Mathil coc voll's devotion changes!
Hello! Want to show you what i come to by changing coc Mathil's build.
Current pasive tree: what i was thinink to get later one: The reduced mana reservation will help us get herald of ice.A nice boost of dmg and cold dmg for EE since i changed the gem setups a little bit. my gear and gem setups: I still need to change that lightning dmg ring stop me from using EE since im lvl 79 atm and i don't have enought points to get it i didn't spend that much interest in geting another one. A big boost wold be the belt +1 endu charge will make us at 6 endurance charges and 6 power charges atm because of low lvl im at 5 endu 6 power. For boss fights i switch inc aoe with conc efect for single boss and increased critical dmg for duble boss.The reason of me using inc aoe it's simple more aoe more targes get hited that generate more power/endurance charges i've tried clearing maps with lighining pene and incread critical dmg but no one was better than increased aoe at clearing maps even in 6 man party still inc aoe the best! some screen shot at my dmg with 5 endurance charges and 6 power with the gem setup that i have in my items. With increased aoe: ![]() With conc efect: ![]() With Increased critical dmg: ![]() Defensive stats: ![]() Now im working to get a Saffel's frame legacy 1% aditional max rezist need one more lvl for inner force for another 1% and im using a lvl 19 purity of lightning so il have another 2% fire and 3% lighning rezistances.Still reflect not a big deal i can tank it in 6 man party. My lvl 100 tree: for herald of ice haven't test it yet so nothing shure lvl 100 tree without Herald of ice: Sry for my bad english :(.If i miss somthing say. |
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Btw voll's devotion for this build offer me 7 seconds of imortal call at this lvl with thorse gem and 5 endu charges later one will get one more and 20Q imortal call and a bigger lvl of cwdt gem that will bring me to around 10-13 seconds of imortal call and il have it always up:) sick defence.
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Haralds of ice in place ice nova? You dont like ice nova? It freez all guys in your range. Its good defence.q
Last edited by Jarovb#6867 on Oct 15, 2014, 1:55:02 PM
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" Yes, im not a big fan of ice nova + inc aoe improbe the clear speed sooo much and make it feels better.Discarge and Cyclone both get inc aoe that mean more charges = more dmg:D |
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"Ice nova takes one important support gem slot from voll's, if you really need the extra defense you'd still be better with life leech + herald of ice. Herald of ice adds good damage too since the shatter happens so often, and the AoE it inflicts acts as a sort of a culling strike, the clear speed is way better. I honestly feel like the only thing that can kill this build is elemental reflect (even with 90+ resists), so Ice Nova is just extra. OP's build is pretty much what I did with mine, started with the normal fakener and tweaked it towards this, though I do not have voll's devotion as of yet. |
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OP, what is your hit chance with Cyclone? From the looks of your gear and your passives I would have to imagine it's VERY low. Just curious. Thanks.
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" Yes, atm it 77% only but now that i got my +1 endurance belt i'm going to look for that hit's can't be evaded from Vagan, and try to waste all my curency on crafting a decent one , you prty much need only atack speed and critical rate, the spell dmg can be done later on it as a bonus, and yea my rings are bad, atm can't run EE because one of them got lightning dmg :( |
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Btw i did reflect map with 6 map party members, without the flask up i take little dmg somtimes but i don't die with flask up i can take reflect in 6 map pty without problems.
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