Hey mjölner lover,
I won't update this guide anymore... I'm tired and i want this time to do other things. Don't copy-paste a build, use your brain... Ty for reading :)
Read this for an easier use of this guide
Everything blue is a link: right click on it and "open the link in a new tab" Abbreviations of some keywords: (alphabetical order) APS = Attack Per Second AS = Attack Speed BR = Blood Rage CWDT = Cast When Damage Taken DPS = Damage Per Second EC = Enduring Cry ED = Elemental Damage ES = Energy Shield FPS = Frame Per Second HoT = Herald of Thunder IAS = Increased Attack Speed IC = Immortal Call ID = Increased Duration LL = Low Life LS = Lightning Strike MF = Magic Find (referring to rarity and quantity) MS = Molten Strike OS = One Shot (a deadly hit) RF = Righteous Fire RT = Resolute Technique SD = Spell Damage VP = Vaal Pact ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hey mjölner lovers, This is another version of Tom94's RainbowNuke. Thank you Tom for the basis of this build. Actually, i'm using this build with two chars: - a Scion (FunkScion level 95) using the RT variant - a Witch (FunsyWish level 94) using the CRIT variant Thanks to my friend Evelyus for the name of this build ;) For an optimal DPS, put Arc and Discharge in the correct sockets on Mjölner. Check "TIPS/Mjölner's socketed spell order" section. Why this "Mjolnoob" version of RainbowNuke? When i played Tom's build, i totally felt in love with the insane clear speed, but i was tired of dying to reflect because i forgot to push flasks... So i needed a build that fits perfectly with my game style: slay everything quickly and careless, a no-brain one click version. I'm not saying that my version is better than Tom's, they are just different and everyone should play his own version, his own game style. With this version, you'll see another way to get fun and i hope it will give rise to some of you. Also, some players asked about this version when i was doing normal Atziri service, and even more after i uploaded an uber Atziri kill video. What are the differences between original and this version? The main difference comes from VP. It provides reflect carelessness: i don't need to use flasks and i never die because of it, even with "elemental reflect" or "-%max ele resists" map mods. Another difference is about RF: i only use it against bosses in the Alluring Abyss map. Those two differences make this version "chaos and vaal orbs friendly" when rolling map mods. Finally, critical strikes unleash the true potential of VP: status ailments and even more DPS at level 94+! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Core items: Don't expect to run this build without those items - Mjölner ~50 exalts (the roll doesn't change anything...) - Voll's devotion ~15 exalts (can only drop from the "Anarchy" or "Onslaught" mod of Zana's map device) - Romira's Banquet ~3 exalts (you don't need a legacy version) Because of RainbowNuke guide, i won't deal with the subject of the mechanics behind those items. Tom already explained it very well and i suggest you read his guide. I mainly focus this guide on gameplay with the VIDEOS and TIPS sections. This guide is written with 2 different TREES: - The "classical" tree with RT - The end-game "critical" tree which increases the DPS of the classical The guide is also written with 2 different GEAR: - A "cheap" gear with Solaris Lorica - An expensive gear with Shavronne's Wrappings and legacy items Any of those tree/gear variants can farm uber Atziri! Check VIDEOS and TIPS section. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Three classes can achieve the build correctly: witch, scion and shadow. However, i recommend the witch because she has the best early start (ES+SD) and she's more versatile to easily shape the tree depending on preferences. Also, i use the witch for the crit variant of the build. About the rewards of "Deal with the Bandits" quest, i took 3 skill points. The only reward to consider would be the +8% AS from Kraityn in the cruel difficulty. Between level 70 and 90+, i would recommend this ratio of skill points: 4 "surv" points for 1 "DPS" point. Also, the "skill duration" points increase BR and IC. IC lasts 7sec instead of 4sec, which provides comfort when fighting bosses that can OS such as Vaal Oversoul and Dominus. It also helps against hudge physical bosses such as "Trio" in Atziri's maps. Those trees are built with the 3 skill points of "deal with the bandits" quest: RT variant: Witch level 70 Witch level 94 Scion level 94 (my actual tree) CRIT variant: / Witch ONLY Witch level 94 (my actual tree) Too high crit chance may result in a DPS lost! Those trees may slightly differ depending on the strenght in your gear. You can start farming normal Atziri with the cheap gear (if you have same amount of ES as my gear) at level 70 with this tree. Check this video. I won't do this kind of test for uber Atziri, since i'm sure we need many damage/ES nodes in tree. In my opinion, with the cheap gear (if you have same amount of ES as my gear), you can start farming uber Atziri at level 88 with this tree, or at level 92 with this tree (I did my first uber Atziri kill at level 91 with the witch). The crit tree is the end-game upgrade of the classical tree and will need 90+ levels to be optimal! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
RT variant / Expensive gear with Shavronne's Wrappings / 200+ exalts
Be carefull to put Arc first and Discharge 2nd on Mjolner sockets. The top end of the linked sockets is the first in the order, followed by each socket down the line, following links. I've spent 6k chroma to get those 5 off colors on Shav without Vorici's craft device. It seams like the best choice to do it is by using Vorici's craft device with 1G1R referring to Vorici Chromatic Calculator. Swap gear: I swap it with Shav ring Against monsters in uber Atziri map. I also use it when i roll this combo of mods: -max res / extra cold dmg I swap it with Saffel's Frame Against monsters in uber Atziri map. I don't have it anymore, i'm now keeping the Saffel's Frame and casting IC manually.
