[1.2.4] The Emperor --Lightning Tendrils & Knockback-- [ Pics & Vids]

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This is a build that combines Lightning Tendril (LT) with Knockback (KB).

LT fire's 4 times and with spell echo that's 8 times. Knocback support gem gives a skill a chance to knockback on each hit. In LT's case that is 8 times. I gues you get the picture:
After you fire your LT's the monsters will be either be dead or flung to a comfortable distance (or even off your screen).

For LT to really shine damage wise; you need concentrated effect. But alas, we're not going that route. We focus on getting the biggest LT ever. So that means no concentrated effect in the normal gem setup, but we'll carry a spare gem for a boss scenario though. This build is not about the biggest LT crit, but about the biggest area it effects. So we'll not be using crit gems either. The bigger the area, the longer you'll be able to hit them. Unless there's a wall you can put the monsters up against, nicely lined up for their executioner. Also important is castspeed; since that will prevent the monsters from reaching you if they're very fast.

For this to work, the first thing this build need is Area of effect (AoE) skill nodes. These are located near the Witch, Templar and Scion. Any of these will be an excellent choice as base for your character. The second type of skill nodes we'll be needing are the KB skill nodes close to the Marauder. I've started out with a witch. Since I had not made one this new league. Any of the above will do.


Note: "does not stun on interrupt"
Knockback is capable of interrupting indirectly. Skills need range, and knockback can change that. Also it messed up the monsters AI, so they sometimes do nothing.

credits to http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com

I've struggled with my defenses alot. The melee part is not a big problem apart from leapers and flickerstrikers. Melee monsters can be kept at bay:

The ranged monsters and especially evangelists pose a real threat. If you're able to get off the first shot, the battle is usually won without a scratch. An example of difficult leaping monsters and an easy melee boss: Video of precinct boss encounter (short)

At this time I've giving up on the original idea of hybrid and went for arctic armor combined with abit of armor. As for HC this is not anough, the stars align too frequent to be safe unless you can find protection in a party. While leveling i've used LT-Lifeleech-LightningPenetration. It looks like I might have to turn back to lifeleech for survivability and drop one of the castspeed gems. LT + Lifeleech has the same facetank effect as doublestrike. Fast and continuous hits.

Different setup's:
"Glass Cannon" my first setup. Gameplay is a blast. Encountered some survivability problems in end game maps. Either need more levels or other means for hard stuff. (check video zana's courtyard)

"Leecher" To get some good lifeleech going, this one dumped doryani's invitation 1% lightning leech for a lifeleech gem. This at the cost of spellecho. Has roughtly 25% more life then the glass cannon. The extra life and leech (similar to facetanking doublestrike action) make this char ezmode on the 77/78 maps. Also much smoother play. Eye opener: way less character desync & monster desync. herald of ice supllementing the buffs now. Abit of extra damage and chill is nice, while the shatter only rarily happens.

"Hybrid" Currenlt project. Using shield & windscream. close to 4k life & 4k es. Movement with lightning warp. Aura dilemma's: / Disc / Clarity & AA / Herald of Ice / Purity of lightning.

Liking this build alot.
*Decent DPS
*New to lightning warp but chasing monsters/positioning is easier now. Also lightningwarp can shock if you just jump into a pack and the next LT crit has a bigger chance to start a chain shatter from herald of ice.
*7.5k total life/es is a nice buffer.
*Body and Soul templar nodes give me 6k armor, and will keep my immortal call from triggering on insignificant hits. With a granite it spikes to 17k.

Skill Tree


Tree Link

The daggers need 95 dex. So that needs finetuning in either gear or tree.

help oak
kill (cast speed is good too)
help oak (kill all is probably better)

So for this setup the build has lost the spell echo, and replaced it with lifeleech. Play feels much smoother now. It seems that the character and the monsters stay way better in sync. "the character" because of the skill rotation; LT echo/LT curse/movement seems to cause desync now and then. "the monsters" probably the high frequency of knockbacks is too much. The tendrils hit on an angle close to 90 degrees, so i gues things start to get dicy there. The extra life gives less stun/frozen conditions.

