[1.2.x] Firestorm | EB MOM Vaal Molten Shell Dual Curse | Fun, but expensive! | Videos Posted!

This build is a work in progress. I have killed normal Atziri with this build.

Why firestorm
I got lucky and corrupted a level 4 enhance. I was looking to see which skill gem would benefit most from it and decided on firestorm. I was bored and wanted to do a spell build since I mainly do melee builds. If you aren't comfortable being almost always close to monsters, this build is not for you. May be HC capable, but I don't play it.

If someone says firestorm sucks. Do not listen to them. This build does excellent damage while having surprisingly good survivability with cloak of defiance and immortal call.

My experience and things you need to know about firestorm

1. Increased duration is amazing.
2. Enhance is amazing.
3. Firestorm 20% is essential.
4. Firestorm + curse on hit + duration nodes are amazing.
5. 6-linked Pledge of Hands is amazing with firestorm.

Do not use Righteous fire with this build. You waste way too many points. Say no to three dragons as well.

You can level with it. Try and get 20% firestorm as soon as possible. Get a tabula and put spell echo, faster casting, fire pen, increased duration, conc effect. You may test level 3 enhance if you feel like it. If not use added chaos or another gem that adds damage.

I'm not exactly sure on how GGG rounds the fireballs as I calculated one fireball every .056 seconds, but it states .06 on the skill gem so I guess it's .06.

So Enhance:
Level 4: .06
Level 3: .07

Level 4 enhance is a significant damage boost. It adds consistency and more fireballs.

Firestorm is similar to incinerate where cast speed boosts your damage more so than spell damage.

DO not get AOE nodes. Do not have AOE on gear. No point to it. Maybe a little faster clear speed, but waste 6 or so points.

Firestorm is excellent with increased duration. The longer your firestorms are active the more damage and the safer your character will be. For curse on hit, I use firestorm since you don't need LMP or GMP for it, but long casting time might get you in trouble sometimes. Your firestorm lasts 2.47 seconds and mobs will be walking into curses.

In parties, people with weaker computers will complain. Try not to party with these people. If you do then just curse and only spam firestorms if you see them struggling with DPS.

Why Dual Curse
I was thinking about what would help firestorm be more effective and I though why not use dual curse?

Temporal Chains: Makes them slow which means more time spent in firestorms and slower attacks makes it easier to avoid damage. Useful quality combined with enhance.

Elemental Weakness: Do I need to explain?

Flammability/enfeeble: You could use these in place of temp chains, but I think temp chains is excellent.

Why Vaal Molten Shell
I was looking for ways to improve this character and realized that lighting warp is useless. I have the duration nodes so I got my hands on Vaal Molten Shell. Skill is fun as hell. Great for bosses, and strongboxes. It's awesome for trio in Atziri's place. Damage is high. If it crits... Everything dies.

+High single target damage especially against large monsters
+Good AoE damage
+Active, fun build (i.e. you need to do more than right click)
+Large mana pool
+Can have a large health pool
+Dual Curse
+Good defenses (at least I think so)

-Okay clear speed
-Firestorms may make it difficult to see what's happening
-Expensive or you get lucky with drops (like me)

Level 89 tree

Oak|Kill|Kill or endurance charge (I killed)

Weapon: Pledge of Hands at least 5-link (I found it and got lucky ~130 fusings and I 6-linked)
Armour: Cloak of Defiance 4 or 5-link if you get an enhance to add to curse
Gloves: Prioritize life, resists. Other good mods are mana, stats. (Something with ES would be best)
Boots: Life, resists, movement speed. (ES on boots is nice)
Belt: Doryani's Catalyst
Helmet: Life, energy shield, resists.
Rings: Life, resists, mana regeneration, stats
Amulet: Mana regeneration, life, resists, %mana shield, damage
Current Gear

Firestorm - Spell Echo - Increased Duration - Concentrated Effect - Enhance - Fire Penetration - Faster Casting (if you 6-linked Pledge)