RT variant / Cheap gear with Solaris Lorica / ~100 exalts
Be carefull to put Arc first and Discharge 2nd on Mjolner sockets. The top end of the linked sockets is the first in the order, followed by each socket down the line, following links. Swap gear: I swap it with Dream Fragments Against uber Atziri.
CRIT variant / Expensive gear with Shavronne's Wrappings / 200+ exalts
Be carefull to put Discharge first and Arc 2nd on Mjolner sockets. The top end of the linked sockets is the first in the order, followed by each socket down the line, following links. This CRIT variant can be achieved with the cheap gear without legacy items, with Solaris Lorica.
MF ideas - 35*277 stats
I'm farming normal Atziri with this gear: I'm now using cull instead of FA and IR instead of curse for a total of 35*277 MF stats. IR and cull gems are mostly effective against bosses! I could push up the MF stats to 104*337 with distillate and removing LGoH for IQ gem, but i prefer the one-click brainless game style. I could push again those MF stats using double arc instead of arc+discharge on mjolner. This way, i wouldn't need romira and voll's (RT variant only) and i could put MF jewelleries instead of those. I don't do it because i'd loose clear speed. I prefer full clearing the map in 10-12 mins. I tested and it works very well against monsters, but i need to put romira and voll's back for vaal and trio boss fights to cast IC manually. Swap weapon: Too bad that i don't have a corrupted Enlighten level 4 Safety and carelessness before DPS: Molten Strike MS should be the best skill for single target and i also use it to clean multiple targets. I never use LS because i don't like to switch gems too often. Also, if i cross an exile while using LS, i'd have to switch it for MS really fast... Life Gain On Hit LGOH feeds MS so fast that i almost never have to push a life flask. Leap Slam I simply cannot play without. What's more funny than to leap into a pack and OS it? It also provides great freedom to jump obstacles. Cast When Damage Taken I recommend a level 6 CWDT setup. I linked CWDT to EC+IC+ID because when i enter an area full of monsters that instantly hit me and i don't have any endu charges up, CWDT will cast IC during 7 sec instead of only 1 sec if i hadn't EC. Swap gems: I swap it with CWDT to cast IC manually Against bosses that can OS me such as Vaal Oversoul's "Slam" and Dominus's "Lightning Fist", and against trio boss in Atziri's map. I swap it with curse Against Vaal and Atziri in uber Atziri's map. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Death count while leveling the witch: (i play solo) level 91 level 92 level 93 / 1 death on a strongbox level 94 / 1 death on a strongbox RT variant / Expensive gear with Shavronne's Wrappings: Shav / Defense 7.4k ES / 89-87-90 fire-cold-light res / 30% spell block / 287 ES regen per sec Shav / Arc's damage 154-2922 light Shav / Discharge's damage 2409-3618 fire / 341-6445 light Shav / Molten Strike's APS 100% hit / 5.8 aps without frenzy charges RT variant / Cheap gear with Solaris Lorica: Solaris / Defense 5.2k ES / 88-86-89 fire-cold-light res / 20% spell block / no ES regen Solaris / Arc's damage 151-2860 light Solaris / Discharge's damage 2272-3413 fire / 334-6308 light Solaris / Molten Strike's APS 100% hit / 5.8 aps without frenzy charges CRIT variant / Expensive gear with Shavronne's Wrappings: Shav / Defense 7k ES / 89-87-90 fire-cold-light res / 30% spell block / 280 ES regen per sec Shav / Arc's damage 127-2404 light / 26% crit chance / 404% crit multi Shav / Discharge's damage 1982-2977 fire / 280-5302 light / 42% crit chance / 404% crit multi Shav / Molten Strike's APS 81% hit / 6 aps without frenzy charges ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I only wrote the "annoying" map mods.
