JAUERS 1.3 Detonate dead eXterMinatoR EB, IR, MOM, EE! HC viable high dps surv.
![]() Born and raised in the holy fathers name, taking care and protecting the sick and dieng... Outcasted and bannished to a forsaken cause. Now forsaken... Turning holy knowlege about death, into unholy power. Greetings all exiles... this is Jauer. ill now present the 1,3 DD templar i been working on. its a very easy played and safe build. also it seperates it self by going for both Mind over matter, Iron reflexes and Eldrich battery keystone passives. + Elemental equilibrium started on bloodline agein.. update tap: Last update 29-12
all rigth so got guide done and are reroling..
22-23/12 CET roled pretty fast and smoth to lvl 49 for today. i took a pretty defencive(more then i usualy do) passive and gear setup doing lvling, since im in no rush. since i was kind of low on currency i dident buy all the q gems i needed and roled with what i had. also for a diff used zombies and searing bond. works ok if u dont mind pushing 10 bottums each secound. the gear set i ended with
all self found made, exept the glove i bougth for 1 c. i bougth the clarity for 1 alc. and 1 of the cwdt gems for 3c. what u shud see here is i got a bad flameblast setup... simply becours i was to lasy croming it. fire pen shud be changed with ele prolif, but since i got no q on flameblast or ing burn damage i skipped it.. thoes 2 q are very importent to often ignite. most importent however always have a good flask setup.. i used alittle roling flasks so i keet having high lvl flask with rem bleed, frozen, curse. with this setup i sit with good 2,5k life now just before piety cruel. i got capped resists and nice 34% mitigation passive tree lvl 49 next step is more dps Also opened mirror service for best Bloodline MOM ring u can find it at my bloodline shop 25/12 i killed piety at lvl 63 and farmed 2 more lvls. I did pick life notes mainly since my armor is shit. passive lvl 65
bougth a geofris for 15 c equiv orbs i had. and the neck for 2 c that i crafted mana regen on... the set i put together before start merciless so i basicly had the most tanky setup i ever done. with 3k life and capped res and 19+ chaos res. will be looking for 5l chest and better shield and weapon
25/12 i ended here in maps. i started boosting dps switched to DD are running 68-70 maps. i stashed up heavy armor and purity of fire. i still dont play elemental equilibrium but are trying searing bond.. to tell the truth even thoe the searing bond is a good skill i realy feal the lack of no shock equilibrium sitting with 4150 hp. that shud be buffed also passive lvl 74 gear
fixed my flasks into 95% perfect setup bougth the amathyst ring for 5c and crafted regen for 1 alc. bougth 5l chest for 6c and alced it once. crafted dex. bougth shield for 4 regrets. boots i payed around 10c for and was lucky to role max movement speed. are badly looking for a better armor glove and belt with high life armor. and a neck with hp.
27/12-14 been moving to finetune the build in maps.. even with small progression. Speced Elemental equilibrium way later then i shud have and now run with the Arc totem. stacked 4,8 life.. that feal good with the amount of armor+ resist... got total overcap resist and wooping 50+res chaos. basily stack life and dps untill i get a 6l carcass to respec down to MOM note. also play very safely since i dont wanna rip the mirror ring. ;D passives 79 GEar
bougth godly gloves 4l for 5 c and crafted armor for 3c worth ggg 2-3ex glove created ;D the neck costed me 15c. belt self found..- basicly as good as i need if more armor ;D also next too update is weapon..
29/12 lvl 84. can now do higher maps, however kind of failed to build a map pool so stuck on 71-72(73) atm. while i have done 76 once. speced more dps surv. got 5.250 life and 9k armor. with 28k with granit.. since no evade gear i not considered to move down to MOM-IR. i kind of feal that the build cud just aswell move another way.. Alternative specAlternative spec further more i miss the aoe from carcass jack, but most of all a q ing burn damage. qq :D also look my gear, my new belt must be best life belt on league. its self crafted by alcing many white high ilvl bases... i got that one.. and closed the prefix with master craft es, then exalted for surfix. basicly 1/3 chance to hit fire-ligth-chaos (while getting chaos is more 1/20 due to the rarity of the stat) and landed t2 fire, top bracket. Gear
i been slacking on upgrading since the setup already is kind of godmode... ;D i have in stash that i also crafted maby gonna use later... els i need to make a 6l and look to upgrade the weapon, are at a point where i consider changing helmet for a life arm,es head
4/1-15 hit lvl 90 not much to tell.. just been lvling switched one ring since i bougth els everything remains unchanged, vall orbéd my clarity at lvl 20 big mistake since i got a Vall Clarity instead :/. i been trying to find any upgrades but bloodlines offers no such things, so maby ill need to put on the work gloves and craft something... els. just been running maps, with no big challenges vs my toon... sit with 5570 life and 10k armor... 8-1-2015 lvl 91 ladder 154. nothing much to say... run around solo in high maps(got no high lvl freinds :/) but are lvling slowly since i slack. and are frankly quit borred.. there is nowhere upgrades to find.. and cant sell much decent since even good stuff is appently going for a chaos or 3. and got some godly items that non will buy since they are use to pay 3c.. did some hard maps thoe. poorjoys.. and some beastly rare maps.. like a precint with ele weakness. 30% damage, speed. extra fire damage and spawns beyond.. the build shines when u wanna play uber safe since i can move and kill off screen with no reflect fear. + the totem as attraction for offscreen mobs for me to stay in clear ground. still havent found any upgrades,,, BL gear sux. or atleast anything i looked at. are considering buying a mirror simply becours good rares dont exist. 