(1.2x) Jedi Molten Strike -- litesabr's Doryani Lightsabres [300k DPS w/o Abyssus]
![]() This build started originally for only Duelist but now it only changes 1 skill point between Duelist and Ranger: the first one. Here is the link to the main page on the Duelist forum. MY SHOP My thread for ATZIRI SERVICE. 7ex on Mortal Hope drop. ign: crixus_sabr -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Uber Update: Just got to last split phase when I died 6th time. I know I CAN do it now....just gotta actually finish it. :) Maybe I have to NOT die 3x on double vaal when I think both are dead and the 2nd one is actually hiding underground and shotguns me in the face when I'm not ready for it.....
Atziri Guide
5.5 min Atziri run with Hope drop. (19 Sep 2014)
http://youtu.be/qzIcK1jiwT0 If you have under 4500 life, you might need to follow these suggestions. Otherwise, just use the normal gem/flask setup.
Blue/Trash Mobs
Flasks: Immortal Call Setup: Curse Setup:
Vaal Duo
6L change: Remove Added fire and replace with Life Leech gem. This will help you tank through when they cast the lightning balls when you're attacking.
Auras: Flasks: Immortal Call Setup: Curse:
Arena Trio
Flasks: IC Setup: If you have low life, change to this setup. [Otherwise, keep original.] Replace CWDT with Blood Magic gem. Also, replace low level IC with high level IC for manual cast. Don't attempt to fight w/o IC active unless you can tank them without it. Curse: Don't try to curse before the titty bitch is dead if she can 1-shot you with her rain of spikes. Also, remember to fill Vaal Molten Shell on trash mobs before getting here. Only use it on last guy.
Atziri Fight
Flasks: I'm not 100% sure if i want 2 of each resist flask or 2 healing flasks. IC Setup: Curse: Make sure to add spell totem into this setup or you'll be enjoying a curse as well. --------------------
Build Logic - The Why's of the Build
Doryani's Scepters
When most poeople see these scepters, they only think of the +100% elemental damage to support spells. However, I see a 300pdps weapon with +100% weapon elemental damage with 6.68 crit chance. Even better, you get to leech from that critical strike chance as well. When using molten strike and the damage converts to fire, but all the added effects like Herald of Ash, Hatred, and Added Fire all have their damage based on the physical BEFORE conversion. This is then multiplied by 3 for each of these gems from only the weapons, and then by another 1.5ish from the WeD gem. Because of the massive ele damage boosts in this build, the physical damage dealt is very low, as shown in next Build Logic entry.
DPS Calculation of Ele vs Phys Damage
This explanation will only include basic estimates of calculations with Hatred, Herald of Ash, Added Fire, Weapon Elemental Damage (gem), and the ele dmg boost of 100% per scepter. Remember that all ele dmg Added As boosts that are based on physical happen before conversion as per the wiki under the ADDED AS portion. [36% cold (hatred) + 39% fire (added fire) + 15% fire (herald of ash) + 60% fire (molten strike)] * 300% (scepters) * 159% (WeD gem) = 715% elemental damage compared to original phys dps 715% + 40% = 765% total dps The following numbers represent what percentage of your total damage is physical or elemental. Physical Damage 5.2% = 40 / 765 Elemental Damage 94.8% = 100% - 5.2%
Life Leech
Since over 94% of total DPS = elemental Damage, Doryani life leech is amazing for this build. With only the 2%, 5k life, and elemental tooltip DPS of 80k: 80k * .02 = 1.6k hp leeched per second 5k * .2 = 1000hp max leech per second With Atziri's Acuity and total elemental DPS of about 200k: 200k * .02 = 4k hp per second. Since not even 5% of total damage is physical, physical leech is useless. Also, it's better to get a belt with more life than a Doryani's Invitation. Life is better.