Glass Cannon

Tree Link

The daggers need 95 dex. So that needs finetuning in either gear or tree.

help oak
kill (cast speed is good too)
help oak (kill all is probably better)

Since i was struggling so much with survivability, I went the route of boosting my Immortal Call gem with both more endurances charges and duration. I even tried manual enduring cry with spell echo for the 10+ second duration immortal call. That seemed the wrong way since the build style is to first strike with LT.

I havent tried the popular route of cloack of deviance and haven't bothered to try a Carcass since i got no easy acces to the best evasive defenses. It does however give acces to even more AoE.

Since we're not doing big single hits, reflect isnt much of a problem. We'll have a topaz flask at the ready though.




Lightning Tendril:


Lightning Tendril Double curse on hit:


Curse on hit makes your curses stronger and is really really really OP. The Area of the cursing LT is smaller then the main damage LT. I could cast the curses manually, but you need to keep knocking them back, so cursing manually would give a downtime and a monster a better chance to reach you.

Herald of Thunder:

Note: The increased duration skill nodes also work on the Herald, and give a nice boost to the duration. It's not leveled up to 20, and severely lacking damage. Mainly used for the added damage on the LT and pretty handy for killing off leftovers from monster packs and opening all containers nearby. Another thing to mention is; im playing health bars above the monsters. The herald will strike monsters that are hidden and then they are easily spotted by their health bar. So extra radar fuction here.

Herald of Ice

Lifeleech replacing spellecho saved some mana cost so I thought to try out an extra buff.

Immortal Call:


Glass Cannon


Lightning Tendril:


Lightning Tendril Double curse on hit:


Curse on hit makes your curses stronger and is really really really OP. The Area of the cursing LT is smaller then the main damage LT. I could cast the curses manually, but you need to keep knocking them back, so that would give a downtime and a monster a better chance to reach you.

Herald of Thunder:

Note: The increased duration skill nodes also work on the Herald, and give a nice boost to the duration. It's not leveled up to 20, and severely lacking damage. Mainly used for the added damage on the LT and pretty handy for killing off leftovers from monster packs and opening all containers nearby. Another thing to mention is; im playing health bars above the monsters. The herald will strike monsters that are hidden and then they are easily spotted by their health bar. So extra radar fuction here.

Immortal Call:



Hybrid Windscream & Warp

Hybrid 30 Movement boots & single manual curse

spare gear:


Glass Cannon


Purity of Lightning

Glass Cannon
Purity of Lightning


To run this you need to work on your max % resis.
-Purity of lightning
-Purity of fire
-Witch Flask skill nodes
-Shield: Saffel's Frame (96% light / 96% fire) or Rise of the Phoenix (92% light / 100% fire)

Knockback does not work on Atziri or on Atziri mirros or on Atziri healing minions.

Work in progress

Currently trying out Hybrid.
Tryed with 30 move boots.. but i was missing the double curse. So went WIndscream but needed a movement fix. Hopefully lightning warp can help me out.

For hybrid i've Dropped alot of skills: Endurance charges / increased duration / double curse / Scion life wheel. Needed some reduced skill cost to be able to drop clarity for discipline.

Wanted to get close to 4k life / 4k ES.. so dropped 1 divinarius for a shield.

Current reserved mana problem:
Herald of Ice & Discipline --versus--- Clarity & Arctic Armour & Purity of lightning

tryed life leech gem , nice bit of extra life as well. Lifeleech without spell echo doesnt feel like the bang when i started making the build. so lightning pen is gone out of the setup. Suvivability was increased alot.

If you read all this, now exlaim:
"I am the Storm!"

Build List:
The Emperor
El Dotterino
Chin Sol Trapper
Last edited by MinstrelShadrak on Feb 17, 2015, 4:57:06 PM
Currently tweaking build with Hybrid mode

Stopped working on lifeleech build. Seemed clear the build isnt the same if you drop either fastcast or spellecho. So had to drop lightning pen for lifeleech. Survivability increased to satisfaction.
Last edited by MinstrelShadrak on Nov 16, 2014, 3:50:14 PM
Nice build i will try it just after the end of the league :)

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