Skyforth's #1 US HC, #1 FFA Arena, #1 6v6 CTF, #1 3v3 ,#2 Blitz, #4 Swiss, #3 EU Molten strike PvPer
Welp Since i can't be fucked doing PvP anymore since it's P2W and in a horrible horrible state, you can P2W too!
Also because i will be away from today to 20th, i won't make the invitational regardless of what i do. I only PvP for the rewards and i already got my Requirements: - A fuck ton of exalts (the more you have the more successful you'll be) - Don't be mentally impaired. - Don't RMT although there's really nothing stopping you. - A few hours practicing holding RMB - Have somewhat a decent hand-eye co ordination. - Have SOME knowledge of the game. - Don't be a fuckwit - Respect other people in PvP by saying GL, and GG at the end of every duel even if you lose - Don't complain that this build isn't good enough, because it's true. - Have a seriously high threshold for frustration because PvP is really really bad/disappointing/annoying/piece of shit IMO. - EXTREMELY LOW PING TO THE SERVER. IF YOU HAVE MORE THAN 200 PING YOU'RE FUCKED AND DON'T PLAY THIS BUILD. THIS IS ONE OF THE BIGGEST REASONS I LOSE TO BOWERS/TRAPPERS BECAUSE MELEE SUCKS DICK IN PoE. Okay, Ezpz How to play PvP. 1. Flicker to someone 2. Hold RMB while naming locking them 3. Kill them. What happens if they do X? 1. If they put traps down, use arc to break. Also bring multitrap firetraps to trap their traps. 2. If they run away, use temporal chains 3. If they use a curse on you, drink anti curse flask 4. If they bear trap you, whirl away 5. If they chase you, attack in place 6. If they out damage you, get better gear 7. If you get desynced, rage at GGG 8. If you have high ping, fly to the country to play the event. 9. If you are playing blitz and you know someone you will lose to, exit to login screen to save time 10. If you are playing Swiss, don't spam your pots. 11. If you're playing Arena, use the most OP skill at the time + culling strike. This would be cyclone + culling strike. 12. If you're playing 6v6 CTF, change trees 13. If you're playing 3v3, go for the squishy dude first. 14. If you're playing ladder, hope you load into instance first. 15. If you're playing ME, lose on purpose because i made this for you. Tree. Marauder 1v1 and 3v3 Marauder Tank 6v6 Duelist FFA arena (you can't get blinded) Gear Sword, find the best Rings, elreon mod + flat phys + life + resists Chest, Resists life, armour Boots, movespeed resists armour, all stats Helm, Resists, life, STAT (dex or int) Amulet, elreon mod, flat, life resists Shield, Crest of perandus Gloves, Flat phys, attackspeed, life, resists, armour Links. hatred anywhere 3 trigger gems + lgoh Firetrap+multitrap+whatever tempest shield + curse on hit + tempchains/vulnerabiltiy/elemental weakness Moltenstrike+multistrike+addedfire+blockpen+weapon elemental damage+(6th fire pen) Flickerstrike+multistrike+block pen+lgoh/added fire errrr, i'll probabaly upload a FFA Arena later maybe. 180 Kills FFA Arena better than nothing so deal with it. I am sending you this message to let you know that I have removed your signature as it is designed to mislead others. Please refrain from using similar signatures in the future. - Rob_GGG Last edited by Skyforth#6071 on Dec 29, 2014, 1:23:57 PM
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That's why PvP sucks and i highly recommend anyone against it.
I am sending you this message to let you know that I have removed your signature as it is designed to mislead others. Please refrain from using similar signatures in the future. - Rob_GGG
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" funny cos this guy never GG in duels. Last edited by 2i0#7192 on Dec 29, 2014, 1:08:16 AM
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Pretty straightforward, honest guide.
+1 |
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" I do GG for every battle except blitz I am sending you this message to let you know that I have removed your signature as it is designed to mislead others. Please refrain from using similar signatures in the future. - Rob_GGG
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" can confirm, he says gg also I don't get the point of having to post lld builds, it's not rocket science to come up with a good tree and a good build. |