Guildomercials For A More Functional Guild

The following is a collection of what I like to call “Guildomercials” that I have used or are still using for my guild, in order to make it more functional. If you use these, for your own guild, please try not to cram all this down their throats all at once. Spam is to be fed slowly and in small portions. You’re guild members won’t complain much, especially if they see what you are doing for your guild.

I created a document by which to copy and past into game from. It's that easy.

I hope these help give you all some ideas as far as what kind of cool stuff you can offer your guild, too. If you come up with some cool shit, please share!

Here we go:

The first two are part 1 and 2 of the same spam.

Welcome aboard. Please check out our guild stash which is located near your stash. Everything except the sales tabs and the currency tab is free. The gems you keep and the gear you return when ur done with it. Just ask an officer or me to get whatever you need out and do not be afraid to ask. I would rather it be used than sit in the stash. Do not think because you are new you should not request items.

We also have a cool website at which is full of info and resources especially for newer players. If you want to post to our forums, you will need to register at guildlaunch then apply to guild on site then wait for my approval. Our website address and Teamspeak info is always on the top of your guild tab.

ATTENTION we have a website at which is full of information for you guys. It also has forums, where you can read up on things or share stuff with others. Our site is being very underused and I feel you all can benefit from it a lot more than you are. If you want to post to our forums, you will need to register at guildlaunch then apply to guild, on site, and wait for me to approve. I worked very hard on this site, and if you have not checked it out, at least, please do.

WE NOW HAVE TEAMSPEAK. It is a free voice chat program that can be quickly downloaded and installed and easily set up. It is nice to not have to type and actually talk to people which is why I like it. If you have a microphone please join our Teamspeak. Go take the link on our site home page (Uncle Sam button) and be on within 5 minutes. Our Teamspeak info is always posted on the guild tab header along with our website address.

ATTENTION There are “Easy rules to play by” stickied on our news forum of our website at If you have not already familiarized yourself with them, please do so. They are not ridiculous rules nor are they tyrannical. They are just there to help keep order in this guild so please respect and follow them at all times. Rule #7 is the most important so please memorize it so when you are old and senile you still remember it to your dying day ;-)

ATTENTION we are having a one hour race contest, today, at 5PM Central. The prize, on Standard, is an Exalted Orb. The prize, on Rampage, is a Queen of the Forest Destiny Leather, which can be viewed in the last tab, called Race Prize For Sunday. Winner may choose which league to receive prize on. For more information please see our news forum of our site. It is the announcement, at the top.

I HAVE A LIST OF UNIQUES I am purchasing, for this guild, on Standard, which we tend to run low on that I need to stock back up on. I am paying 1C each for them. I have 4 threads, on page 1 of the official POE Standard Buying trade forum. Please go check them out and see if you have any of these items and would like to sell them to the guild and make you some C. Page 1 of Standard Buying forum.

ATTENTION for those of you who do not know, I 3L or 4L and color worthy items (not low level or shit items) for free for guild members with our guild currency, which is raised by selling stuff out of our “For Sale” tabs. Please feel free to take advantage of this and hit me up in a whisper with the item that you need crafted linked in the message so I can look at it. Harder color rolls may not be successful but I will try at least 15 rolls on them regardless.

ATTENTION we have an “Adopt a Gem” tab. If you have extra sockets, you grab gems out of this tab and use those empty holes to level gems for the guild so we can then have two whole tabs of leveled gems to offer for members. Please deposit leveled gems (prefer level 15+) in our Donations & Returns tabs. Just ask me or an officer to get you gems. If you're not using your weapon switch (x) option, please purchase a 3S weapon and shield and equip them on your switch and fill those up with 6 gems to level.

STANDARD FOR SALE TABS (Mort Mart) have been appraised and priced on our site members forum-stickied. All prices are as low as I could get them for members. No more having to ask me what something is priced anymore! If this was worth taking the time for me to do, I will also do this for next temp league. Go look!

