[PvP] [LLD] Animate Guardian Focused Summoner

That's me, my guardian, and the goon squad.

The point of this build is to play against what I thought would be the scariest thing in pvp (flickerstrike) and to play to my own strengths.

This build can be relatively cheap to incredibly expensive, I've just done the best with what I could muster. However, no matter what your budget you need

At this point I could go into the hypothetical of what to do at every level of wealth/willingness to invest, but I'm just going to stick to what I did. Let me break it down.

Passive Tree

It's what you would expect from a summoner build with this many skill points to spend.
Minion Instability is absolutely amazing, Elemental Equilibrium is run because of Hatred and Minion Instability.

My Gear

There's a lot of room for improvement, but the most important thing is that I have at least one Elreon ring. I can summon my AG and 6 zombies then cast hatred under one flask charge. The extra charges on the mana flask is really important when combined with the reduced flask charges used mod from my belt. This set up allows me to take one drink every round as long as I win.

Most of the work is done before the other person shows up. You start the round Animate Guardian -> Mana Flask -> Raise Zombie x 6 -> Hatred

From there you want to Summon Raging Spirit or Arc spam. You want to do a little of both. SRS for srs damage and Arc to aim your minions and applying temp chains/Elemental Equilibrium.

Cast when Stunned is 33% in the LLD world and CWDT is too high level. To have a functionally similar setup to CWDT you need three Immortal Calls linked to your Cast when Stunned. .25 seconds is quite short but if your minions are alive then it's enough time to not get two shot and let your minions deal some real damage

Animate Guardian

Animate Guardian is a hated skill in PvE PoE. This hatred comes from the fact that the gear is permanently destroyed on the Guardian's death and just as much so because he runs off screen like a mad man. The gear isn't destroyed in a PvP setting which is nice, but the real reason AG is the MVP for a summoner is because he's a sprinter.

Animate Guardian + Multistrike + Empower

+1 level of gems Matuau Tupuna makes the LLD lvl 7 Animate Guardian into a lvl 12 monster wearing gear up to level 53.

-74% movement speed all the time and 104% under the effect of Flesh Offering
-3168 maximum life(164 ES), once I get a 15% roll on my gloves.
-The DPS is shockingly high, it caps out at 6k. I have math.
vortex bite
346 avg damage
1.56 aps

44% phys - animate guardian
25% minion - sidhebreath
20% minion - corrupted helmet
15% damage - leer cast
22% phys - multistrike
90% minion - witch skill tree
38% of physical - Hatred
36% less - multistrike

20% iaps - witch skill tree
30% iaps - Ondar's clasp
31% iaps - flesh offering
92% more aps - multistrike

809 avg phys
307 avg cold
1116 avg dmg

full life + flesh offering + hatred = 6056 dps (5.42 aps)
full life/flesh offering + hatred = 5019 dps (4.49 aps)
just hatred = 4015 dps (3.59 aps)

-Temp Chains on Hit is super good, no explanation needed.
-Ondar's Clasp is a sneaky way to get an extra 1k dps if whomever you are facing chooses to ignore your Animate Guardian. (Life Leech and passive regen help as well)
-Rainbowstride could be a really good rare instead. I personally thought knockback immunity would be nice and I swap into bone offering sometimes which gives the AG extra spell block.
-Dire Crown is important if you want your Guardian to have the helmet with the best 3D art in the game.
-Belly of the Beast is probably the BiS Animate Guardian body armour at all levels.
-If you are really trying to be cool then your Belly of the Beast should be 6L as well as the weapon you choose to permanently dedicate to LLD.


These guys are latent damage.

Raise Zombie + Minion Life + Empower + Fire Penetration

any +1 level of gems boots, or even gloves, would be fine for the zombies. It's all for their Maximum Life.

1742 Maximum Life + 18% Fire Penetration + 10% fire damage(quality fire pen) + Minion Instability = 272 burst damage per zombie against 75% fire resist.

If all 7 zombies die at once that's 1904 burst damage that can't be blocked or dodged.

The consensus right now is that tornado shot, molten strike, and cyclone are all overpowered. If I can get my zombies in range, which is quite a feat against tornado shot, then it's a win if they use any of these abilities.

Their auto-attacks are pretty wimpy. They do about 430 dps each which means if all 7 are spending their time actually attacking they have 3000 dps. With armour and cold resist this number is lowered, but it's not as harsh as their AI.

Their damage is in Minion Instability, the punishment for not killing minions is in the form of Animate Guardian.

Summon Raging Spirits

Summon Raging Spirit + Empower + Culling Strike + Spell Echo (reverberation wand)

I have no idea what kind of dps the spirits actually crank out. There are a lot of variables like how far away you are from your target and how fast they are moving away or toward you.

The real work they do is being one extra thing your opponent has to worry about. If they have a sweet plan to deal with your zombies and your guardian then the SRS is likely all it takes to win.

The best strategy is to try to flank your opponent with your mob of permanent minions b-lining to their target and you coming from behind with SRS spam.

Match ups and Strategy

I beat virtually all melee. I probably have a 90% win-rate against melee builds. If they try to rush me down I have jade flask and immortal call to keep me up long enough for my minions to tear them up. If they have the slightest bit of aoe it only takes a few minion instability explosions to get the kill alone.

casters/trappers are a toss-up. convocating on their face is usually the winning strategy, if the minions don't just outright rush them down.

I lose to virtually all Tornado shot. I probably have a 10% win-rate against them.
I've been meaning to get a fast weapon to flicker strike in with and convocate in their face and let minion instability do it's magic like it does against melee.

-Punishment goes a long way against the best players
-The best counter to Conversion Trap is Arc spam(SRS isn't too bad either). Conversion Trap + Convocation is used when AG is converted.
-I hot-swap block pen in with culling strike occasionally on SRS
-I hot-swap Life Gain on Hit in with Multistrike occasionally on AG
-I hot-swap Bone Offering in with Flesh offering occasionally
-I hot-swap Elemental Weakness in with Temporal Chains occasionally on Arc + Curse on Hit.
-Sometimes I use a granite flask over the jade flask. Granite is better but jade gives the illusion of being tankier.(vagan weapons are nasty)

IGN Nagisa_Furukawa
7th in the most recent Swiss event.
Last edited by granolajoe2#3426 on Jan 6, 2015, 1:18:17 AM
Sweet build. I wish it'd get more attention.
Are people using conversion trap to counter you ?
My main char is a SRS Scion so when I saw this build, I thought I might try it. I already had a Reverberation Rod, Leer Cast, Matua Tupuna and several pairs of Bones of Ullr.

I sent my Scion off to Dominus to pick up the remaining gear needed for my Witch and the gear needed for the Guardian. I then ran a couple of Merciless Docks to level up my gems.

My next problem: is the Arena the only way to equip my Guardian and if so, how do I do it without being jumped on in the Arena?

I have never dipped my toes in PVP before so a little guidance would be appreciated.
He who throws dirt is losing ground
I played an Animate Guardian only build a bit back, just for a self challenge, got through piety, but my character by then was just too squishy next to the extremely tanky guardian. When PVP came out I really dreamed of a build like this and I'm super glad to see someone make it work and work so well.

I'm curious if you've messed with frost wall mechanics to push your minions/mess with tornado shot.

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