[1.3] Budget HoA prolif Staff Flicker
This is my take on Varthdaver's Herald of Ash Prolif Staff flicker build.
Since i don't have alot of currency, i made a budget build. 5L lightning coil ~ 3ex pdps >350 w/crit staff ~ 5c? 10c? somewhere around that rest ~ 1~2ex READ THIS FIRST.
1. This is a flicker build - It's NOT HARDCORE VIABLE. DESYNC. DUH. Yes if you have 500 exalts flicker is viable in hardcore. However if you don't, you will die to desync. 100%, at least once. And dieing once in HC league means it's over. So don't try this in HC. 2. This is a melee build - It can't be OP. No, you won't kill Atziri with a 4 link within 3 days in a fresh league, like incinerate character. No, you won't be able to one-shot Palace Dominus like you did with crit flameblast. No, you won't be able to "faceroll" every content in the game, like you did with Arc witch or Torando shot with 1chaos bow. If you are so elite, and need to be so efficient and strong in a video game than to actually have fun, please look for another build. Because melee in POE is shit as of now, unless you have 100ex+ gear. Melee lacks in defense + offense + clearspeed compared to casters and ranged. Path of TornadoShot, Path of Flameblast confirmed. However there is a way to raceroll contents if you have the currency; search for VarthDaver 2H CI flicker. Again, this is a FUN BUILD. NOT an OP build. 3. All Credit goes to Varthdaver. Learn the basics from VD's guide. VD's HoA prolif flicker : http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1056082 4. I have died 16 times until level 88. ye i know, I'm a scrub. I have only played rare maps from level 80~88. I died due to desync, afk, taking phone, misplay, mistake, trying lmp palace domi, -max res shrine piety, ... and stuff. Gear - 5~6 ex, only one 5 link is more than enough. both staff and chest doesn't have to be 5 link
Yes the staff is elreon crafted, but let's be honest; it has 363 pdps. Search poe.trade for 363 pdps. I see bunch of 1chaos, 2 chaos staffs. WOW such expensive, much wow. Just buy one w/ suffix open and craft crit. 5L flicker : w/o power charge : 8k per flicker w/ power charge : 10k per flicker w/ 6 link (added fire) : 14k per flicker 86% accuracy, 90% crit 5.2k health A) You need 2% mana leech from one gear. Anywhere is fine. B) Try to have at least 20% chaos res from one gear. Doesn't matter if have 0% chaos res though; but it never hurts to have some. C) Lightning coil and Abyssus is a pretty good combo. D) APS in staff is not that important; at least in the early stage. Aim for high min dmg & max dmg staff with high crit. Very high aps might occur you to be out of mana. Gems
Flicker 5~6L Flicker Strike - Multistrike - Melee splash - Melee physical Damage - Increased Critical Strikes - 6th link : Added Fire / Additional Accuracy Cyclone 5~6L cyclone - melee physical dmg - blood magic - conc effect - added fire / increased crit strikes HoT - Can drop this if you have Hegemony's era. But, this is a budget build :( HoT - Curse on hit - Assassin's mark - reduced mana HoA (4L or 5L, i suggest 4 link) HoA - Reduced mana - Ele prolif - inc.burning / inc.AOE CWDT CWDT - EC - IC - inc.duration put blood rage + vaal grace / skellies in links you have left. Passive Tree Goal : lvl 91
Unyielding : Take 20% less dmg from critical strikes. This is a must get node. Just get it. Things to know
1. Try not to target mobs with you mouse + Use shift when flickering - This is the way to decrease desync. put your mouse on the ground and then press flicker, while holding shift. You can change the shift key to any key you want via options. 2. Use the damn granite flasks - With surgeon's + iron skin. Don't be shy to use granite. It refills quickly. 3. Try to use dodre's elixir - 1chaos unique flask. This flask really helps me out. When you are picking up loot or go into a dead end in a map, your frenzy runs out. This ruins the momentum of flicker. With dodre, this extremely rarely happens. 4. Please use /oos macro - It's flicker. duh. Got charged by rhoas? /oos Bumped in a wall? /oos flickered to a jumping around crazy goats? /oos Videos
Entire Playlist
Crematorium 130% IIQ Boss kill - Was drunk while doing this map. Reflex is horrible. Gorge 2:38 with a 5 link flickering 77 Rare Shipyard 100%IIQ, extra dmg + chain + half regen Rare 72 Jungle Valley 106% IIQ Double Turbo Weaver 74 Rare Maze 4min fast run 74 Crematorium let's kill crema... again. 76 Rare Academy Double Boss --------------------- Thanks Varthdaver for the great build. Last edited by greensunggwa#6763 on Jan 8, 2015, 11:20:39 PM
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Just wanted to give you props for a great guide! I got interested in trying something along these lines by reading the same VarthDaver post that you refer to, but the passive tree link was out of date. Additionally, I didn't have all the necessary gear prepared to go for something like that initially! I really like how your build plays, but I finally managed to trade for some really good energy shield gear so I decided to try out CI. What it turns out you do is follow your build on the left hand side of the passive tree (and take the obvious alternatives to anything that has +life), but then go around the top to get the right where CI is, instead of going around the bottom the way you do. This gives you access to a bunch of energy shield talents that turn out to be extremely necessary.
Again, thanks for all the information! |
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I may be missing something obvious. But why staff?
Last edited by Inn0c#3364 on Jan 27, 2015, 5:18:12 PM
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" probably because 1) cheaper than a crit dagger with good pdps 2) big hits -> more burn dmg from HoA -> more prolif burn 3) can get >9% local crit 4) good crit passives 5) 2h weapon with block 6) fuck yeah, staff |
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