Physical > Elemental for jewelry
All the damage in this build starts out as physical and either is added as damage based on the physical (Hatred, Added Fire, Herald of Ash) or is damage conversion also based on physical (molten strike). What this build excels at is bumping this elemental damage to ridiculous levels. Because of this, the best offense stats on jewelry are as follows: 1) Critical strike Chance 2) Added Physical 3) Critical Damage Multiplier (amulet or Maligaro's gloves) 4-5) Accuracy 4-5) Weapon Elemental
6L Gems for Molten Strike
These are the support gems I use in order of importance (Crit Dmg and WeD are interchangeable as to importance). Added fire will always be the first to be removed for blood magic or life leech gem. Multistrike > Faster Attacks > Weapon Elemental Damage > Increased Critical Damage > Added Fire We want to use gems that give the most out of the melee AND projectiles portion of the attack. We don't want any gems that focus only on one or the other. Examples of gems to avoid: Melee Physical - Concentrated Effect - Greater/Lesser Multiple Projectiles - Increased AOE
Mana vs Blood Magic
It isn't easy to sustain mana on this build without an Atziri's Acuity. It's very possible, but you have to probably use an Alpha's Howl in order to have enough mana available to attack a few times without whiffing. If Acuity is just too damn expensive, I suggest replacing the Added Fire gem with Blood Magic. If you do this, you CAN use Avatar of Fire for extra damage, but you'll lose the ability to freeze. This is not required by any means, but is definitely feasible. Because you're relying on only 2% elemental damage leech implicit on the scepters, I highly recommend staying away from Vaal Pact. It will nerf your leech to 0.8% AND take away regeneration, which is a very useful statistic.
Importance of Flasks
I've found that for life flasks, 1x bubbling and 1x seething divine life flask is perfect. Even with my current 7,245 life, I heal half with just one use of the bubbling. If I need immediate healing, the seething is perfect. If you're going for old block version of this build, make sure to use a Rumi's Concoction. Block% and armor on it are amazing, and the block doubles as anti-reflect. Whenever I come up to a reflect boss, I use either Rumi's or a Jade flask for evasion since reflect from attacks can be evaded too (as long as no Resolute Technique). You can even use both if Atziri's Acuity is not an option.
As just explained in Importance of Flasks, flasks are a very important part of dealing with reflect. Added to the block/evasion flasks, it's also good to use a ruby flask to reduce the damage from the hits that get through. As for reflect maps, if you don't have Acuity, don't try them unless you want a VERY slow map and/or deaths. Also, be careful in -max resist maps if you come up on a reflect group. If you can afford Acuity, reflect maps are very possible. Just replace the Added Fire gem for that map with a Life Leech gem.
Point Blank & Iron Grip
Iron Grip = NO
The 6/7 in the projectile portion of my calculation is for my amount of melee physical damage including strength, melee only damage nodes, and multistrike. I figured that if I removed 10 str, my damage would go a certain amount down. I used this to infer the rest of the melee only damage from the tooltip DPS that will not be included in the projectile damage. While everyone will have a different amount of strength, I think that 6/7 is a good starting point estimate for molten strike calculations in general. Since 6/7 = 18/21, Iron Grip will add about 1/3 of the missing damage (21-18 = 3; 1/3 * 3 = 1 --> 1/21) to the projectiles, so they would have only a debuff of 19/21. IMO, this isn't worth the extra points just to travel to it. DPS calculations with Iron Grip: 126k [tooltip] + 126k * (19/21) [for melee only damage] * 3 [projectiles] * .6 [projectile debuff] * (1.43125) [point blank] = 420K theoretical DPS 420 / 404 = 1.039 = +4% 126k [tooltip] + 126k * (19/21) [for melee only damage] * 2 [projectiles] * .6 [projectile debuff] * (1.43125) [point blank] = 322k realistic DPS 322 / 311 = 1.035 = +3.5% Compare this low bonus to the Point Blank bonus in the next spoiler.
