Papy calypse, coc cycloner/double auto curse/glacial hammer
Finally decided to do a build of my own. A bit clunky at first but it's getting pretty solid now. So why not share it to see if others like it, comment it or already play similar stuff. ![]() The idea was to use pillar to get big aoe with a coc build. So I choose templar for early access to area of effect nodes. Could work with witch and shadow pretty easily, maybe scion too. I also had no templar and no one can whirl with his coc in parties like the old perv (damn I had to do that one).
The tree
Passive skill tree build Quite self explanatory, area, crit, shield, elemental damage, ghost reaver, power charges... And that damn long trek to vaal pact. No spell damage because it doesn't work on herald and a bit for glacial too. Next levels will probably be more ES.
The main deeps
At first I chose this weapon because i misscalculated ^^ the range bonus. But now that the build is more defined, it's kinda bis. The damage of the build, as for any coc build is very very good. As long as i have packs for my cyclone I'm probably around 100k damage, and when I say 100k damage, it's half of it almost instant full screen with ice nova. The bonus area is around 25% in my setup only from pillar, so cyclone hits from further, ice nova hits close to the whole screen and storm call area is probably close to a level 1 ice nova (+85% total for cyclone and ice nova, 65 for storm call). This bonus can't be found elsewhere, and is kinda worth loosing spell damage and crit bonuses. Also gives 25% attack speed with my gear, so as fast as it gets. Can be increased more with better gear. Not saying a mirrored staff won't do better, but pretty awesome for the price. But the problem of the build was single target. Like terribly awful single target damage, probably 8k with almost maxed gems. Crit isn't capped (yeah that's not a dagger there...) no bonus from any shield... but yep papy showed me the solution:
Yes 2nd 5 link. Why not, clear all the adds super fast with cyclone, and if the boss is still up fast swap and you get all the perks of a single target build. Staff can totally be better, but still decent and kinda cheap compared to equivalent with one hander/bow. Glacial takes advantage of staff bonuses and elemental damage from the tree. Not too much physical damage in my tree, but still enough to make 27k dps and freeze lots of stuff. Gems aren't maxed yet and no quality either. Can probably reach at least 35k. The supports are chosen to do as much damage as possible in one blow, to get the freeze effect. As it's only used on boss with no adds, if they're frozen, it's a free kill. Less damage on multistrike could be a problem to get the freeze, so for a 5l it's left out. Bonus points for the name of the staff. Now the defense.
I chose CI cause I like it, easy to gear up, don't care about all the smoke/poison or whatever. Can't really get tons of shield yet, still need to upgrade my gear and get a few more levels, but i'm at 5.1k shield. I'll probably aim for 6.5k.
There's no real defense other than shield and leech. Yes this is not an hardcore build. But if you're looking for something fun and fast it's way better than those tanky max dodge max block whatever. Could totally be done on evasion. But well not what I wanted to try. CI does't require as much investment in the tree as life and evasion so its a good idea to pump damage faster. The leech is got through warlord. A tiny bit unreliable sometimes, but saves a gem on the cyclone and gives hp AND mana and free endurance charges. That's really the gem that does all the work. Solves all the other problems. And as I'm lazy as fuck and want to go as fast as possible, i do it with the herald combo: Yep 3rd 5link. Well because... why not? Can't do that with your shield bro! And you get the 2nd curse for free. Which in my case is elemental weakness cause it helps a lot vs resistant mobs. Could use assassin's mark too, temporal chain... Herald procs all the time as I have way enough lightning damage, and cover the screen with the area bonus. I'm always in the middle of stuff, so that's never an issue. Yeah more bonus points for the name!
Regular immortal call combo, without the enduring cry as warlord gets the charges. I found increased duration more helpfull. And duration is good with vaal discipline which helps to get an ES reset in bad situations. Yep more bonus points. No I didn't choose it just for the name. Fate probably! Blood rage for free frenzy charges, a bit of leech but not gonna do much. Leap slam for movement. Firestorm is just a filler. Maligaro for the crits, obviously. For the auras: - discipline for more ES - herald of ice for added damage and the boom effect on death. If you kill one mob in a pack it will damage all the other ones, so you get like 5 or 10 proc per pack for 1-2k ish damage, usually instant depop of everything in range. And range is far from bad in this build. Totally fits in it. I linked rarity cause I'm pretty sure the boom kills a bunch of stuff and it's 0 multiplier. Proliferation can be good too, freezes more but kinda tough on mana. The boots aren't awesome, haven't dound an upgrade yet, need to change them anyway the name doesn't fit ^^. Necessary as the only thing that stops you are freezes. Still not an immunity but decent enough, and it has way better stats than dream fragments. Could be switched for dream + doriany cause doriany is pretty good too, but I decided to go for auxium. Not at all mandatory but really fits in the build. Can be replaced with any good amulet. Paid a little much for max stats, but as it looks a freaking awesome leveling unique, I'm pretty sure I'll use it again. At the end with pillar it's 6% area, 60 mana, 25% energy shield, 240 accuracy, 12% attack speed, some evasion and physical damage and the freedom to use whatever gem or gear you like. Pretty good shit there. Rings are just rares for more crits and resists. Guess which one I need to replace first. Flasks, so important... as papy always says, better live your whole life drunk!
