The Court of the Dead End King (Completed 08/02/2015 ) Sub HOTW

At the edge of the sleepy Town of Oldram, where the poorest dwells lies...


Rumour has it.. That the Dead End King grant riches for those who are willing to pay the 'price'. No-one knows the price as those who has used his service tend to disappear leaving only a pot of gold in their abandoned belongings.

No questions are asked due to people who do, tend to disappear themselves... What wicked secrets lies within the Court of the Dead End King ??

Build : The Dead End King ( Dual Claw Vaal Pact )

Video :

Unlike most hideouts, I had no idea what I was doing for a long while.. Here is a bunch
of videos to see how my hideout has progressed since the beginning.

November 2014

January 2015

Feb 2015

I wanted my hideout to fit my character ( The Dead End King ) so it really feels like 'home'. I also wanted it to make all my stash/masters/crafting accessible without destroying the role play.

I originally wanted to create a Mystery game for other players but it wasn't very good hence
just did a hideout for my character 'The Dead End King'

What I like about this Hideout it is relatively cheap because I use items from all my Grandmaster.

The only super expensive decoration is Zana's Throne

Hideout includes

Edge of Oldram Town ( A Market place including a couple of shops and blacksmiths. A desolate section of the town where only the most broken loiter)

Court of the Dead End King ( It seem this is where the deal with the King is made.. As you can see there is an endless supply of riches for those who dare to pay the asking price. )

Throne of the Dead End King

Library Maze with hidden passage ( The library itself is pretty bog standard whilst at first it seem there is no way to the 'secret experiment chamber but at closer inspections not all is what it seems )

Life Drain Chamber/ Tomb of the Dead End King ( The dark secret of the Dead End King, may he reign eternal as he feed on the souls of the most foolish.. He is not known as the 'Dead End King' for nothing )

'At the end of the Dead End Path, the Dead End King sits in his Dead End Throne, granting those who visit their own very DEAD.. END'

Any feedback and tips, please let me know :)

Last edited by ninedeadeyes#2466 on Feb 21, 2015, 3:35:05 AM

02/02/2015 need to get mist effect from elreon and then I think I am done.
Last edited by ninedeadeyes#2466 on Feb 1, 2015, 3:30:42 PM
updated 02/11/2014
Last edited by ninedeadeyes#2466 on Nov 2, 2014, 7:22:59 AM
updated 08/11/2014
Last edited by ninedeadeyes#2466 on Nov 15, 2014, 1:33:45 PM
Dead pool, Library secret passage, map device machine updated 15/11/2014
Minor changes made 16/11/2014
updated in 28/12/2014
updated on 2/01/2015
update 17/01/2015

( Update with Zana's Throne )

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