Point Blank = YES
" With Molten Strike projectile range = 5-20, point blank improves 6/16, or 3/8, of the balls (5-->10) by 50% and the other 5/8 (11-->20) by a linear 48% --> 30% (each unit of distance from 10 to 35 has a 2% less increase in damage). DPS Calulation of Point Blank multiplicative damage bonus. 3/8 * 50% [5 to 10 units] + 5/8 * (48% + 30%) / 2 [11-20 units] = 43.125% DPS Calculations without point blank: 126k [tooltip] + 126k * (6/7) [for melee only damage] * 3 [projectiles] * .6 [projectile debuff] = 311K theoretical DPS 404 / 320 = 1.26 = +26% 126k [tooltip] + 126k * (6/7) [for melee only damage] * 2 [projectiles] * .6 [projectile debuff] = 255k realistic DPS 311 / 255 = 1.22 = +22% 22% of total DPS is MUCH better than Iron Grip which only is about 3.5% 22 / 3.5 = about 6x more effective --------------------
Leveling Guide
Update (7 October 2014)
1) Added Build Logic 2) Changed Build Name --------------------Update (1 October 2014) 1) Added Atziri guide. 2) Removed old duelist tree and added 2 different version: more life and more damage. -------------------- Update (28 September 2014) 1) Updated DPS calculations to include explanation of Iron Grip and Point Blank. 2) Removed Ondar's Guile: I'd rather get more life nodes. :) 3) Updated duelist tree for more life. -------------------- Update (20 September 2014) Changed the following: 1) Added Ondar's Guile to help evade Atziri's bleed spear and reflect for lava balls. 2) Use Armor/Evasion nodes instead of Armor only. Then Jade Flask for normal use and use Grace for uber use. -------------------- Update (13 September 2014) Added ranger dodge/evasion tree. Also updated duelist tree, removing some damage and adding more life. -------------------- Update (21 August 2014) Updated to duelist start for POE version 1.2. -------------------- Character Stats New tooltip = 128k. Upgraded with new amulet. Includes Hatred, Herald of Ash, Herald of Ice, and 3 power charges. (No vaal skills or Atziri Flask.) Even MOAR life....who else has 7.5k w/o Kaom's Heart?
Current Offensive Stats
This is a theoretical DPS if you use Maligaro's Virtuosity and Abyssus.
Theoretical Stats
233k tooltip DPS = 747k
![]() -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DPS **NO ATZIRI FLASK** **NO VAAL HASTE** **NO ABYSSUS** **NO MALIGARO'S** Tooltip DPS = 126k Total DPS Calculation Theoretical DPS --> 404K = 126k [tooltip] + 126k * (6/7) [for melee only damage] * 3 [projectiles] * .6 [projectile debuff] * (1.43125) [point blank] Realistic DPS --> 311K = 126k [tooltip] + 126k * (6/7) [for melee only damage] * 2 [projectiles] * .6 [projectile debuff] * (1.43125) [point blank] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skill Tree and Bandit Quests:
Skill Tree Versions
Point Blank:
Projectile Attacks deal up to 50% more Damage to targets at the beginning of their movement, dealing less Damage as the projectiles travel further Avatar of Fire: Can use with Blood Magic gemwhen you don't have Atziri's Acuity gloves.
Bandit Quests
Normal = Oak (+40 life)
Cruel = Kraityn (+8% attack speed) Merciless = None or Alira (+1 power charge) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items: Required: Rest of my current gear: Optional Gear: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gems Doryani's Catalyst 1 - Movement Setup that proliferates group freeze/burn/chill Chest Doryani's Catalyst 2 - Grace is for Uber attempts. Helm - When fighting Atziri, Purity of Lightning is on and Herald of Ash is off. Atziri's Acuity Boots - Curse and Vaal Skills. Spell Totem + Enfeeble are for Atziri. ign crixus_sabr Last edited by litesabr#0767 on Oct 19, 2014, 9:33:56 AM
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