Order of the frozen sky * explored * + rip vids
The damage of this buff is to high even whit 75% resistance
It also hit you off screen * so no way to avoid proof of that is here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T-SB6NN6lTU&feature=youtu.be As u can see even one deals a nice amount of damage now wen u put this buff on a pack of 4 mobs its still possible to do it ( tough hard ) but we are playing bloodline whit mob packs up-to 12 mobs lets see what effect this has http://www.twitch.tv/karvarouskugaming/c/5686438 and this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=65ercLqiPME right lol getting the point now ? but that's not all do u know the TORA mission ? U need to kill 11-50 blue mobs that are in the map or in a small underground cellar And o boy wen they have the ORDER OF THE FROZEN SKY MOD 50x instant video 1 damage on your face ! if u got any other video,s plz link them here and i will incl them in the main post ! p.s there is no way around this ( even if peeps claim there is ) its Russian roulette out there ! Update : spoke to a chat mod inside the poe game ( he told me he would contact a dev about this problem ) way,s to fix ( offered by comunity ) 1 by pneuma
Another possible solution is to have the damage ramp up over time
This could be accomplished by having the base damage on the icicles be lower and have them apply a "-5% max cold resist" stacking debuff ~10 times per second. Might need to reduce the freeze chance significantly as well since freeze would be even more powerful in the face of exponential damage ramp. 2 by Kyouhen
My suggestion is to change it so they cast it when they take damage. Hitting them all with a massive AoE would still have the potential to murder you horribly but at least you'd have enough time to see they're there.
3 by keyarchan Another solution would be a visible delay, like ones you get from the Undying Evangelists spell, that would give you a brief moment to move out of the way. @dragnar <<< ingame or pm me Last edited by dragnar#5819 on Dec 16, 2014, 12:50:57 PM
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yike < i know right LOL
@dragnar <<< ingame or pm me
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Not being able to stack would be the best solution I think. If the damage gets nerfed significantly, it will just be easy in most cases.
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Not being able to stack would definitely help.
Another possible solution is to have the damage ramp up over time, so if you react quickly you can get out of there, but if you're afk braindead and standing in the icicles, they'll exponentially ramp up and melt you. This could be accomplished by having the base damage on the icicles be lower and have them apply a "-5% max cold resist" stacking debuff ~10 times per second. Might need to reduce the freeze chance significantly as well since freeze would be even more powerful in the face of exponential damage ramp. Whatever they change, I hope they do it quickly. |
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" i hope so to i levled from lvl 60 - 66 farming hillock no way am i entering maps / lvl 60 + zone,s 1 rip is enough .... @dragnar <<< ingame or pm me
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" These are the kinds of thoughts that should be going through the devs heads when introducing any dangerous mechanic. Whenever i think of a dangerous enemy effect to put into my current WiP game Samsara, i always think of multiple ways to implement it and then ask around and get peoples opinions on which implementation would be the most enjoyable. |
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ah, why do I even bother to take hc leagues seriously in the beginning? They can be such a waste of time and energy. One month to fix it, the league is done by then...
/sadface GGG listens to its fans!!! Thank you!
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There is a big difference between playing a game that is difficult, and playing the lottery. This rip was just bad luck, and has no place in a "game"
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added new rip video from Reddit
also not been patched today ( guess i wont play tomorrow ) TY GGG took time off to try and compete whit the ladder got ripped by this lame shit @ lvl 70 and got alvl 66 w8ting to play gave up on high ladder position now TY @dragnar <<< ingame or pm me Last edited by dragnar#5819 on Dec 15, 2014, 11:51:06 PM
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