Is it me, or is racing unbalanced?

Normal players are usuall lvl 10-15 in 1 hour, these racers are chugging to a3 in 20 minutes, lvl 25 in 50 minutes... its kinda ridiculous.

Helping people with their builds, its somewhat a hobby, and a passion of mine, so don't be shy! <--- Build help forums thread thingy.
Be good as them.
Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
I think maybe you meant skill level among humans is unbalanced. ;)
Phrecia: 92 Scavenger
P2: 85 Infern; 77 Warbr; 75 Demon
PoE character archive: view-thread/963707
SC: 95 97 96 100 95 96 97 98 95 97
HC: 96 (dead)
there's no skill involved in poe
not being terrible doesn't make you good
wow normal racers get lvl 10 in one hour, good to know
alt art shop view-thread/1195695 for contact
For everything you do in life, someone somewhere is doing it much better than you. Most of the time you do not realize that. In PoE races, it is just more visible, because you get notifications in your face about them reaching levels and areas all the time. :)

The solution is either to give up and cry, or to push yourself to get better.
The more you depend on forces outside yourself, the more you are dominated by them.
--Harold Sherman
Pam wrote:
there's no skill involved in poe
not being terrible doesn't make you good

How then do you explain you placing the best in your class every race that you participate in in which you do not die? what do you attribute that success to?

No ones hitting a3 in 20 minutes. Even a2 in 20 mins is a pretty amazing run.
IGN: KoTao
KoTao wrote:
No ones hitting a3 in 20 minutes. Even a2 in 20 mins is a pretty amazing run.


Or should I say,

HeaT1 wrote:

How then do you explain you placing the best in your class every race that you participate in in which you do not die? what do you attribute that success to?


8th templar in tendrils champions and 4th shadow in bruthud kill is not top
only the first place matters, and sometimes 2nd if it's really close but otherwise it's mostly a matter of "you're the only one taking it seriously"

A more lengthy text I wrote a while ago but never posted since it's bad, but more in depth about how I feel
"no carto, no untainted paradise, pure skill"

A quote from Zenocide genius in his most recent podcast

When I talk to players or read forums and the word skill appears in the conversation, it's always with reticence that I keep on talking, I usually stop and it's hard for me to express how I feel about this whole thing. The most recent was with a friend who told me that the most skilled player in the game was the one in standard with the biggest amount of exalts in stash tabs. I started talking about pvp as a counterpoint and how you can categorize certains aspect of the game where one player is shining but right as the words left my mouth there was no heart behind it because of the disbelief I was in.

It was a concept I never thought of and it was at this point that I realized of much of a schism there is between MMO players and ... normal ones ?

Before PoE, I played a bit of Rift for relief, because my previous game was starcraft II. While I started SC2 badly by spending all of my time in random 2v2 playing random, I finally started playing 1v1 (still random) after 6 months and this is where I discovered that I wasn't good. Here's a picture which represents how I feel about the ranking in that game and how being good (high master KR) is far from enough.

Young it was easy to be "the best" at home or in the neighborhood, in mmorpgs or arpg the only requirement for being "top guild EU-NA" is not being retarded and play the fotm, but starcraft 2 while being known for being accessible mechanically was the first game where It required actual effort to win. How relevant was it to be 1 of 100 000 when you have to play (at first I wanted to use compete but being slaughtered would be closer to the truth) against koreans and be the first amongst millions where the mentality to push for competition is present. More recently, I watched the smash brothers documentary and caught on the competitive scene, and it's only strenghtened my point of view. Skill is a word used to represent a wall of effort, talent, power of will and mental discipline that you can't evaluate the height until you're good enough to reach the clouds of competition, but it's still going up. And have that word thrown away for leveling the fastest in a game where you optimize your right click just does't feel right.

Path of exile is not a game where players push its limits, "competition" in leagues relies on luck and playing safe aka avoiding any hard content and you play it for fun. There's nothing wrong with that but don't bring skill into the discussion, the only part of the game which could be qualified as somewhat competitive mostly relies on knowledge identifying layouts and even then it's plagued by cheating just like the regular game.

I think poe players are in the bottom 90% of any other competitiv game aka pure garbage, and half of that 10% remaining is usually a one trick pony retard anyway
tl:dr, racing competition is just an illusion exile
Last edited by Pam#2190 on Dec 25, 2014, 10:51:51 PM

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