9-1-2015 rip ladder 140 took a pouch.. was doing stuff that u shuddent do.. felt super tanky and ggg-- + being abit bored. the thread with rip details http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1171211 will do torment challenges and rerole later... i propperly took some of the most godly items on league to softcore.. thats sad.. els nothing to cry about.. when u have hc mentality its ok to rip to stuff u shuddent be doing. DD offers super high clearspeed, with massive defenses. In a combo of gear and prices that is actualy possible to do on hc league. The toon is made on standard league, since i here have the toon, the gear and the abiltiy to test it and show the build in full effect. I was rolling a templar on Bloodline but ripped before maps, and are now reroling it. PROS
High clear speed
High survivablity Can kill any map/boss Easy to gear Got a well functioning bugdet setup Can also be fine tuned with higher gear but no mirror stuff needed. Can be altered in several small passive skill version to ure personal likings. CONS
You need to do a rotation of skills to max effect
Can die to reflect if you dont know what you're doing Half regen or no regen should be avoided You are so tanky you start taking dumb risks Requires a certain lvl to work with DD (you level with flameblast) VIDEOTEASER a fast shippy VIDEO GUIDES Here ill work thrue the build in detail. Check volume, maby i messed up the setting. Walkthrue of gear and passives/lvling: part 1 Doing a map talking gameplay/style: part 2 reflect map here i demonstrate total ref imunity with rise of phonix+ purity of fire on shocking ground,ele ref map. PASSIVES current LVL 87 LVL 100 GEAR
the setup i run now. the enhance is put in to showcase a option. also the firetrap is optinal. here is stuff to switch with to showcase some of the items usuables.
Walkthrue of passives and gear and lvling
Bandits N:oak C:kill all M: kill all the spec. starts with templar. as ull see in the passive tree link. we work thrue life manaregen. and elemental notes. however we dont lvl with DD but flame blast 3L(FB, chance to ignite/eleprolif, ing burn) on a +1 lvl scepter/wand 4l(FB, eleprolif, ing burn, spellecho/Fastercasting) the question here is when u picked enough chance to ignite to start the burn prolif... u shud remove chance to ignite when u ignites 60% of fb hitting more then 4 mobs. LVL 45-50 tree lvl 72 tree the first keystone u wanna reach is Eldrich battery on other side of witch, this note will convert all ure es into mana, that we require to have a high enough mana regen, to run as high as possible lvl artic armor. mean while going here we pickup aoe life mana from witch... Now we work our way down to Mindover matter all the way down on dualist.. this note will give us 30% damage taken before life.. since we have alot of mana regen+ life regen it will work as a great damage buffer along side with taking big hits. on route u take the Elemental equilibrium keystone. and as same time u start using a 3l spelltotem with arc+ ele prolif. this gem works great since 10% base shock chance + 10% from tree.. quality is realy nice on this gem for the build... since ure gonna arc thrue 3.4.5 diff mobs each hit... meaning that 1 propperly is gonna be shocked. spreading shock to any other mob. this will give 50% more dps to any mobs shocked + the wooping 50- res from the EE passive. we also just after MOM go pick iron reflexes... this will turn all the evade into armor. so untill this point u mainly look for armor gear. while after we dont care... especialy since we want to use a carcass jack and want to utilise the evade... to get the tanky setup... Build synagi So the synagi setup is this.(in my oppinion vital for good specs) we want to run Artic armor pref lvl 26 so we need to Eldrich battery to support the mana regen. we stack way more mana then we use. so why not convert this into extra life... we pick Mind over matter= synagi we get phys and fire reduction from artic armor. but we can first mitigate a certain % of phys damage taken with high armor. so the acculy effect of AA get significant higher since it will remove the remaining damage flat, depend on lvl= synagi we remove fire damage taken both from attacks or reflect.. this is vital.. so we just as armor scale fire resist even higher with unique shield(saffle or rise of phonix) or aura or both.. so the effective fire mitigation gets even higher=synagi since AA is a buff on u. we want inner force to scale artic armor(mitigation+movement speed from q) but this also gives extra effect of our auras= synagi Lastly the spec travels alot so we cant spec both cast speed and damage and survivablity, however DD requires only a hard base damage to start a prolif, so we can focus on only 2 things elemental and survivablity= synagi... we use a totem with arc as a decoy and to prolif shock to the mobs.. so we spec Elemental equilibrium to also gain a super high extra damage towards all enemys. for 1 point worth on passive. this is the brain storm that put the build together and works in most aspects of the game. GEAR while a azuri mask or a 6l carcass jack is hard or out of reach on hc leagues... its far from required. the 6l on chest only offers decent dps boost. and is not required. ill here link a setup that shud do well for u. also a cloak of defiance wud work aswell untill ure able to reach MOM. while it cud be discussed if u wud be better of with CoD i realy feal that the few dex points travel(u need dex anyways)+ the gain of iron reflexes + that stat wise carcass jack is a much better item stat wise i feal its a better trade of. for weapon the azuri scepter is the best... but while damage scaling is pretty high any scepter with some spelldamage cast speed and crafted +1 fire leach will do fine.
