Alternative way to Infernal Blow: "Volcano" marauder - 1.3 UPDATED + new videos


Hey guys!

Here I am with an updated version of my Volcano infernal blow marauder - all your suggestion's are very welcome and I will include them in the last chapter, and will try as many of them as possible - character is on standard right (was originally created on rampage) now so I can play around with the build a little bit

It's not a cheapest nor the best build but it's SO MUCH FUN to play that I decided to share it with you guys.


Build Showcase:

Dominus kill: - bosses without additinal mobs around take a little bit more time to kill as you can see here


The main idea is to build around burning damage from explosion while using Doryani's Catalyst sceptre and Gang's Momentum as our main unique items. I'm also using Devoto's Devotion to boost our kinda low attack speed, increased movement speed and cool mercury footprints (ofc).

Here's my full gear:



I've picked Avatar of Fire and Unwavering Stance for keynodes, grabbed lot's of life, elemental and fire damage.

Full passive skill tree


Remember! You can always resign from some of the life or shield nodes I got to further boost your damage, also Blast Radius node is also worth considering.


I use Herald Of Ash and Anger to increase damage output and either Determination for defenses or Haste for more attack speed if the map is not a dangerous one.

While using determination and granite flask that also increases my armour rating I'm getting all the way up to 30k armor so that's quite nice imo!

When it comes to my CWDMT setup I'm using CWDT at level 6 with enduring cry and molten shell and CWDT at level 12 with Immortal Call, Decoy Totem and Summon Skeleton (not necessary but I had a free spot so I decided to give it a shot and it's actually sometimes useful do distract enemies when totem is alrdy destroyed.


Peterlerock suggested that Pyre Unique Ring will be useful

PigeonSmasher suggested getting lightning coil (got that 6 link armour chest and as I'm not gonna play this character anymore I probably won't bother getting lightning coil) and dual Doryani's (a great idea to get more damage - but personally I'd just rather keep up with the shield for more defences)

Pre 1.3
Hey guys

I made this one without high hopes, but he turned out to be my best character so far

Here's the video presenting the build + some gameplay

NEW VIDEO after fixing some of the issues

My passsives

My items


Still need better rings, but I ran out of currency

It's not typical IB with melee splash, I wanted to concetrate on the explosion itself and burning damage

I'm looking forward to your feedback !
Last edited by Vargun#4852 on Jan 1, 2015, 4:06:01 PM

One tends to equate Infernal blow with using melee splash, but when you get that fire damage high enough it isn't necessary. For a start it frees up a support slot, and because you aren't exploding all the corpses, just the target you can use ele prof effectively. Splash is still amazing with IB, but you need enough damage to kill the initial mob quickly.

One thing I would suggest from watching your video is if you can afford it get a 5 link lightning coil and drop the shield for another Doryani's. Noticed you were taking some hefty phys damage and LC is worth losing the 6l to help with that. You'd gain more dps by going dual Dory's and shouldn't lose much in the way of block and life. Dory's is the best weapon for corpsplosions so it makes sense to use two of them.

Have you thought about dropping RT and picking up some crit nodes? Corpse explosions can't miss and have 7% crit chance, so you only need to hit for the initial kill.

Can I also suggest you pick up whispers of doom? It's only four points on your tree and if you used a dual curse on hit setup you'd hugely increase your fire penetration and could drop the fire pen support. Fully maxed out Curse on Hit + Flammability+ Ele. Weakness gives 106 fire pen on hit.

Good luck.

ps I never thought of linking cold to fire with hatred! you how damage does that add for you? *edit* just tested out, the % cold converted to fire damage doesn't apply when linked to hatred. Needs to be linked to your attack skill.
Last edited by PigeonSmasher#7581 on Nov 16, 2014, 5:51:33 AM
Hi! Actually I've just done some shopping and updated my equipment:


It shreds the enemies like crazy now with that increased as and more chance to ignate frome Gang's, the dp's on the tooltip is 11.5k now so the first target goes dow significantly faster - and 20% more movement speed from the helmet rocks!

I'm thinking about going double doryani's - gonna buy the second one and try it out

Instead of going fot whispers of the doom I'll go for doedre's damning.

Also I'll pick up holy fire and chance to ignite passive next to it

And when it comes going crit - without RT my chance to hit goes down to 60%, so I would have to do some bigger changes to my eq, but I will surely consider thath.

Last edited by Vargun#4852 on Nov 16, 2014, 6:49:01 AM
Craft gemcutter boxes. At least with the trans+aug you found in the map, don't open them white. Sometimes you get lucky and gems get quality for free. ;)

You take a bit too much damage for my taste in the video.
The first couple Retches cut through your 5k health like butter.

Is it really worth it dropping the faster attacks gem?
You attack pretty slow, as there is no relevant Attackspeed in your skilltree.

About the build:

You can cut Sovereignty and another mana reserve node.
If you don't use your mana for anything, you don't need more "reduced mana" than absolutely necessary.

I'd take "Baptism by Light" instead (remove two 8% fire damage nodes for it).
10% life and 48% damage for 4 points should provide better results.

About gear:
The Atziri belt (fire version) would be nice. Another 1% fire leech.
You also need 30%+ weapon elemental damage on the rings.
The amulet looks nice, but again, weapon elemental damage would be stronger.
You could even search for a corrupted amulet with 1% fire leech.

Your Cast when damage taken setup can be improved.
I'd suggest:
CWDT Lvl 8-10 + Enduring Cry + Curse + increased AoE
CWDT Lvl 20 + Immoratl Call + Molten Shell + increased Duration
3.5 build:
Last edited by Peterlerock#5171 on Nov 16, 2014, 7:30:32 AM
The atziri belt is great idea, just bought it.

Physical damage nodes ain't that good for me, %fire damage boosts the initial hit as well as the explosion - and I'm focusing on boom boom - same reason I prefer to have less %fire damage than more %wep ele dmg

When it comes to AS I've boosted it with Devoto's Devotion and haste (instead of hatred) so it's pretty sweet now
Here's another Unique that could be interesting for you.
Especially since you don't go crit, the up to 10% ignite is amazing.
And the up to 30% fire damage and attackspeed should help as well.

A very good roll will probably still cost <10 chaos.

I'm currently playing around with a crit version of an Avatar of Fire Double Sceptre build, when you're interested, here's a link.
3.5 build:
Last edited by Peterlerock#5171 on Nov 16, 2014, 8:20:46 PM
Does "weapon elemental dmg" rly buff this build?

And also, I don't really understand why Herald of Ash is necessary for this build?
Last edited by sina92#2481 on Nov 21, 2014, 3:53:50 PM
sina92 wrote:
Does "weapon elemental dmg" rly buff this build?

He's only doing fire damage, of course this is like the ideal gem.


And also, I don't really understand why Herald of Ash is necessary for this build?

More AoE, more fire damage, little reservation. Perfect gem.
3.5 build:
I started this build but i have some question:
There are many gems that this build needs but when i finished a quest i have only one choise to get a gem. How can i get the other gems? I mean: i have one choise but i need 2 or 3 gems from an actualy question. So how do i know what i have to choise, what is the ranking?


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