RT variant / Expensive gear with Shavronne's Wrappings
77 Shipyard / 2014-09-25 15-42 ele reflect regen 50% slower 77 Shipyard / 2014-09-25 16-00 -20% max res 77 Shipyard / 2014-09-25 17-21 ele reflect ele weakness 2 add projectiles 78 Courtyard / 2014-09-26 11-26 double boss shock ground ele equilibrium 98% extra light dmg 78 Courtyard / 2014-09-29 20-25 ele reflect temp chains desecrated ground 75% light res rares have nemesis mod 78 Courtyard / 2014-10-11 20-03 -15% max res shock ground 90% extra cold dmg 78 Palace / 2014-09-26 10-00 ele reflect temp chains 81% extra light dmg regen 50% slower 78 Palace / 2014-09-29 22-03 -15% max res temp chains 78 Palace / 2014-10-03 17-27 double boss 26/26/35 move/attack/cast speed 78 Palace / 2014-10-09 18-50 double boss ele reflect temp chains regen 50% slower boss deals +30% dmg and attack 25% faster 79 Vaal Temple / 2014-10-13 12-31 double boss 4 add projectiles 80 Alluring Abyss / 2014-09-01 11-49 Done with the witch at level 91 433ES shield against trash mobs, Vaal (it was a mistake) and trio boss Saffel's Frame against Atziri 80 Alluring Abyss / 2014-10-12 12-44 Done with the scion level 94 RF against Vaal and Atziri Killing reflect Atziri 543ES and 66%SD mirrored shield against trash mobs and trio boss Saffel's Frame against Vaal and Atziri
RT variant / Cheap gear with Solaris Lorica
70 Apex of Sacrifice / 2014 10 20 15 47 Done with the scion level 70 Killing reflect Atziri 70 Apex of Sacrifice / 2014-10-15 19-08 Done with the scion level 94 Killing reflect Atziri 78 Palace / 2014-10-15 19-37 desecrated ground boss deals +30% dmg and attack 25% faster 80 Alluring Abyss / 2014 10 17 14 26 Done with the scion level 94 Using manual IC except against Atziri RF against Vaal and Atziri 80 Alluring Abyss / 2014 10 18 19 20 Done with the scion level 94 Using IC manually except against Atziri RF against Vaal and Atziri Killing reflect Atziri one time
CRIT variant / Expensive gear with Shavronne's Wrappings
80 Alluring Abyss / 2014 10 22 23 55 Done with the witch level 94 Using IC manually except against Atziri RF against Vaal and Atziri Deathless ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mjölner's socketed spell order
I'm referring to: - my own game experience - this thread. I might be wrong, so also experiment it yourself! Mjölner mechanics seams to work like CWDT gem. The top end of the linked sockets is the first in the order, followed by each socket down the line, following links. About RT variant, best socketed order is: Arc first, Discharge 2nd. Simply because we want Arc to grant a power charge before Discharge being casted. About CRIT variant, best socketed order is: Discharge first, Arc second. When we crit, we loose power charges because of Romira's Banquet. Therefore, we want Discharge to crit before Arc.
FPS drop - Partying
Playing as a Mjölner discharger isn't a fatality regarding FPS: When i enter in a new instance, i noticed that only the first monsters i hit made my FPS drop a lot. After that, there's no more problem. So i'm just carefull when hitting first monsters. That's exactly the same in party when i'm the only one with a "lag" build. Honestly, being the only one with a "lag" build almost never happens, that's why i mostly play solo. When i'm fighting a pack with "cannot die" mod, my FPS can drop to 3. So i look for the monster or the totem with this afix to kill it as fast as possible. Partying: Mapping solo can be costly, that's why doing map rotations is advised. In this case, if you're using discharge, you'll just make the party loosing FPS and ruin the fun of the party... Just use Arc+Arc instead of Arc+Discharge: no more FPS drop. I tested it on many map rotations. It works perfectly with the CRIT variant, with the exact same gear. Auto IC will always be casted with full endu charges.
"You can die because of a lag. You don't have to die because of a desync." To avoid something to happen, that's important to know when it will happen. Lags are unpredictable, not like desyncs. When does a desync happen? 1/ When i leap slam into an improbable place 2/ When i focus a monster First reason is easy to understand. About second one: if i focus a monster in a big pack, my char will chase it and therefore will run until he finds it and can start hitting. During this process, the movement of my char can be stopped by other monsters blocking the path and i'll never hit the target. So i'll die because i don't leech... Solutions to avoid deaths from desyncs: I ALWAYS use "attack in place" shortcut and sometimes /oos macro Since i'm using "attack in place" shortcut, i never die to a desync after i leap slam on a huge monster pack. In my azerty keyboard, i use "a" for MS and "z" to attack in place.
Immortal Call
Physical damage is the weakness of this build and IC counters it. Manual versus auto cast: Use it manually if you don't have enough ES to counter physical damage or when you're fighting huge physical damage bosses. Use it with CWDT if you have at least 5k ES, and 6.5k ES on "vulnerability" maps. However, when you cross a Colossal Bonestalker (big melee skeleton) or a Colossal Vaal Fallen, be extremely carefull: use the range of MS to hit them without getting hit. When using IC manually, you have 2 ways to get endu charges: - Casting EC - Hitting monsters IC gives "corrupting blood" immunity since it is physical damage. Most of the time, i don't push my life flask (remove bleeding) because IC is already casted by CWDT. Rest of the time, you still have 3-4 sec to react and push the flask, 2 sec in a vulnerability map. If i use IC manually, i don't care at all about corrupting blood. This is exactly the same for puncture.