Surgeon as much as possible. 1 mana pot is needed for when the leech doesn't work (no kill, no charge... desync like crazy and cyclone away from mobs...) Granit as a very decent mitigation vs small hits, you don't always freeze everything, so totally helps with small hits. Quicksilver for the speed, helps a lot to go around. I have a quicksilver of adrenaline. But then you go so fast you feel like you're playing flipper. Could be nice but I needed the unfreeze button. Atziri's for additional damage and leech. Diamond for whenever you need a good damage boost. Crit and spell crit isn't maxed, so it works very well.
Spells of choice
- ice nova, for the freeze, around 1.8k damage at the end.
- storm call, to take care of what survives ice nova, more damage Other options: - firestorm, great damage but not as much on a single target, does the same job as ice nova but without the freeze, still got one for cold res maps - cold snap, good freeze, good damage, a bit hard for charges probably what i'd put in a 6l but I prefered to split the damage to avoid cold resistance a bit. Other spells were not good enough. We could argue for discharge, as it's just 10 times the damage with full charges, but it really isn't sustainable. Couldn't make it work there. Support are usually not as good as another spell, even conc effect with it's 60% doesn't replace another spell there. Playing it is pretty simple. You can pretty much cyclone right click the whole map. Mana/granit/diamond when you meet a pack. Atziri when you meet reflect or for more damage. Diamond when things look bad and you need a big boost.
Can play all maps, not all map mods. Some bosses are a real pain, well... melee...
Blood magic is no, no curse is no, ele reflect is preferably not. You can do the rest but as you're right in the middle of stuff I advise against piling damage boost if you're in a leveling phase. Good thing is that you now love fractured, double boss, spinner of false hope, because the more target the best your dps is. Of course you love pack size even more, but well everybody loves pack size. The higher level maps are a bit thougher as you get less heralds proc on kills so it tanks your dps a bit more. Haven't tried atziri with this one. Probably hard as hell as for other melee builds. Maybe with top gear and more links. Bonus problem is that if you're gone too far with the cyclone, good luck stopping it before the flameblast. Other pros: - super fun to play - melee! (for those who like some change) - faster than any build I played - heats up the whole room (heavy on graphic card...) Other cons: - squishy - objects... so bad to get blocked by a stupid chair/chest or whatever, and die because you couldn't see why you stopped - desync... like a lot... makes squishy quite worse. Sometimes it's no problem and sometimes you better be lucky and keep right clicking even if you're not moving... Good point is that for most mobs, they need to get close, so as long as you spin, you leech and it's safe even when you don't see shit. This build started cheaply. Tabula, 4link solo curse, rare amulet... Can be deeply upgraded... Triple 6l... acuity for 10 points saved on tree... lowlife for blood rage and a shitload of usefull auras... Well I'm not there yet, maybe you are! Thanks for reading, don't hesitate to comment. That's my first melee-ish build. Oh and one last thing. Pillar is awesome, buy my pillar on xyz... (i need to craft a 6l one ^^). Last edited by Squirrel_of_doom#0086 on Nov 14, 2014, 6:11:44 PM
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looks like a nice build. I would like to see it in action
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Yeah, don't know what people use to do their videos. If someone explains an easy way to do it, I could try (if my laptop manages it...).
Got 90 today, dps is good even for 78s with gems almost at 20/20. Glacial gems are around 20/0 but does the job with almost 30k (not needed very often). Freezes warmonger or piety. Didn't try 78 bosses because I was playing it safe for leveling. |
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" Use OBS (Open Broadcaster Software) to make a video, it's free to use, good quality and no watermark. |
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Ok after:
- crashing poe. - lagging so hard that I just woke up in town. - clearing jungle valley with 0 recordiing (obs crashed). I finally managed to do a random coves map. Created a youtube account, uploaded it there. Took me a few tries too lol. Tadaaaaaaaaaa... Ok it's dark (yeah coves good choice), quality is quite ugly too. Any tips on video rendering would be appreciated. At least it shows a bit how the build works. I might fiddle a bit with obs later, but have to leave for now. Yup I also opened the worst carto ever. Forgot to chaos it, forgot to vaal it lol. Last edited by Squirrel_of_doom#0086 on Nov 18, 2014, 12:57:47 PM
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I've never liked coc storm call cause of the 1.5s delay. Have you ever tried flame surge? You just need a couple of fire damage on your equipment, so your cyclone crit also ignites, and flame surge will get the 50% more damage bonus. Other than that arc is also really good at killing stragglers.
