[1.3] The Undying Shadow - 118k DPS 75/56 Block 5.3k Hybrid
![]() "Block is not dead...it just acquired Lichdom" This is the story of the best accident that happend to me in POE. After a 7 month or so break i started playing again. I wanted to make a Dagger-MF char out of my 62 Shadow back then. I reached Docks and died a lot so i took the old BoR, Rainbowstrides and Aegis i had on my old Immortal Marauder Facebreaker (i bought them just when they got Legacy...payed way too much). It worked...a bit too well...now im 94 and cant seem to find any other character i like quite as much. The 1.3 Patch came. My Diddley-Hole wasnt prepaired but it turned out not so bad.
Basics aka what is this
This is a Tanky Melee Shadow using Static Strike. Even though you are tanky you can still do alot of damage because of crits. Once you have the Coreitems and some stuff to cap resists and a decent dagger (Bino for example) you should be able to clear 78 map easily. I did Normal Atziri with a Binos but its not that smooth...never failed to bring her down though. The build is quite easy to play and you should rarely be in danger of dying. I usually die to volatile mobs with hard mapmods, when i run into double reflect with some bad mods or the oneshots in maze, palace etc...but mostly if you dont yolo you should be pretty save. Now about Static Strike... The sole Reason 1.3 wasnt a giant nerfbat is Static Strike. I personally like the Skill alot. I played Lightning Strike before and i still sometimes do, only have to swap put the gem. What makes Static Strike good enough to counter the ~30% dps drop 1.3 gave me is the second hit and the AoE mechanic. In my theory the AoE still counts as melee, so compared to Molten Strike and Lightning Strike the AoE still gets all the Modifiers from Multistrike and Melee Physical Damage. This makes your AoE >50% stronger than the Projectiles from the other two attacks. Also unlike Lightning Strike against a Single Target the AoE also hits so you do 1.87 instead of the 1.3 Damagemultiplier. Lastly it shocks...what not to love...
Stats 1.3
Offence (5 Powercharges)
![]() Thats 25% Movespeed at the Bottom
http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgYAAdwFtQkzC2EOSBGWFCAVIBa_GbQaPiP2JP0mlSmlKgsqOCzhLOkvzDB8NZI2PTqtPeJHBkd-Sn1KyExgTZJOKlBHUUdVS1b1Vvpbr18_YeJirGNDZU1noGqMbIxtbG6qb4RwUnBWeA15OXlofeN-4oTZh3aMC4w2jX2Nv46KkBuX0JoTnaqi2aOKpn-pbqxmsNixs7TFtUi18rk-uXy9Nr6KvqfBBMGCwuzIFMrT0TbXy9h22L3bbtvU3Q3iLOOE45_kUedU6dXssO1B7g7vDvIv8uHz6vVv_MX_HP_e With the changes in 1.3 the tree isnt as pretty anymore. You can change quite a bit depending on you resigear or you preference. There many paths where you can grab other good notes. In other words we have way to few skillpoints :P
Normal - Oak Cruel - Oak (i have taken Kraityn but its doenst really matter, Oak is easier on your mana) Merciless - Alira (or Skillpoint, we dont have 100% uptime on our Powercharges)
Core Those are the Items the build would not really work without i believe. For a budget approach you can always get a normal Lazhwar, normal Legacy BoR and non-legacy Aegis. That will only cost you around 5 Ex as im making this guide. For my Setup you will have to pay around 50ex. So on the Rings, Gloves and Belt you have to cap resists, get as much hp and damage as possible. This is my Setup, but there is quite some room to do you own thing. Depending on your Build and your Dagger you will need a little Int and Strength to Equip items. My Build has 103 Int Base so i need 10 from gear for Ambushers. Strength is only needed if you want to use Lightning Strike. I worked with those quite a lot: Since i can save 3 Skillpoint if i dont have to get Manaleech the Dps is actually quite the same with all variants. Lastly this is a Daggerbuild. I havent tried anything else yet and i dont think i ever will. I crafted quite some Daggers when Masters came out and switched them quite a lot. Im using Loath Bane now but with Binos you get around half the dps and can leave out Vaal pact. You can also use any decent Crit-dagger you get your hands on or even use another weapontype.
Gem Setup
"6L": Static Strike, Multistrike, Weapon Elemental Damage, Lifeleech, (Melee Physical, Faster Attacks) 4L: Reduced Mana, Hatred, Herald of Ash, Tempest Shield 4L: Reckoning, PCOC, Increased Duration, Vaal Haste 3L: CWDT, Enduring Cry, Enfeeble (Level 1/5/5) 3L: Whirling Blades (Level 4), Faster Attacks, Lightning Warp (Level 14) There is alot of Freedom in the links. I used a CWDT Immortal Calls setup for a long time. Decided to change it, because i only get Oneshot and pretty much never die due to many attacks in a short timewindow. Reckoning with PCOC gives you easy Powercharges as long as you get hit (should be all the time, you are melee after all). You could use Bloodrage, i dont but that can easily boost your dps by another 20% or so if you use CritDmg for exaple instead of the Lifeleech. Feedback is appreciated keep in mind though this is a pretty defensive build. Getting more dps while dropping defense is possible in many ways if you want ;) My first guide so i probably forgot half the stuff i wanted to mention... Last edited by Malaugrym#4523 on Jan 9, 2015, 8:19:22 AM
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For your tree I would try something like this
Just a bit cleaner, though I didn't get any resist nodes. One thing, and I find this pretty funny, is that duelist is more efficient for this build. The first 5 points in the duelist start(ignorng the life nodes) give 60% phys damage while the first five shadow nodes give 57%. So much for duelist nerf. I really don't like vaal pact too much, so that's up to preference. The build looks great, but I wonder what sort of dps one would have with a cheaper dagger, if all you're getting is 118k, and that too with a bloody loath bane. It would be nice if you could test with a Bino's or a similar dagger. For try, for see, and for know.
This is a buff |
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Hmm Duelist start really is better...yeah so much about "nerf"
I dont have a Binos atm..i compared the dps back in 1.2 and its pretty much exactly half dps So i would guess its around 60k with Binos...if i find one ill show the dps. Your Tree actually looks really nice...if i didnt need those damn resist i would use it ^^ Last edited by Malaugrym#4523 on Jan 7, 2015, 4:30:12 PM
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I'm actually going to be leveling a duelist for this. I've wanting to make a crit based aegis build for quite since time now, and this seems to be best way to do so.
Since you've tested and given some numbers, I can now be sure that it won't be a total fail, so thanks mate! For try, for see, and for know.
This is a buff |
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If you are running Reduced Mana, Hatred, Herald of Ash, Tempest Shield, how much mana do you end up with?
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Atm i have about 150/580 unreserved...
With Lightning Strike you can run of mana sometimes, Static Strike if used purely in Melee is pretty much sustained. If you dont have manaleech on your gear, the two notes will bring your mana high enough you dont have to worry about sustain as long as you leech. |
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doing Uber ?
Ign: saintFliper
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Hey man, may I ask why you use Hatred ( for cold damage ), I got 7 mana left of the 350 when I use all aura's xD. Sorry for this noob question but Im new to the game :P.
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Could you test your dps with a dagger similar to that one ? 300pdps 9% crit 1.98 AS.
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