[1.3] Kiki's Glacial Hammer Build - Tank & Control
Note: This thread is currently in Work In Progress.
Hi, Today, i would like to share my new build based on Glacial Hammer. After Dual Shockwave Totems and Infinite Cold Snap (builds are now outdated, players have made them more powerful than ever with new passive tree ;) ), i wanted to try a melee build. And because i love the ice sound when monsters explode, my choice was naturally Glacial Hammer. I have seen this version using a Duelist: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/921271/page/1 But i think Templar is now really good to do it. Skill Tree:
lvl 80 Defensive version: If you don't have enought accuracy, you can spend 2 points for Resolute Technique temporarly. lvl 80 Offensive version: Final Tree Offensive + Defensive: I prefer to do defensive version first because DPS is high enought and nobody like to die :p Bandits:
Normal: Help Oak Cruel: Help Oak Merciless: Kill All Gems:
4L: (Red) Glacial Hammer, (Red) Multistrike, (Red) Melee Splash, (Red) Melee Physical Damage 5L: + (Green) Cold Penetration 6L: + (Blue) Elemental Proliferation or + (Red) Weapon Elemental Damage With Elemental Proliferation, you will have massive control on groups. And because ennemies are frozen, Herald of Ice will finish the job more easily. With Weapon Elemental Damage, you will have more DPS but less control. 3L: (Red) Glacial Hammer + (Red) Weapon Elemental Damage + (Green) Faster Attacks 3L: (Red) Reduced Mana + (Red) Blood Magic + (Blue) Clarity 4L: (Red) Reduced Mana + (Red) Determination + (Green) Herald of ice + (Green) Hatred 4L: (Red) Cast on Damage Taken + (Red) Molten Shell + (Red) Decoy Totem + (Blue) Enfeeble 4L: (Red) Cast on Damage Taken + (Red) Immortal Call + (Red) Increased Duration + (Red) Enduring Cry Gear:
Main gears are: For all others gears, you are looking for: Armour, life, accuracy and res. Kongor is a really good option before getting a Doryani's Catalyst. My Current Gear: Stats: I will try to do some videos later when my gear will be more optimised. Last edited by KikitheKing#7914 on Jan 2, 2015, 6:57:50 AM
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Surprisingly, my build share the core mechanism as yours, and the tree is pretty much similar, even the usage of Prismatic Eclipse as a stat stick.
My major different is I'm playing as a dual wielding glacial hammer. The Ambidexterity node is really interesting to play with since I could swap the mace into the off hand and gain 20% attack speed instead. That with +24% attack speed from Prismatic Eclipse (GGR) really help me hitting a lot. And I see that your are tooking all the mana reduction nodes with all the nearby regen (which was my idea before goind dual wielding also lol). Is your reason of taking all those because of the 2 big auras you are running? I'd like to see what is current stat since your build looks like something I'd be in the next couple of weeks. Another question is : Don't you have problem with Accuracy? only those dex / accuracy nodes are enough ? BTW, for comparison, this is my current tree and weapons. I had to head south because I wanted to try the Bone Breaker and Skull Cracking. I planned to take the Unwavering stance (or maybe not) and hook into the Marauder tree after.
The culling strike is only icing on the cake for bosses or anything I can't stun nor freeze. Last edited by twintales#1452 on Dec 30, 2014, 12:44:40 AM
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Reduced mana reserved nodes are here to wear my 3 auras (Hatred/Determination/Herald of Ice)
All others mana reduction and mana nodes are here for run a 6L Glacial Hammer (consumme 57 mana currently without the node Dynamo, i will get it when a reach lvl80) It's necessary to get some accuracy. Without, chance to hit drop a lot. Thread updated, 65% res phys with Tabula Rasa :D Last edited by KikitheKing#7914 on Dec 30, 2014, 2:58:20 AM
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Huh? That looks weird..
My DPS is sitting at ~6.6k, and that was without the two Doryani's equipment, at lv. 65. I guess it because I took more physical damage nodes, has more attack speed, with RT, and other + physical damage on other equipments, all compliment to the overall damage. I guess that 87% chance to hit is really a key factor >_>; In another word, I'm a lot more fragile than yours lol |
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And my DPS will be more than that when lvl 85 will be reached ;)
I have 2 new items to buy but players are not connected :( |
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Level 81, my gear is now optimised :)
Stats and gears updated. Next steps for me is to get a 6L armour and Hrimsorrow with Elemental Weakness on hit with corruption... Not an easy task but i still have a goal. Last edited by KikitheKing#7914 on Jan 1, 2015, 12:07:56 PM
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The obvious pros of the build in Torment league is :
No tormented spirits could run away from you. Let them touch some mobs, or possess a rare > Leap slam in > Hit and freeze or chill them > Let it rain. I think I missed only a few spirits since I switched from playing Static Strike. No more wall hugging ghosts. Now they all went to the ground, shattering :D Now I'm at lv. 84, thanks to the fast map clear speed, with 14k dps. However, your spec has Cold Penetration available, so I would imagine the damage to be roughly the same. I was also quite lucky to get some nice drops during the new year, which made me able to buy a Doryani's <3 (Although I sold one Pledge too cheap for what it was)
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On my side, i will reach lvl 83 tomorrow (82.7 currently).
I have 10.3k DPS (with 35% cold penetration). I'm started to boost my crit now. Last edited by KikitheKing#7914 on Jan 5, 2015, 6:55:39 AM
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It's so sad melee Templar have got no love since.... 1.0, maybe?
Or should I say melee in general? :\ Edit: I was checking this neighbor thread, which looks similar to mine and yours, closer to mine, but using 2 hands mace, with Static Strike instead. Maybe I should consider adding Faster Attack as the 6th link. Luckily both Cold Penetration and Faster Attack is both green, so I could swap cold pen for +cold resist map :) Last edited by twintales#1452 on Jan 6, 2015, 1:16:01 AM
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I reach lvl 75 few days ago, currently 76. I rekt every map below 71, but I'm stuck at it for now. I made this char to hit endgame map/Atziri. I'm having some issues with the build : -I feel like I'm not doing enough damage cause I'm missing some hits, I guess I'm lacking of accuracy. -i'm also feeling a bit squishy cause we got no block nodes, my armor is a bit low for a melee char, should I drop one Herald and try to run Determination + Hatred ? Here's my gear and stats http://imgur.com/lKyc1XM http://imgur.com/86gsW8Z Tree : https://poebuilder.com/character/AAAAAgUATwRboEPIaPJ8DqdVlnR8SxhdPO-iAPAfBLPAZuFzgpvtIJBVJy_sOMAaGjhxhVcpRtcwlzmKsUJmnvrSFy9k51XWgKTjahZvNukkqhpsPC1M_69stz7GrnKpxPZqAZe0Vam18jWS2L3-CngNqW7BBHloC2FfP-8OFCDkUVBHMft_44TZAdy-ir02R36-p2VN1fjEuKBCiFpewIY7NI5r2eQiaf7x_mBl7MvoZj_8CLH53eXPkn33Mphv3CNKyG6qbEZybA== I need some advice ! Last edited by Sixo#1868 on Jan 22, 2015, 9:44:15 AM