havent put much effort into this but with some diff changes to the setup im shure it can do it.. i tryed it once and got the 2 first bosses down.. azuri i had abit slow kill speed on.. and ended using all portal. the dd gem now also scales dps from lvl while i used a lvl 17 i think a lvl 20 wud have made it better...
here is a hot potato... can u die to reflect? yes.
but DD offers a mechanic thats good vs reflect it allows u to hit a high ignite hit ageins a relative smaller aoe then for example flameblast. however the way the spec is done the prolif radius is huge so we feal no lack of that... we want higher fire res then 75 base... + AA to counter it.. sugestion dont do ref maps. since the % refect from maps are higher then mob stat. also if u have a ref pac dont fire off DD in the middle of the pack where the splash hits every mob... hit a white mob on the edge and watch rest burn to dead.... ill make a simple picture to simulate it... also ruby flask and ure home safe.... also avoide curse and shock stacking... running a regular map... where u hit reflect usualy dont have much effect... unless ofc u as mentioned setup shock totem curse the pack and crit into the middle... vs flameblast u dont hit stuff u cant see. also look the ref video on top of guide. ![]() Questions and answers "Is EE really necessary, and the time it takes to cast the spell totem? Burn damage alone seems more than enough in this build to clear easily, but then you have not taken Holy Fire, which I am not sure why not?" I go very lucky early on in torment though and got a shavs drop, so I can just stay in the top of the tree, stack every fire node there. answer "yes and no... for regular clearing its not needed at all, just gives a extra boost on high life/res bosses or rares. the time using the totem is a down time. u can easy remove the totem and self cast it for faster use. also u cud use the free slot for another gem; blind, chance to flee, or a ligthing warp. for this tree its 1 point and to good to skip... shure if u got a shav u can do it hybrid.. u can stack some auras on life do it semi lowlife or full lowlife scaling flat damage. everything is possible.. it cud propperly still be done kind of how exalton did it back on previous leagues with ci vallpact.. one thing for shure DD issent dead ;D" lethalgod wrote: maybe it's just me but.. detonate dead doesn't get affected by spell dmg.. so ur sceptre is pretty crappy on DD dmg... Also, how do u ignite so much.. without chance to ignite u get like what.. 25% chance? isn't that low? DD gem was based before on purely corpse detonation that did only scale on elemental, now DD offers a flat fire dps bonus aswell on detonation that scales from both spell and elemental. elemental is still king but spell damage helps. ignite is very often since the way aoe hitting multible mobs and concing the acculy explotion for damage while prolif gem aint effected by conc effect and spreads the massive ignite very good. " also a very viable option, i find however with nerf of COD the travel with getting IR is acceptable since u use abit more points, but gain more life es, evade, res. and that 20% aoe dos a huge impact on clearing speed.+ as bonus u need the dex from passive points or gear. " defently a good point and viable option, the burn damage gem aint a game changer.. but since i mainly focus on burn + hc(ref) point i never tested empower, never the less u cud be rigth its a better option my twitch http://www.twitch.tv/jauer_poe im sometimes forgetness full and forget to turn it on... also use alot of time in town trading or crafting... The jauer indexer
erebus reaver: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/708066
flameblaster:http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/963565 CI Magicfinder:http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/962440 THEJAUER SHOP INDEX mirrorservice tread: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/315870 regular gear:http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/975715 endgame gear: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/777082 jewlery gems flasks: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/734910 Uniques: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/975692 Magic find servicehttp://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/981295 Thanks agein to G4D(goat for dinner) for agein delivering a nice graphix for my guide... IGN jauertemplar Jauershadow Last edited by Jauer#2388 on Feb 20, 2015, 5:11:10 PM
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IGN jauertemplar
Jauershadow |
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Last edited by Drevvska#5067 on Feb 15, 2015, 3:40:18 PM
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Is EE really necessary, and the time it takes to cast the spell totem? Burn damage alone seems more than enough in this build to clear easily, but then you have not taken Holy Fire, which I am not sure why not? I go very lucky early on in torment though and got a shavs drop, so I can just stay in the top of the tree, stack every fire node there. |
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Just started this build up. Can't wait to go on this journey with you! :)
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added 2 part of video guide.
IGN jauertemplar
Jauershadow |
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" no and yes u can comletly ignore it doing mapping and just use it for high life/res mobs/bosses.. also while lvling it will give u a very handy dps boost.. where the effort of applying is lower.. u can also just run a arc self cast for the purpuse... or use blind or..... IGN jauertemplar
Jauershadow |
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added reflect section
IGN jauertemplar
Jauershadow |
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added ref map video
IGN jauertemplar
Jauershadow |
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Nice guide!
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