[1.30] Naruto the Witch-Blink Arrow Mirror Arrow Build!(Torment) That's right.

Hello Everyone.

Some of you may have seen my Ranger smith guide in the Ranger section.

Its time now for you to learn of Naruto the Witch!

This build uses Blink Arrow and Mirror Arrow to create an army of clones to do all work for you!

With this build:

You will be immune to reflect!

You will not fear corrupting blood!

You can gear any way you want!

All you need to worry about is your bow, and your quiver.

A few words on Blink/Mirror Arrow:

The minions damage scales off of Minion damage/atk speed nodes, weapon elemental gems, minion damage gems, and added damage gems(added lightning, chaos etc). They also scale off of gem level.

Adding mirror arrow and/or blink arrow to the trap support gem allows us to cast two instances of each spell without a shared cooldown. I like to run one instance of mirror arrow traps, with mirror arrow and blink arrow on seperate links. you can also run blink and mirror arrow linked to traps, as well as another instance of self cast blink and mirror. Its up to you.

Important gear:

There is no "necessary" items for this build. that said, there are some ideal ones:


That said, my current set up in torment is:

Bow and Quiver

Infractem is a really cheap high damage weapon that works Very well in concert with the clones. A high phys dmg or Weapon Elemental damage quiver will yield strong results.

Other Gear

Alpha's howl, while not a necessity, is a HUGE boost to this build. Auras are where we get a lot of damage from, and the +2 to levels is big. The mana reserve reduction is really nice, but not an absolute necessity. Deerstalkers are essentially a free five link.

Magic Find

Health+Resist Gear

Having the unset rings is HUGE. I am able to cast convocation and flesh offering, both of which offer large boosts to our overall damage output in different ways.

Gem Setup:


Mirror Arrow:
Mirror Arrow>Weapon Elemental Damage>Minion Damage>Increased Duration

Blink Arrow:
Blink Arrow>Weapon Elemental Damage>Increased Duration>Lesser Multiple Projectiles

Mirror Arrow Trap(in deerstalker)
Mirror Arrow>Multiple Traps>Weapon Elemental Damage

Anger>Hatred>Generosity>Reduced Mana

Dual Curse:
Rain of Arrows>Curse on Hit>Projectile Weakness>Vulnerability

Arc>Culling Strike>Increased Item Rarity

Other Gems to consider:

Curses-Temp Chains, Ele Weakness, Enfeeble

Utility-Convocation, Flesh Offering

Skill Tree:

at Level 50

at Level 70

at Level 80


Leveling is pretty easy and straightforward:

Start off by getting a bow and burning arrow by using a ranger to mule it over. Get rain of arrows as soon as possible as well. Use those two skills to level to 24, and then once you can get mirror arrow, blink arrow, another mirror arrow, trap or deerstalkers, multitrap, two increased durations, two weapon ele dmg, or minion dmg, and three links, youre all set.

That should literally last you until merciless. If youre lucky enough to get a tabula or something like that, use it. it will be cake leveling.

Once youre in merciless, pay attention to your health and resistances, as long as youre above 2.5-3k health, you should be safe for the most part.

try and have your four links by the time you get to mapping.


Ill be posting a video guide soon!

Ranger build(The original!):


Scion build(by my buddy Jangtzu):


Templar version(by like minded madman Pneuma!)


Last edited by Naeblis720 on Dec 29, 2014, 2:12:35 AM
Hi, have you considered picking up Elemental Equilibrium, which you could then proc with your Arc set-up? I have been playing a similar build this season, and I've found Elemental Equilbrium to be very helpful, especially against enemies that are immune to curses.

Otherwise, my only concern is that the name you chose wasn't for a Shadow variant instead - it would have been the perfect platform for Shadow Clone no Jutsu puns! :P
Errabundus wrote:
Hi, have you considered picking up Elemental Equilibrium, which you could then proc with your Arc set-up? I have been playing a similar build this season, and I've found Elemental Equilbrium to be very helpful, especially against enemies that are immune to curses.

Otherwise, my only concern is that the name you chose wasn't for a Shadow variant instead - it would have been the perfect platform for Shadow Clone no Jutsu puns! :P

haha this is true, but the witch is just so efficient skill wise...

as for the EE question, yes i have run elemental equilibrium on the build, and i will go over that a bit in the video guide that should be up soon. had some audio issues this weekend.

EE is absolutely very powerful with this build, unfortunately due to the nature of minions, its really hard for me to get hard numbers on what is better, how reliable the ee dmg is etc.
If witch vs ranger, who will win?
What are the pros of this build on witch, if the original on ranger?

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