1.3 Searing Bond - Beginners Self Found Path into 66 Maps/Piety Farm

(English isn't my primary language , be kind)

Hi guys , this is a beginner friendly(self found) path into starting endgame content 66maps(+piety farm).

Road leads to : Dungeon boss room + Living Blood Blue Pack( and Concealing Blood Elemental)


Searing Bond+Increased Burn Dmg+Item rarity in +2(+3) Sceptre

SELF Casting Enduring Cry
CWDT+immortal+increased duration
Leap Slam(works with sceptres)


Bandits: Oak,Kill,Oak/kill
tip:Shockwave totem + cull + item rarity / replace item rarity with empower on the sceptre

1.Marauder -> pick up Static Strike skill gem + 2hander Mace(slowest atk speed=best)

Buy 2 coral rings (mule a witch for extra wisdom scrolls and 2 blue gems)
Buy 1 mana Regen Amulet
Buy 1 leather belt(+hp)

skill tree

tip: pick up Decoy Totem from Breaking Some Eggs

Use decoy totem when you are faceing blue/dangerous/boss/etc.

pick up IRON RINGS if you find em.
upgrade gear as you find better.

Blue/Yellows USE wisdom scroll on them.
DON'T activate the FREEZE ones.

2.Kill your way to Brutus.
Make sure you have 2 coral rings by this point.Have 2 medium life flasks.atleast 1 portal scroll.
Try to get in a party for the kill.

Open portal after you enter boos room and when you need to refresh flasks go town and come back.

tip: pick up Leap Slam Gem.

3.Caves of Wrath/Anger (Merv Fight)
Buy 2 Cold Resist Rings + 1 Fire Resist Ring.
(you can trade 1 iron ring+1 gem for a resist ring. blue for cold , red fire)

tip:pick up +life gained on hit gem. if you have 2 reds linked add it to leap slam.

Equip 1 Fire + 1 Cold thru the caves.
Equip 2 Cold for the Boss Fight.

tip: try to party with other ppl for the kill.
(pressing S then Public Parties tab will links available ones.)

skill tree

Act 2. (assuming you are abit more experienced now will speed up the pace)

tip: check up zones in http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Path_of_Exile_Wiki

Blood Magic Keystone.
Pick up a better 2hander from vendor.
(not worth spending currency to upgrade gear.at this point.)

tip: Keep an eye out for 20% elemental magic sceptre(blue).
Save up good +life+resists shields you might find.

Quest Rewards : HELP OAK

Enduring Cry Gem and start using it.(you will keep using it till 66+)
If league is NEW pick up melee splash gem(or added fire). i can sell for up to 1c

Skip Weaver till you do the western(+kill alira).
you will have few more lvls(+1lvl from The Way Forward).
Try to team up with players for boss kills.

Keep using Enduring Cry teamed up with Decoy Totem.

skill tree

tip: youtube vaal fight just to understand the mechanics.

Act 3.
Rush First Quest (Lost in Love.)
Have 2 Fire and 2 Lightning Rings.(create another shadow char and get 2 green gems .trade them for lightning resist rings.)
Fire for clearing , lightning for boss fight.


MOST of the SearingBond dmg comes from LVLING the gem itself. if any point in time you feel like the dmg its slowed down go back and keep gridning till you get next gem lvl.

tip: Spell damage has NO effect on searing bond dmg.

Have 1x20% Elemental Magic Sceptre , 1x Fire Resist Ring ,1x Alteration Orb.
Sell them to get +1 Fire Gems Sceptre.
Chrom it for a red Socket.

Drop Searing Bond - Run thru mobs- Drop Searing on top of mobs.
Learn to use it in the zone ahead.(very good for scouting.blocking doors etc)

After you pick up Ancestral Bond Keystone you will be able to use 2 searing bonds totems.
You can use them together. or combined with the decoy totem to help you with boxes.etc.

Quest Rewards: pick up Fire Penetration(if you wanna switch to FlameTotem later on)

Work your way thru the act.
Watch Piety/Dominus kill videos on youtube.
Learn the fights.
Have Portal scrolls. try to even out resists at 50%++.

tip: Use fire,Lightining rings for piety fight. AVOID her BLUE FORM.try to LOS with the pillars.