Uber Atziri map: Alluring Abyss
Don't bother trying this map without training, you will fail... Farming normal map is easy and brainless... Nothing compared to uber! "There's no better training than to do normal map with uber tactics." I'm trying to teach you how to do it safely, so read carefully everything there. After that, experiment your own tactics. You'll end finding the best way for your gameplay.
General tactics
Comparatively to the normal map, you can roughly multiply by 3 the damage and the life of everything. Therefore, you'll have to use IC manually against monsters unless you have near 9k ES. Even with 9k ES, you still can be OS by monsters (check this video at 7 mins). A good way to boost IC's uptime to 8sec when using it manually: Another way to fight monsters is to use LS (thanks to mayanrm for the approach). But i don't use it because i like too much to leap slam on a huge pack and smash them all while on IC's buff. You need to use RF against Vaal and Atziri The longest those fights last, highest is your chance to die. I wasn't using RF and i managed not to die against Vaal in this video only because i get lucky: he didn't attack me once. You need to use Dream Fragments to clear the map and against Vaal
Vessel of the Vaal
Vessel of the Vaal is the most unpredictable boss. You'll need to use 3 different elemental flasks depending on situations: ("Dispels Shock" mod is highly recommended if you're playing with the cheap gear) RT variant: Crit variant: - Sapphire flask against "Ice version of Firestorm" - Topaz flask against Lightning Beam or Ball Lightning - Ruby flask to counter RF's degen when you don't hit Vaal (only happens when he hides underground)
Don't forget to up your endurance charges before entering in the boss' area to use IC before getting hit. - Fight them in this order: Dual Striker - Cycloner - Titi bitch - Push a ruby flask when the dual striker is "red"
Atziri is the most difficult boss in this map. Don't forget your CWDT setup for this fight! Remember that she also deals physical damage... You'll need to use those flasks depending on situations: RT variant: Crit variant: - Topaz flask against Storm Calls (push it 3 sec after you see the first storm call) - Rumi's Concoction when you see there's too many flameblasts under your feets or against double flameblast (push it 2 sec after you see the first small flameblast) - Ruby flasks against flameblasts, double flameblast, or when you're not hitting Atziri to counter RF degen (push it 2 sec after you see the first small flameblast / push it 1 sec after you start the fight against "Third form") During the "Second form" - The add phase Atziri isn't taking any damage. So you'll be able to cast on hit the arcs and discharges, but you won't be able to regen life with LGOH to feed MS! That's why you also need to hit the adds for LGOH. Be carefull with it cause you don't have any life flask during this fight. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After all the work to build this guide, i have to say a few words... - knowledge belongs to nobody, share it... unless it makes you eat ;) - repeating things over and over is annoying, so please make sure you've read the guide before asking something. However, there's no noob question! - any suggestions to improve this guide are welcome - any reviews are welcome, good or bad, as long as you explain why - english isn't my native language and i want to improve it, so if you see something wrong, please let me know Take care ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[1.3] Only some examples of tree/gear
I'll link you my gear and trees for my 3 different chars that i'm using in this patch 1.3: - a Witch lvl 94 with up to 99 IQ and 302 IR to farm normal/uber Atziri ONLY - a Scion lvl 95 with 169 IQ and 545 IR to farm corrupted areas solo and Dominus in party ONLY - a Templar lvl 89 without MF to farm 78s maps ONLY solo or in party The Witch's and the Templar's builds are strong, not like Scion's build which is weak!
