[Beyond - HC LVL 82] Plastic's Cold Snap Support with Vid [Budget NO 5 Link]

Welcome! Thanks for taking the time to look at my build.

I created this build with a pure support character in mind designed to permanently freeze all mobs so that the map group can safely do even the hardest map mods/bosses.

Using 2 very affordable Unique items and what some would consider a strange Passive for a spellcaster; this character manages to make Cold Snap a Spammable spell with great base damage and huge freeze duration.

Core Item

Using this ring enables you to use cold snap several times in a row without a cooldown with low levels of crit. However, you will eventually crit and leave yourself with a spell that is on cooldown and rendering yourself useless for a short time. To remedy this problem I have speced into Resolute Technique on the skill tree so that I can never crit. Because you will almost always have capped Power Charges it is a good idea to pick up Conduit in the later levels to help your team.

Taryn's Shiver

Adding to the philosophy of a support character, along with great stats, is this staff. Because you will permanently freeze most if not all mobs, your entire party will gain a multiplicative damage bonus of 20% on top of the safety of the freeze itself.

Can you solo?
Absolutely. Even with really meh gear I can cruise through maps all the way up to mid 70's. I chose to leave my damage nodes as the last things I pick up in favor of the more supporty ones, so it will only get faster as I level. Double cold resist mobs can take a second to kill if you don't use a frostbite/ele weakness though.


The Build

Current (Level 81)

Level 100


Current Gear

As you can see, my gear is far from anything special. This build can be done on a very small budget and your map group will love you for it.


Vaal Lightning Trap

This may come as a... Ahem... Shocker, but I use this skill to apply shocked ground under high health/boss mobs. This allows freezes to last longer and adds another damage multiplier to your team. You can hold 3 charges, so a boss will be on shocked ground for a lengthy period if placed correctly.


I run Discipline, Clarity, and Herald of Ice. I use Discipline and Clarity to sustain a high level Arctic Armour and Herald of Ice for some added cold damage and Freeze Duration

AOE and Single Target

I use Cold Snap linked with Elemental Proliferation, Spell Echo, and Life Leech in the Taryn's Shiver for AOE. Cold Snap hits a lot of targets simultaneously so Life Leech is mandatory (Even if you want more damage >:(.

A 5-6 link would additionally have Increased AOE, Conc effect, or Cold Pen. It is a preference and entirely up to you.

For Single Target I use Cold Pen, Conc effect, and Spell Echo to do the most damage possible. I dont really need a 5 link for this but you can if you prefer.


Defense is very run of the mill. A couple enduring cries linked to Cast When damage taken and Immortal Call. I run Arctic Armour as well to help soak damage. Eventually I plan on getting a cloak of Defiance to soak even more damage with my high mana pool.

Again flexible, you can use Temporal Chains, Ele weakness, or frostbite and it is entirely up to you. Enfeeble is relatively useless most of the time.

End Game
At extremely high levels when you finish your gear with either a Carcass Jack or a Defiance you should be able to solo all maps in relative comfort, although it is not the fastest clear, it is among the safest.

-Extreme Safety
-Buffs your team's damage
-Can Item Rarity Cull with a 6L
-No bodies. ever. Soul conduit, Detonate dead, crabs, necros are all useless.
-4 links only, 5 links are a luxury
-Strongboxes and Exiles will never scare you. Ever.

-Bosses with HUGE health pools (not many)
-Double Cold Res/regen when solo
-Mediocre clear speed when solo until later, although not terrible.
-Devourers until you get a Defiance, as with most lowish armor builds.

Any questions/comments/suggestions for the guide/build, let me know I'd love to hear what you guys have to say.
Last edited by Plastic_Cup on Nov 14, 2014, 1:32:41 AM
I have personally witnessed this build in action over the last week.
This build as is currently geared has been able to perma freeze map bosses in lvl 76 maps.
One awesome asset to any party.

It recently added Vaal Lightning Trap for the shocking ground to assist in perma freezing high HP mobs and is very effective.

+Respect for effectiveness

Last edited by Wynrotar on Nov 15, 2014, 10:37:55 AM
I was playing with this guy and things went well, but then I did runs without him and rip'ed. Every group should bring a cold snapper to keep things safe and effective.
thanks guys. Yea that sucks cuddles! :(
Added a video and updated title.

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