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I tried arc. Didn't seems as good as storm call for damage. For blue packs or high hp mobs it will not do the same damage as I would get less targets hit. I found the delay ok as they all proc at the same time so i cast like 5 or 6 and there's only a small delay from the last cast to the global detonation. For stragglers yes arc will probably be as good or sometimes better and similar for bosses as the base damage is roughly the same.
For flame surge, i tried a level 1 gem at some point. but I find it pretty tiny, it's not even a cone, even freeze pulse seems bigger. What would be the advantage? Twice the damage but 5 times less aoe? I should probaly try to get more maxed spell gems to compare them all. I'll probably also buy a 6l pillar when I hit standard and play with 3 spells at all time. Tried to 6l myself but no luck and at 40/45 fus per exalt, it's close to a total waste of money. I could also add increased AOE to see what it does. Conc effect is just pretty inefficient there, for 60% more i'd rather add another spell which will do 50% more or less (depend which spell) and no area reduction. Last edited by Squirrel_of_doom#0086 on Nov 19, 2014, 2:52:05 PM
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Flame surge damage is just very good damage per hit, and since you only need to do a tiny amount of fire damage to ignite a mob, the +50% more damage is pretty reliable. I think excluding discharge and gmp spells, flame surge gives the highest shotgun damage. Cyclone into a rare, ice nova kills the room, flame surge focuses the mobs directly around and left standing.
In a 3rd slot with storm call and ice nova, my blue choices would be increased critical multiplier (more and longer duration status effects), added chaos (both spells have 100% effectiveness + good against reflect) or flame surge (again :P). For clearing low level stuff or soloing, increased aoe will probably be fun. Ice nova with 130% increased aoe is pretty beautiful :) My red choices: life leech or empower. My green choices: enhance or faster attacks. If you can't do reflect maps yet, I'd go for the red slot. Just done a -max ele reflect map on my rebuild coc discharger on standard, and being able to run ridiculous mods is such a major plus over my rampage casters. |
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I'll need to try and check the numbers.
Pillar is not really hard to color, especially with 3/4 blues. It's like <100 chroms for any setup. I'm not sure if crit multi would do enough damage boost to compete with another spell. Added chaos will not be scaled by heralds or elemental bonuses, so I think it would be subpar except for leech. I have vaal pact and 6.9% leech from warlord (nothing else). So i can leech the equivalent of 11% of reflect, i think I go over 14% with atziri flask so it's fine for regular maps. But I can't sustain it in 18% map, hard to have it always up, can't get surgeon on that. So yeah red geam seems appealing. I need to try with added chaos if it's enough i'll do blue cause it's totally overkill on leech outside of reflect maps and i'm not sure I can drop warlord cause it's also mana leech. On day i'll have acuity lol unless i'm bored to death before farming it. Faster attacks will not scale very good. I already have 60% atk speed increase (sadly pillar modifier is global :/) so it will be like +25%. Enhance seems a bit useless. So I think green is out. Spells have the bonus to not add any multiplier. I have enough unreserved mana for 4 cyclone at the moment. It's fine when i leech but sometimes it gets a bit clunky if my unreserved mana is too low, that would be the same issue with cyclone cost too high. I could even try discharge again, 130% aoe discharge with all charges types would be pretty sick, but only after getting 3rd curse and assassin's mark. Even then i'm not sure I would sustain it. So many things to try... |
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Ok tested the life leech.
It's good, I can do no curse now, even if it's not as if it wasn't there. I can do simple ele reflect too. But the very hard ones are still dangerous. I died a few times during tests. Something like reflect + shocking ground + added cold damage overcomes the 15% leech i get. Also heralds don't get the total leech and sometimes herald doesn't have time to tag all the pack. So it's doable, but sometimes hard and i have to back off a lot. At least I managed to clear it and that might become my way to do all the reflect in batch (funnier than doing it with another char). I don't get how you did -max + reflect unless you wear like safel, do only lightning and run a topaz or something like that. Tomorrow will be blue slot time! ^^ During the tests I also found that firestorm is really better than storm call for speed clearing mid level maps. If flame surge is decent as rare/boss killer I might run ice nova firestorm flame surge. |
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