Witch lvl 94 / 99*302 MF / Atziri farming
Scion lvl 95 / 169*545 MF / Corrupted-Dominus farming
Templar lvl 89 / Map leveling
EDIT (2015/05/27) I'll test the build during patch 2.0 with a non legacy mjolner... If build is ok i'll update it. Keep in my mind that some informations in the 1.2 guide are out of date ► Shop ◄ Mirror service • Gear • Maps • Gems • Legacy ■ thread/545555 Last edited by Funsy#7109 on May 27, 2015, 2:02:23 AM
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Guide @ patch 1.2
Read this for an easier use of this guide
Everything blue is a link: right click on it and "open the link in a new tab" Abbreviations of some keywords: (alphabetical order) APS = Attack Per Second AS = Attack Speed BR = Blood Rage CWDT = Cast When Damage Taken DPS = Damage Per Second EC = Enduring Cry ED = Elemental Damage ES = Energy Shield FPS = Frame Per Second HoT = Herald of Thunder IAS = Increased Attack Speed IC = Immortal Call ID = Increased Duration LL = Low Life LS = Lightning Strike MF = Magic Find (referring to rarity and quantity) MS = Molten Strike OS = One Shot (a deadly hit) RF = Righteous Fire RT = Resolute Technique SD = Spell Damage VP = Vaal Pact ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hey mjölner lovers, This is another version of Tom94's RainbowNuke. Thank you Tom for the basis of this build. Actually, i'm using this build with two chars: - a Scion (FunkScion level 95) using the RT variant - a Witch (FunsyWish level 94) using the CRIT variant Thanks to my friend Evelyus for the name of this build ;) For an optimal DPS, put Arc and Discharge in the correct sockets on Mjölner. Check "TIPS/Mjölner's socketed spell order" section. Why this "Mjolnoob" version of RainbowNuke? When i played Tom's build, i totally felt in love with the insane clear speed, but i was tired of dying to reflect because i forgot to push flasks... So i needed a build that fits perfectly with my game style: slay everything quickly and careless, a no-brain one click version. I'm not saying that my version is better than Tom's, they are just different and everyone should play his own version, his own game style. With this version, you'll see another way to get fun and i hope it will give rise to some of you. Also, some players asked about this version when i was doing normal Atziri service, and even more after i uploaded an uber Atziri kill video. What are the differences between original and this version? The main difference comes from VP. It provides reflect carelessness: i don't need to use flasks and i never die because of it, even with "elemental reflect" or "-%max ele resists" map mods. Another difference is about RF: i only use it against bosses in the Alluring Abyss map. Those two differences make this version "chaos and vaal orbs friendly" when rolling map mods. Finally, critical strikes unleash the true potential of VP: status ailments and even more DPS at level 94+! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Core items: Don't expect to run this build without those items - Mjölner ~50 exalts (the roll doesn't change anything...) - Voll's devotion ~15 exalts (can only drop from the "Anarchy" or "Onslaught" mod of Zana's map device) - Romira's Banquet ~3 exalts (you don't need a legacy version) Because of RainbowNuke guide, i won't deal with the subject of the mechanics behind those items. Tom already explained it very well and i suggest you read his guide. I mainly focus this guide on gameplay with the VIDEOS and TIPS sections. This guide is written with 2 different TREES: - The "classical" tree with RT - The end-game "critical" tree which increases the DPS of the classical The guide is also written with 2 different GEAR: - A "cheap" gear with Solaris Lorica - An expensive gear with Shavronne's Wrappings and legacy items Any of those tree/gear variants can farm uber Atziri! Check VIDEOS and TIPS section. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Three classes can achieve the build correctly: witch, scion and shadow. However, i recommend the witch because she has the best early start (ES+SD) and she's more versatile to easily shape the tree depending on preferences. Also, i use the witch for the crit variant of the build. About the rewards of "Deal with the Bandits" quest, i took 3 skill points. The only reward to consider would be the +8% AS from Kraityn in the cruel difficulty. Between level 70 and 90+, i would recommend this ratio of skill points: 4 "surv" points for 1 "DPS" point. Also, the "skill duration" points increase BR and IC. IC lasts 7sec instead of 4sec, which provides comfort when fighting bosses that can OS such as Vaal Oversoul and Dominus. It also helps against hudge physical bosses such as "Trio" in Atziri's maps. Those trees are built with the 3 skill points of "deal with the bandits" quest: RT variant: Witch level 70 Witch level 94 Scion level 94 (my actual tree) CRIT variant: / Witch ONLY Witch level 94 (my actual tree) Too high crit chance may result in a DPS lost! Those trees may slightly differ depending on the strenght in your gear. You can start farming normal Atziri with the cheap gear (if you have same amount of ES as my gear) at level 70 with this tree. Check this video. I won't do this kind of test for uber Atziri, since i'm sure we need many damage/ES nodes in tree. In my opinion, with the cheap gear (if you have same amount of ES as my gear), you can start farming uber Atziri at level 88 with this tree, or at level 92 with this tree (I did my first uber Atziri kill at level 91 with the witch). The crit tree is the end-game upgrade of the classical tree and will need 90+ levels to be optimal! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
RT variant / Expensive gear with Shavronne's Wrappings / 200+ exalts
Be carefull to put Arc first and Discharge 2nd on Mjolner sockets. The top end of the linked sockets is the first in the order, followed by each socket down the line, following links. I've spent 6k chroma to get those 5 off colors on Shav without Vorici's craft device. It seams like the best choice to do it is by using Vorici's craft device with 1G1R referring to Vorici Chromatic Calculator. Swap gear: I swap it with Shav ring Against monsters in uber Atziri map. I also use it when i roll this combo of mods: -max res / extra cold dmg I swap it with Saffel's Frame Against monsters in uber Atziri map. I don't have it anymore, i'm now keeping the Saffel's Frame and casting IC manually.
