMP damage scales really high, multiple steps are best, these are detailed in update 5 onwards. And please, take PS off your bar for ele reflect maps. Make sure to ward elemental curses if you are not overcapped enough (but you should be). For elemental weakness elemental reflect maps, assuming you are overcapped, make sure to ward individual elemental curses as they will stack on top of EW map mod. Map EW = -34 Monster EW/Flammability/Conductivity/Frostbite = -40 Monster Flammability/Conductivity/Frostbite + Map EW = -74 WARNING!! Testing ele reflect with different scenarios, I overlooked just how much we scale Lightning Warp when using empowered heralds with all the buff scaling on the tree. LMFAO I now support LW with Life Leech.
Lightning Warp Math
The top roll on a lvl 20 LW is 534. My crit multiplier makes a top roll crit deal 2424.36
By scaling attacks, at the time of this warp reflect death, I inadvertently took LW top roll to 1756. The crit multiplier makes a top roll crit deal 7972 AoE damage on take off and land. If I hit 20 monsters on take off with an absolute top roll LW crit with an unscaled LW.... 48,487.2 AoE dealt on take off. 18% would be reflected for 8727.696. Of which I would (with no spell block) mitigate 75% for 2181.924 damage taken by me. If I hit 20 monsters on take off with say, 7k LW (not even top roll crit of the scaled LW) I would deal 140,000 damage. 18% would be reflected for 25,200 Of which I would (with no spell block) mitigate 75% for 6300 damage taken by me. Casually casual. Last edited by TheAnuhart#4741 on Aug 4, 2015, 4:57:55 PM
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brb copying build
IGN: Brain
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Updated build with Mali gloves.
Casually casual.
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OK, just got an insane divine on a Piscator's. Updating soon. Casually casual.
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Updated build. Lvl 95, 4 link PS deeps.
Casually casual.
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Build updated for lvl 96.
37k GMP KB 90k 4 Link PS. Casually casual.
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" This lvl 96 might be abit better, anyway great job, I love this build ^^ Last edited by NarraX1337#0092 on Jan 22, 2015, 3:46:06 AM
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I had eyed that up a few times in the past, for future possibility, when points became available, Akamu.
I'm just not sure whether the explosions themselves are effected by [projectile damage]. As it is, it's 2 points for either 30% wand damage (guaranteed to affect the explosions) or 40% projectile damage (possibly only scaling the initial hit). As for proj speed, we attack 3/4 of the way around the globe as it is. I'll see if I can get the info, not sure where or if I'd heard it doesn't affect the explosions or if I dreamt it :/ Edit: Wait, they have to be affected by [projectile damage] or GMP would be broken as hell with its Less and Increased modifiers not affecting the explosions. Hmmmm. Updated with Sniper. TY mate. Casually casual. Last edited by TheAnuhart#4741 on Jan 22, 2015, 3:17:58 PM
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Nice take on wander !
Re - speccing an old lvl 93 det dead build into this . Dayuuum WTB chroms - 4 off of alphas is brutal :P Ty for sharing the build ! |
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" 4 off Alphas, lvl 4 Empower, lvl 21 gems (and a +1 4 link) are all just gravy for that exponential scaling that takes the damage way above what is needed, but it's fun -_-. Use a RRBG Alphas, just put HoI in the helm and Clarity with the Empower and HoT. HoI won't get the +2 from the Alphas, nor be Empowered but it will work and will still shatter, while you work on another Alphas. 1R 1B on Vorici isn't too brutal and is the best choice at 15 chromes per go. I know a few people who've hit it quite easily and also people who have picked RRBBs up from xyz quite easily from people who hit it when wanting something else and thought to sell rather than go over it. GL, have fun (you will -_-) Casually casual. Last edited by TheAnuhart#4741 on Jan 22, 2015, 7:12:23 PM
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