The guild needs points for 1 new tab, to bring us up to 45. We currently have 0 points available and need 50 more to be able to get 1 more tab. Any donation from 5 points and up is greatly appreciated. To donate points go to the guild shop area, of the POE site. To buy point packs, take the Buy Packs option from the Shop menu. Your name will be added to our donors list on both our site and the recruitment thread, in recognition.

These two go together too and I edit the second as needed.

WE NOW HAVE two new tabs, which are chaos item donation tabs. Please place all item level 60+ shit rare items you can in these tabs. Item level is completely different from “required level” and if you do not know how to find out an item level, I have a sticky posted with more information about these tabs on our news forum on our site at, complete with screenshots in the very short tutorial. Please do not leave this shit on the ground anymore!

We are especially in need of the following shit rare items: gloves, boots, rings, amulets and helms. Instead of vendoring these or leaving them on the ground please deposit them in the chaos recipe item donations tabs. Please check our chaos recipe tabs, on standard, to see what items we are low on before you farm, plz. If you need portal/wisdom scrolls, plz ask an officer or me.

GUILD TRADING in guild chat is fine to do. I totally approve of it. However, I expect bro-dealing on items and on currency current fair market exchanges apply. I think that having our own economy, within this guild, will benefit us, if we do it correctly. BTW bro-deals do not mean buyer should expect substantial discounts. Lower than market values are sufficient. Bro-deals or no deals when it comes to items please. Do not spam trade items or currency more than once per hour.

BY THE WAY the free 5L items are for you all to craft and keep if you want to. I only need them back if you did not craft them into something better. So, take them and make your characters better, by all means. Also, feel free to craft up (socket, link and color) any free items you get out of the stash and if you want to keep them after that, that is fine.

ATTENTION It is now MANDATORY to make all free stash item requests, before contacting us in-game, on our new site forum, ITEM REQUESTS. There are explicit directions, for doing so, on a sticky thread, on that forum. You will need to register at guildlaunch then apply to guild in upper left of our home page. Because you will have to wait for my approval on application, DO IT NOW, in case I am not on to approve. Our site address is always at the top of your guild tab.

This new system is not to deter you from requesting items. I still want you to use them as much as you can. It is in place to make requesting go smoother and to track items leaving the stash better. This does not mean you cannot keep any items you take which you grow attached to. If you keep them, no big deal. Use them for a new character. If you return them, even better.

The guild needs blacksmith whetstone, armourer scrap, bauble & scroll donations so I can top off our Upgrade Quality tab. If you can afford to donate any amount of those, please drop them in any yellow tab.

OUR UGRADE QUALITY tab, on standard, contains whetstones, scraps, baubles, portal and wisdom scrolls free for when you need them. Limit one stack of each, per member request. Just a reminder that all stash free item requests are to be done on our Item Request forum, on our site, from now on. Directions for requests are stickied on that forum. Our site address is always on top of your guild tab.

While we have room, on the roster, head to our site and like us on Facebook, in the upper right of the home page, and maybe get some of your Facebook friends to play and join the guild, too. Be sure and put a comment on your like, so your friends and family can see what it’s all about. No one, including myself, will be able to view your profile or even Avatar. It’s discreet on the site.

I would love to see more Daily Master and Map farming done, as a guild, here. If you want to start a group, for either, please feel free to announce it in guild chat and form groups. The same goes for lower leveling groups or offered rushes.

ATTENTION FOR MORE SPAM Trolling in guild chat will stop immediately, from now on. I appreciate people trying to be funny but this is being taken too far, lately. I would appreciate it if it were done in much better taste, if anything.

ATTENTION: Our first wealth building workshop will be Saturday night at 7PM Central. We are going to have multiple speakers on how to gain wealth, in several ways, in this game. No mic is required to come listen and if you have a question you can always type chat in Teamspeak. Please attend this workshop whether you need to learn or have something you can share with us. More information is announced on our News Forum.

I just want everyone to know that the free guild stash items are ok to keep if you must. If you crafted them up better or are just attached to them in other ways feel free to keep them. If you return them, when ur done, even better though.

Good luck!
Last edited by FusionReactor#3376 on Dec 18, 2014, 7:03:35 PM

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