RT variant / Cheap gear with Solaris Lorica / ~100 exalts
Be carefull to put Arc first and Discharge 2nd on Mjolner sockets. The top end of the linked sockets is the first in the order, followed by each socket down the line, following links. Swap gear: I swap it with Dream Fragments Against uber Atziri.
CRIT variant / Expensive gear with Shavronne's Wrappings / 200+ exalts
Be carefull to put Discharge first and Arc 2nd on Mjolner sockets. The top end of the linked sockets is the first in the order, followed by each socket down the line, following links. This CRIT variant can be achieved with the cheap gear without legacy items, with Solaris Lorica.
MF ideas - 35*277 stats
I'm farming normal Atziri with this gear: I'm now using cull instead of FA and IR instead of curse for a total of 35*277 MF stats. IR and cull gems are mostly effective against bosses! I could push up the MF stats to 104*337 with distillate and removing LGoH for IQ gem, but i prefer the one-click brainless game style. I could push again those MF stats using double arc instead of arc+discharge on mjolner. This way, i wouldn't need romira and voll's (RT variant only) and i could put MF jewelleries instead of those. I don't do it because i'd loose clear speed. I prefer full clearing the map in 10-12 mins. I tested and it works very well against monsters, but i need to put romira and voll's back for vaal and trio boss fights to cast IC manually. Swap weapon: Too bad that i don't have a corrupted Enlighten level 4 Safety and carelessness before DPS: Molten Strike MS should be the best skill for single target and i also use it to clean multiple targets. I never use LS because i don't like to switch gems too often. Also, if i cross an exile while using LS, i'd have to switch it for MS really fast... Life Gain On Hit LGOH feeds MS so fast that i almost never have to push a life flask. Leap Slam I simply cannot play without. What's more funny than to leap into a pack and OS it? It also provides great freedom to jump obstacles. Cast When Damage Taken I recommend a level 6 CWDT setup. I linked CWDT to EC+IC+ID because when i enter an area full of monsters that instantly hit me and i don't have any endu charges up, CWDT will cast IC during 7 sec instead of only 1 sec if i hadn't EC. Swap gems: I swap it with CWDT to cast IC manually Against bosses that can OS me such as Vaal Oversoul's "Slam" and Dominus's "Lightning Fist", and against trio boss in Atziri's map. I swap it with curse Against Vaal and Atziri in uber Atziri's map. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Death count while leveling the witch: (i play solo) level 91 level 92 level 93 / 1 death on a strongbox level 94 / 1 death on a strongbox RT variant / Expensive gear with Shavronne's Wrappings: Shav / Defense 7.4k ES / 89-87-90 fire-cold-light res / 30% spell block / 287 ES regen per sec Shav / Arc's damage 154-2922 light Shav / Discharge's damage 2409-3618 fire / 341-6445 light Shav / Molten Strike's APS 100% hit / 5.8 aps without frenzy charges RT variant / Cheap gear with Solaris Lorica: Solaris / Defense 5.2k ES / 88-86-89 fire-cold-light res / 20% spell block / no ES regen Solaris / Arc's damage 151-2860 light Solaris / Discharge's damage 2272-3413 fire / 334-6308 light Solaris / Molten Strike's APS 100% hit / 5.8 aps without frenzy charges CRIT variant / Expensive gear with Shavronne's Wrappings: Shav / Defense 7k ES / 89-87-90 fire-cold-light res / 30% spell block / 280 ES regen per sec Shav / Arc's damage 127-2404 light / 26% crit chance / 404% crit multi Shav / Discharge's damage 1982-2977 fire / 280-5302 light / 42% crit chance / 404% crit multi Shav / Molten Strike's APS 81% hit / 6 aps without frenzy charges ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I only wrote the "annoying" map mods.