Use Lightning and Fire resist rings for the dominus fight. Try to LOS with the wall on the bottom.
Use decoy totem+searing bond together to tank/dmg the boss in his second form.

skill tree


Have 2 Cold Resist Rings and Rush Mercy Mission.
Take : Increased Burn damage gem from the quest.

link it with Sb in the sceptre.
*find a white/blue 20% elemental dmg sceptre with 2reds linked and do the vendor recipe again"

Try to pick up better resists rings.amulet.shield.gear.
DON'T CHANGE your main hand weapon unless you find +2 fire gems one.

Bandits:Kill All

Quest Rewards: Vulnerability.start using it.
Immortal call from Brutus fight.
Spell Totem/Life Leech/Minion totem resistance all of them sell to other players.

skill tree

quest rewards: pick up reduce mana gem.


Try to max/overcap your resists. (you get 40%+ of the tree , if needed pick some of the +12% near marauder start)
use AR/ shield.

Bandits: Kill all or Help Oak. If you are using enduring cry always (<-you should) then help oak

When you get a +1 fire sceptre 3linked you can BUY item rarity from another player and link it with searing.

Skill Tree Before Starting Meeps

(take the endurance charge and the regen and spec out of the +10 str above)


Last edited by Vlad_x#4887 on Dec 16, 2014, 10:13:53 PM
Farming Zones For 60+

Barracks > Docks.

Make sure you have 1 Granite Flask and keep Endurance Charges up.
Docks get fire resist mobs and while Searing doesn't benefit from fire pen
it will check for the npc fire resist.


Lunaris 2 -> 3 (NO piety unless you can!)

Lunaris 3 specialy good exp combined with narrow paths where searing will be efficient in dealing its dmg.
(carefull with Kole. smart use of decoy totem , LOS and granite flask + general tankyness of the build with charges up will make killing him ..easy)

Carefull with blue/large packs of miscreations, smart leap slam combined with granite and endurance charges will keep you up.

tip: Before engageing large packs of miscreations or general blue packs,
use 1 skill(with bm lowers your hp slightly to be able to use a hp pot /you cant use hp pot unless missing life) and prop a 11seconds hp flask.
that will add its regen on top of your 180hp/s for 10s or so. makeing you almost invulnerable to physical.

64+ Lunaris+Piety kills.

Resist capped. 1 Lightining flask + 1 Cold Flask.
Drop SB on top of BLUE circles.
Leap Slam after Piety.
Use lightning flash when she does storm. use Cold when she's in ICE form.

66+ Lib+Archives. My Fav zone by far.

Small rooms + narrow paths. ideal for searing.
boss can have good drops.
100+ rarity that can be obtained with aurseize gloves+IIR gem.

Fire Trap+chance to ignite+Ele Prolif to get the 25% added dmg against ignited targets.(if specced for it)
Trap+Shock Nova+Ele Prolif if you have EE.(shock last less then ignite + extra points to pick up EE)
Trap+Cold Snap+Ele Prolif if you have EE + 3Dragons.

(had coil + alpha drop for me in archives.)

CWDT setup with Immortal and Increased Duration.(if you are efficient in keeping charges up Ic might be the wrong choice.)
180+ hp/s.

Save currency and build a proper endgame build :D
(while SB it can do mid tier maps isn't efficient in large spaces.)

tip: you should google "youtube ZiggyD Procurement" and watch the videos

tip2: After abit of currency and general know-how you can switch to FlameTotem(when you can affort 5L+)(have the gems ready and hopefully leveled atleast the FT)
[1.3 VIDEO GUIDE]PoE Beginners Build: The Dual Flame Totem, Blood Magic Manly Marauder[HC/SC Viable] by LiftingNerdBro

tip3: buy Searing Touch and Belly of the Beast and keep this char for farming Piety/Dominus.
Its always nice to have a backup char that just won't die to almost anything.
BM gem + Searing + increased burn dmg + empower
BM gem + fire trap + chance to ignite + ele prolif(if specced for increased burn dmg on the ignited targets)
BM + Trap + Flame Surge + Fire Pen + Empower for added ST dps
BM + shockwave+cull+item rarity
can run Vitality+Determination

tip :3 resists auras+vitaliy with alpha and 14% mana reducion+20 mana gem - the side cluster near ancestral bond
This way you can focus on gear with +hp and +Chaos resist.

Hopefully by now you are experienced enuff that you can switch to more glass cannon type builds.


Personal Challenge : try atziri with +3 sceptre sb+burn+empower / phoenix / belly
vitality+3 resist auras and over capped for chaos.
Last edited by Vlad_x#4887 on Dec 17, 2014, 11:00:58 AM

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