[US][SC] | Discord | DÓGÉ Recruiting Experienced Active Players (150/170)
Edit: I have stepped down as the Guild leader of this guild. They are a great guild but I have just become too busy. You can still use the discord link to go to our Discord and ask about recruitment but consider the rest of the information on this page outdated.
![]() To join this Guild you must go unlock your characters tab by going to your privacy settings! This is so we can see your characters so we don't have to ask you a series of questions. Welcome to DÓGÉ Guild Recruitment! We are mainly a Challenge Softcore league focused team but some of us will venture to the hardcore league at times. If you cannot get a hold of me in game please message in game to Waggypants, kdun, Scarf, Sieghartx2 or Oregon as they can invite you as well. If you want an invite, message one of us in game! To do this click on one of the profiles below and find a character to message on their profile. The posts in the thread can sometimes get looked over, and in game is the most efficient way to get a hold of us. http://www.pathofexile.com/guild/profile/129296 ![]() Leader: kdun Officers: Sieghartx2, Scarf, Oregon Members: 140/150 Waggypants is currently running the guild so feel free to message him if you can't get a hold of anyone else. Our members are intermediate, our goal is to eventually have a community of 130-150 pretty active players who can socialize and have fun playing together. The members will fluctuate as we remove in-active players and recruit new ones, I will try to keep it updated here as well. Now that we can see the last online time we recommend at least coming around every 6 months to stay on the active list of people that get to stay in the guild. ![]() I myself started playing around February 2013 when open beta was released and I've been playing ever since. The 3 of the 5 officers started playing the game with me at that time as well, and I've known them from that day on. Since then I've recruited the other two good level-headed players that are looking for the same thing as the rest of us. As long time players we are looking to increase the social aspect of the game with some new faces. Many of the guild members I have became very good friends with over the years, even if they have since gone inactive. ![]() 1) We are a friendly guild where everyone is mostly based out of the US and Canada. We are looking to recruit people who want a friendly and helpful place to socialize with others long term. 2) We are looking for experienced players (6+ months) who are mature and want to be a part of a community. 3) While most of the people in the guild currently usually just use a the guild chat, many of us have headsets if you want to voice/chat across Discord is what we use. ![]() While we all have our own lives and things to deal with the expectation is that you at least are looking to participate in the social aspect of the game. This includes theory-crafting, leveling, trading, mapping, helping others, and getting help when you need it. This doesn't mean you have to answer every single person's reply or question, just participate. We typically will not kick people for inactivity for 6 months. If that much time has elapsed and we haven't heard from you I'm sorry but we will let you go. With that said, if we feel like you are abusing everyone else and not helping for the amount you are asking for help, someone will talk to you. This includes immaturity and rudeness. If it can't be resolved I will have to take further steps to prevent this from happening in our guild. Lastly, if you are interested in joining us please whisper me or one of the officers and ask for an invite. You can also PM me on the site as I check that quite frequently as well. Thank you all for visiting and Shiba Inu! -dun Last edited by kdun#5818 on Apr 21, 2020, 10:15:20 PM Last bumped on Mar 8, 2024, 6:19:14 AM
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Bump for we are a good group of people. No drama
Hi Dun :D |
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Happy here, good folks looking for more like-minded individuals IGN: Fourist
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