RT variant / Expensive gear with Shavronne's Wrappings
77 Shipyard / 2014-09-25 15-42 ele reflect regen 50% slower 77 Shipyard / 2014-09-25 16-00 -20% max res 77 Shipyard / 2014-09-25 17-21 ele reflect ele weakness 2 add projectiles 78 Courtyard / 2014-09-26 11-26 double boss shock ground ele equilibrium 98% extra light dmg 78 Courtyard / 2014-09-29 20-25 ele reflect temp chains desecrated ground 75% light res rares have nemesis mod 78 Courtyard / 2014-10-11 20-03 -15% max res shock ground 90% extra cold dmg 78 Palace / 2014-09-26 10-00 ele reflect temp chains 81% extra light dmg regen 50% slower 78 Palace / 2014-09-29 22-03 -15% max res temp chains 78 Palace / 2014-10-03 17-27 double boss 26/26/35 move/attack/cast speed 78 Palace / 2014-10-09 18-50 double boss ele reflect temp chains regen 50% slower boss deals +30% dmg and attack 25% faster 79 Vaal Temple / 2014-10-13 12-31 double boss 4 add projectiles 80 Alluring Abyss / 2014-09-01 11-49 Done with the witch at level 91 433ES shield against trash mobs, Vaal (it was a mistake) and trio boss Saffel's Frame against Atziri 80 Alluring Abyss / 2014-10-12 12-44 Done with the scion level 94 RF against Vaal and Atziri Killing reflect Atziri 543ES and 66%SD mirrored shield against trash mobs and trio boss Saffel's Frame against Vaal and Atziri
RT variant / Cheap gear with Solaris Lorica
70 Apex of Sacrifice / 2014 10 20 15 47 Done with the scion level 70 Killing reflect Atziri 70 Apex of Sacrifice / 2014-10-15 19-08 Done with the scion level 94 Killing reflect Atziri 78 Palace / 2014-10-15 19-37 desecrated ground boss deals +30% dmg and attack 25% faster 80 Alluring Abyss / 2014 10 17 14 26 Done with the scion level 94 Using manual IC except against Atziri RF against Vaal and Atziri 80 Alluring Abyss / 2014 10 18 19 20 Done with the scion level 94 Using IC manually except against Atziri RF against Vaal and Atziri Killing reflect Atziri one time
CRIT variant / Expensive gear with Shavronne's Wrappings
80 Alluring Abyss / 2014 10 22 23 55 Done with the witch level 94 Using IC manually except against Atziri RF against Vaal and Atziri Deathless ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mjölner's socketed spell order
I'm referring to: - my own game experience - this thread. I might be wrong, so also experiment it yourself! Mjölner mechanics seams to work like CWDT gem. The top end of the linked sockets is the first in the order, followed by each socket down the line, following links. About RT variant, best socketed order is: Arc first, Discharge 2nd. Simply because we want Arc to grant a power charge before Discharge being casted. About CRIT variant, best socketed order is: Discharge first, Arc second. When we crit, we loose power charges because of Romira's Banquet. Therefore, we want Discharge to crit before Arc.
FPS drop - Partying
Playing as a Mjölner discharger isn't a fatality regarding FPS: When i enter in a new instance, i noticed that only the first monsters i hit made my FPS drop a lot. After that, there's no more problem. So i'm just carefull when hitting first monsters. That's exactly the same in party when i'm the only one with a "lag" build. Honestly, being the only one with a "lag" build almost never happens, that's why i mostly play solo. When i'm fighting a pack with "cannot die" mod, my FPS can drop to 3. So i look for the monster or the totem with this afix to kill it as fast as possible. Partying: Mapping solo can be costly, that's why doing map rotations is advised. In this case, if you're using discharge, you'll just make the party loosing FPS and ruin the fun of the party... Just use Arc+Arc instead of Arc+Discharge: no more FPS drop. I tested it on many map rotations. It works perfectly with the CRIT variant, with the exact same gear. Auto IC will always be casted with full endu charges.
"You can die because of a lag. You don't have to die because of a desync." To avoid something to happen, that's important to know when it will happen. Lags are unpredictable, not like desyncs. When does a desync happen? 1/ When i leap slam into an improbable place 2/ When i focus a monster First reason is easy to understand. About second one: if i focus a monster in a big pack, my char will chase it and therefore will run until he finds it and can start hitting. During this process, the movement of my char can be stopped by other monsters blocking the path and i'll never hit the target. So i'll die because i don't leech... Solutions to avoid deaths from desyncs: I ALWAYS use "attack in place" shortcut and sometimes /oos macro Since i'm using "attack in place" shortcut, i never die to a desync after i leap slam on a huge monster pack. In my azerty keyboard, i use "a" for MS and "z" to attack in place.
Immortal Call
Physical damage is the weakness of this build and IC counters it. Manual versus auto cast: Use it manually if you don't have enough ES to counter physical damage or when you're fighting huge physical damage bosses. Use it with CWDT if you have at least 5k ES, and 6.5k ES on "vulnerability" maps. However, when you cross a Colossal Bonestalker (big melee skeleton) or a Colossal Vaal Fallen, be extremely carefull: use the range of MS to hit them without getting hit. When using IC manually, you have 2 ways to get endu charges: - Casting EC - Hitting monsters IC gives "corrupting blood" immunity since it is physical damage. Most of the time, i don't push my life flask (remove bleeding) because IC is already casted by CWDT. Rest of the time, you still have 3-4 sec to react and push the flask, 2 sec in a vulnerability map. If i use IC manually, i don't care at all about corrupting blood. This is exactly the same for puncture.
Uber Atziri map: Alluring Abyss
Don't bother trying this map without training, you will fail... Farming normal map is easy and brainless... Nothing compared to uber! "There's no better training than to do normal map with uber tactics." I'm trying to teach you how to do it safely, so read carefully everything there. After that, experiment your own tactics. You'll end finding the best way for your gameplay.