Firestorm - curse on hit - Temporal Chains - Elemental Weakness - Enhance - Arctic Armour

Reduced Mana - Clarity - Discipline - Herald of Ice/thunder or a purity

Enduring Cry - Spell Echo - Immortal Call - Increased Duration

Vaal Molten Shell - Concentrated Effect - Increased Duration - Increased AoE/Empower

Mods to avoid:
No Regen
Half-regen on elemental reflect maps
Blood Magic (doable, but sketchy)

77/78 Maps
Haven't run into many issues running these maps. Make sure to keep immortal call up for difficult maps or maps with leapers.

Death & Taxes:
Easy. Make sure you bring Sapphire Flasks and make sure you keep your immortal call active and don't let too many animated weapons spawn.

Normal Atziri Strategy
Easy. Your firestorm lasts 3.43 seconds. Spam them then dodge spells.

Get one to low health before it burrows underground. Other one may die before it burrows underground if you curse him. Only thing to watch out for is the ball lightning.

Have your endurance charges up before you enter room. Get them close together. Curse, spam firestorms, Vaal Molten Shell. Kill cyclone monster first. Rest is easy.

Atziri: Spam a few firestorms, run around and dodge spells. When she goes to heal phrase, put curse up where mobs spawn or just spam firestorms. After mobs stop spawning, curse atziri, spam firestorms. Split phrase. Curse, spam, dodge. Should be dead fairly quickly.

Last edited by Ofnir_ on Dec 9, 2014, 4:46:18 PM
Been thinkn about a similar build, like the idea of using enhance.
What are your thoughts on COD/500 Kaoms/1000 Kaoms, I've already got a couple COD builds and don't really want another :)

Can you expand a bit more on 'No AOE' ? yea it makes it a bit less accurate but gives more damage and will counteract the downside of conc effect.
Mark_GGG 2012
If you put on your full plate mail, and I throw hundreds of toothpicks at you, you'll basically not feel it.

If someone catapults a whole tree at you, don't expect the Armour to prevent as much of the damage.
Last edited by Auxion on Oct 19, 2014, 6:11:55 AM
Auxion wrote:

Can you expand a bit more on 'No AOE' ? yea it makes it a bit less accurate but gives more damage and will counteract the downside of conc effect.

Aoe increases the radius of the fireball explosion but as the area where the fireballs rain down also increases the overall probability of hitting a monster decreases.

To calculate the effect use raics spreadsheet: [Release] Firestorm average hit number calculator
Auxion wrote:
Been thinkn about a similar build, like the idea of using enhance.
What are your thoughts on COD/500 Kaoms/1000 Kaoms, I've already got a couple COD builds and don't really want another :)

Can you expand a bit more on 'No AOE' ? yea it makes it a bit less accurate but gives more damage and will counteract the downside of conc effect.

I wouldn't use Kaoms. The loss of gem slots makes hurts too much. You can try it and see what happens.

Your skill with a 20/20 increased duration lasts 3.43 seconds. Enemies will be walking into it and the single target DPS suffers since less fireballs will be hitting your target. You would need to use 4 skill points to get AoE nodes in the witch tree. Kind of a waste. I would rather use it on life.

I may try out added lightning, or added chaos in the future to see the difference in clear speed.
Some minor updates.
Gotta say, really nice firestormer u got there!

Got a big smile on my face when I finally saw another FS'er being posted in the forum.

I'm playing a very similar build to yours, except mine is a templar.

This is how I roll atm:



I'm also looking forward to get a 6L Pledge in and Enhance in time...

Trying to satisfy the whole PoE community is like telling a nymphomaniac to only have sex once in a week.

I think that's fairly accurate. :')
Last edited by Zahkriisos1337 on Oct 31, 2014, 2:26:24 PM
video or riot ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ
Savage_of wrote:
video or riot ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

Okay. Added a video.
Added an Atziri video.
Ign: Ohjeahx

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