Crackmonster's Hybrid Aegis Mjölner HoT-AutoCursing Headhunter - God of Thunder

The Shield of Zeus is called Aegis. The rulers of heaven are also generally the most potent gods, some of which are Sindra, Zeus and Thor. Thor may not be the highest of the gods in norse mythology, but he steals the show, because rulers of heaven, gods of thunder are always the prime gods, who are naturally associated with the highest of power. The Latin Name for Heaven, the Universe and the world is Caelum.

This is CaelumRex, Heavenly King.


This build is an aegis tank focused around maximizing aegis for automatic survival, a very relaxing build to play, without usual frustrations for those who just wanna chill out and mindless grind, it is extremely safe in 98% of content. It is however a very expensive build that also requires legacy gear to function fully, and i don't recommend trying it without very good gear.

I've always wanted to build a proper Aegis Aurora build, and this latest build has worked out very well, so i thought i'd share it. It's my favorite build thus far in my poe time, i really enjoy it.

The build actually has no dedicated offensive passive skill points whatsoever. How then could it ever be a good build to play, how will it not be a snail? The answer is simple. Mjölner + Herald of Thunder with two curses.

- Generally very relaxing and frustration free
- Can do pretty much anything outside of totally insane combos

- The gear is very expensive
- Uses legacy Aegis Aurora


I've uploaded some videoes. They are nothing special, and plenty of mistakes in there etc, i just wanted to show how it plays. Also rather crap quality, but whatever.

Dock runs
Just some Dock runs, bit of everything in here.

78 Unid Courtyard
Just to show regular farming speeds in higher maps.

Vaal Constructs They shooting at me
Wasn't satisfied coz i almost died in the full run to vaal constructs. I normally just facetank them, and still haven't died to them, but came really close there. So yea, uploaded another clip to show how it looks when it goes better.

Atziri Apex of Sacrifice Full run
it should be said that this build is not optimal for atziri runs, she hits hard enough that your pool can't always sustain enough non-blocks in a row, so you may die sometimes. It is still extremely easy to do atziri on this character, at least the normal version, stress free. Did 26 atziri's after leveling this character to 91, but no hope dropped so i've no idea how it fares against über.

Build and gear(not perfect):

With this gear at level 91 i have:

2514 Life
4657 ES
7171 Life + ES

38534 Armour (1541 ES restored per block)
Cannot be stunned
Cannot be Frozen

The level 100 guideline build (all bandits killed)

A few words on gearing:

First let me say i've never tried this character with bad gear, and honestly i'm not gonna spend time planning out a cheap version, i just wanted to show the build. If someone ever tries a cheaper version i'd love to hear how it goes though.

There are primarily 2 weaknesses to this build, which can be pretty much covered with insane gear. The two weaknesses are elemental reflect and chaos resistance.

Chaos damage is your primary bane. Being a life/es hybrid you will be sitting at 2.5k life most likely for a long time. That life can vanish very quickly by a few chaos sources in the game. One is zombies cloud, it's actually the biggest monster chaos damage i've come across. The second, and most dangerous thing for you ever, is chaos clouds from strongboxes. with -60% resistance i tried in a 76 multiplayer game to die in less than half a second from full hp to such a cloud, so getting chaos resistance is very important. I'm at 11% right now and i've no big problems with it, but i still need to be aware of it. I died 2-3 times to that blasted thing, annoying, but can be handled.

For reflect in 98% of cases a topaz flask + rumis is more than enough, but it is possible to reserve purity of lightning on life when your chaos resistance gets high enough. That is what i am working on right now, it will put your top resistances at 84% fire, 82% lightning, 80% cold and 72% chaos, pair that with almost 40k armour and suddenly you are taking huge reductions from everything meaning that even if your pool isn't gigantic, it actually equals a fairly large pool.

Additional tips:

I recommend using this autohotkey script to always use shift when right-clicking, if using lightning strike on right-click. It makes lightning strike function the way it should have always functioned, never running to spots it got 2-4 times the range required to hit.

Autohotkey Lightning Strike
Sendinput, {Shift down}{RButton down}
keywait, RButton
Sendinput, {RButton up}{Shift up}

I am the light of the morning and the shadow on the wall, I am nothing and I am all.
Last edited by Crackmonster#7709 on Nov 26, 2014, 6:14:19 PM
I am the light of the morning and the shadow on the wall, I am nothing and I am all.
What are bandit rewards and where are you getting the dex to equip the helm?
I get Dexterity from the belt only, and i pick passive skill points as all 3 bandit rewards.

EDIT: around the marauder area there are a few ways you can reach the rest of the tree, one way is to go through 2 dex notes if you want instead, ultimately it's better to go through more str/int, but that may be best at low level.
I am the light of the morning and the shadow on the wall, I am nothing and I am all.
Last edited by Crackmonster#7709 on Nov 26, 2014, 6:15:54 PM
Hi, do you think it is viable to use a spell instead of an attach to use aegis? i.e. freezing pulse to utilize the high maximum cold resist. Or SRS a skill that does not need many nodes to be effective. WIll those spells produce a higher damage output?

What is your opinion on this?

Thank you.
Maybe you'll be able to use something like SRS, because it's so overpowered. I think it's going to be very very difficult to scale a hardcast spell to do good, because that usually requires many passive points and often crit nodes and everything.

SRS is quite powerful and that might work, only things that are so powerful they do well even without passives nodes really work, else you'll be really slow at clearing.
I am the light of the morning and the shadow on the wall, I am nothing and I am all.
Well it was funny while it lasted, it may not have looked like much but this was a real beast build.

Ah well, 1.3 passives gonna wreck it, i won't even try building it again.
I am the light of the morning and the shadow on the wall, I am nothing and I am all.

it would be possible to post the build on the new tree ?

thank you in advance :)
sorry for double post :)
Last edited by bisto76s#1323 on Dec 13, 2014, 9:52:18 AM
Hi, Can I have a new passivetree for this build?
IGN: iSteven_K

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