General tactics
Comparatively to the normal map, you can roughly multiply by 3 the damage and the life of everything. Therefore, you'll have to use IC manually against monsters unless you have near 9k ES. Even with 9k ES, you still can be OS by monsters (check this video at 7 mins). A good way to boost IC's uptime to 8sec when using it manually: Another way to fight monsters is to use LS (thanks to mayanrm for the approach). But i don't use it because i like too much to leap slam on a huge pack and smash them all while on IC's buff. You need to use RF against Vaal and Atziri The longest those fights last, highest is your chance to die. I wasn't using RF and i managed not to die against Vaal in this video only because i get lucky: he didn't attack me once. You need to use Dream Fragments to clear the map and against Vaal
Vessel of the Vaal
Vessel of the Vaal is the most unpredictable boss. You'll need to use 3 different elemental flasks depending on situations: ("Dispels Shock" mod is highly recommended if you're playing with the cheap gear) RT variant: Crit variant: - Sapphire flask against "Ice version of Firestorm" - Topaz flask against Lightning Beam or Ball Lightning - Ruby flask to counter RF's degen when you don't hit Vaal (only happens when he hides underground)
Don't forget to up your endurance charges before entering in the boss' area to use IC before getting hit. - Fight them in this order: Dual Striker - Cycloner - Titi bitch - Push a ruby flask when the dual striker is "red"
Atziri is the most difficult boss in this map. Don't forget your CWDT setup for this fight! Remember that she also deals physical damage... You'll need to use those flasks depending on situations: RT variant: Crit variant: - Topaz flask against Storm Calls (push it 3 sec after you see the first storm call) - Rumi's Concoction when you see there's too many flameblasts under your feets or against double flameblast (push it 2 sec after you see the first small flameblast) - Ruby flasks against flameblasts, double flameblast, or when you're not hitting Atziri to counter RF degen (push it 2 sec after you see the first small flameblast / push it 1 sec after you start the fight against "Third form") During the "Second form" - The add phase Atziri isn't taking any damage. So you'll be able to cast on hit the arcs and discharges, but you won't be able to regen life with LGOH to feed MS! That's why you also need to hit the adds for LGOH. Be carefull with it cause you don't have any life flask during this fight. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After all the work to build this guide, i have to say a few words... - knowledge belongs to nobody, share it... unless it makes you eat ;) - repeating things over and over is annoying, so please make sure you've read the guide before asking something. However, there's no noob question! - any suggestions to improve this guide are welcome - any reviews are welcome, good or bad, as long as you explain why - english isn't my native language and i want to improve it, so if you see something wrong, please let me know Take care ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ► Shop ◄ Mirror service • Gear • Maps • Gems • Legacy ■ thread/545555 Last edited by Funsy#7109 on Dec 15, 2014, 3:55:49 AM
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► Shop ◄ Mirror service • Gear • Maps • Gems • Legacy ■ thread/545555
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I had to rename the build, sorry. "Mjolnoob" fits perfectly with the spirit of this version!
Special thanks to Evelyus for this name ;) ► Shop ◄ Mirror service • Gear • Maps • Gems • Legacy ■ thread/545555
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Can u post uber video using solaris lorica? or u can't do uber using solaris?
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I'll try uber with solaris as soon as i find a hope or a friend makes me run his set...
I need some more time ► Shop ◄ Mirror service • Gear • Maps • Gems • Legacy ■ thread/545555
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Is this build require Shavronne's Revelation for uber atziri?
Last edited by WATCH_ME_QWER#5222 on Oct 17, 2014, 5:19:50 AM
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" I don't think so. I'm not sure though. However, as soon as i'll try uber with the "cheap" variant with solaris lorica and no legacy items, i'll know if it's possible or not. I'm actually trying to buy a mortal set... for 14ex! If someone has one for sale, let me know please. EDIT: I don't need to buy mortal hope anymore. ► Shop ◄ Mirror service • Gear • Maps • Gems • Legacy ■ thread/545555 Last edited by Funsy#7109 on Oct 21, 2014, 10:37:37 AM
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So, i've just defeated uber Atziri with this gear:
I'm uploading the video, it will be ready in 4 or 5 hours. ► Shop ◄ Mirror service • Gear • Maps • Gems • Legacy ■ thread/545555
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Hey funsy, loved your variant so I made one but modified it to my preferences. I was using your tree for a while but saw Tom94's newly modified version so I adopted part of it because I liked the extra spell damage it gave me. I don't use RF because I hate how fast I lose ES even with lvl 21 purity of fire in between not attacking bosses, such as when Atziri is switching modes.
My gear
Alternate gear for mobs
Witch 92 Thanks for all your help! Edit: I found it was more efficient to change my tree a little bit more like yours by two nodes. Updated tree. Last edited by Fate13#0261 on Oct 18, 2014, 11:12:56 PM
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