[Beyond] K19's CI Crit Ice Spear - Perma Freeze Bosses (10k+ ES)
I've been playing this since the start of beyond (have a job now so can't play as much) so felt it was time to make a guide
BASIC IDEAS: Ice spear Maxed out Critical strike multiplier 700+ is the aim (I have 732 at the moment) Some crit chance (enough to cap out second phase crit) so around 600% (not hard with charges) Maxed out freeze duration. CI - as much es as you can get, 10k+ is decent. This will cover most problems of tankyness/reflect/everything. 1%+ leech, Ghost Reaver (I didn't get this till lvl 90+ - vaal disc + sapph flask vs reflect served me pretty well, but i'd recommend getting it earlier) Atziri belt/flask is perfect. SOLO OPTIONS: You can just play with ice spear, works fine for me, but if you really want to clear fast, you can run FP and added light instead of ice spear/ele prolif. 22.4k GMP (you could push this to 30k easily with a bit more crit chance)
![]() SKILL GEM LINKS Main Skill 6l: Ice spear -- Increased Crit damage -- Elemental Prolif -- Greater Multiple Projectiles -- Faster Casting -- Spell echo Solo Tooltip 19.4k GMP with Ele prolif. (this is first phase dps, in second form dps is around 40k) Shotgun at close range = 19.4x5 Blah blah. tooltip dps doesn't matter - its about if you can freeze
![]() 5l: As with 6l, remove Faster casting or Spell echo (this will depend on how well you can sustain with flask etc) Single Target for Bosses 6l Swap GMP for Cold Pen - optional (swap Ele prolif for added light) 5l Swap GMP for Cold Pen - swap ele prolif for Faster Casting/Spell echo - whichever you aren't using Solo Tooltip 41.1k with cold pen (this is first phase dps, in second form dps is around 80k)
![]() Auras Herald of Ice - This is pretty much REQUIRED for solo play, the explosions will increase ranged clear speed hugely, but for clearing packs use the shotgun effect in 1st form Discipline - can't refuse 2000 extra es. Heralf of Thunder - shockstacks are great with prolif, and if using Berek's Grip - gives you all the mana regen you need. This is difficult to run alongside the other two auras - either you will have to drop herald of ice (choose Ice/Thunder depending on preference) or stack alot of max mana gear/nodes to give yourself enough unreserved mana. (obviously use reduced mana) Curses Most of the curses I use are 20/20 or close Frostbite - Quality is very nice on this. Can use Ele weakness in parties, will depend on builds Temporal chains - Quality is also nice, this is best curse for freezing bosses Assassins mark - Standard curse for party and solo. (Warlords Mark) - mentioning this because once you have ghost reaver, it can be helpful vs reflect. most of my curses are on my off hand weapon switch. where I have a similar (slightly worse) wand and shield. I also carry around Just in case I feel like dual cursing for party or a boss (or dropping them for other people to curse with) Other side links Vaal discipline -- Increased Duration (possible CWDT) amazing for every sticky situation, makes opening boxes so easy Lightning warp -- Faster Casting -- Reduced Duration, Standard stuff - use for movement. CWDT -- Immortal call -- Enduring cry --Increased Duration. If you do not have an item with RRRR, use Cast When Stunned, it works better in the sense that it only triggers when you get hit with physical damage, but has the problem that as its chance based, sometimes only one of IC or EC go off Blood rage - (Increased duration- don't really need, but if you have space its nice) . Useful for keeping a few frenzy charges up, no need if a party member has conduit. Ice Spear (lvl 1) -- Power charge on crit -- spell echo -- LMP/GMP use this for generating charges if you are in a curse immune map, or no party member has conduit Blood rage -- (optional increased duration , I have it in a 3l with Vaal disc) MY GEAR
Off hand (for curses and another 1% leech vs reflect)
Item cost prices and explanation (Originally I made this build on a budget, paid low prices for everything): Wand(4c + craft): Maximum cold spell damage, Maximum Crit multiplier - Cast spell/Spell Crit are nice, but not necessary. Void Battery is great here, need to get more powercharges first though. Gloves(5c): If you don't have much ES use ES/Resist gloves - if you have plenty Maligaro's are really nice - Using Facebreakers is also an option (these are cheap to corrupt for +1 and other good stuff) Belt (4ex): ES/Resists untill you can get atziri belt Boots(2c + craft): ES/Resist/Movespeed - Can use rainbowstrides. Rings(2c and 3c + 1 exalt each for craft): ES/Resists/%ES - if you really need/want you can use DF Amulet(10c + craft): Crit Multiplier,Spell Damage,Stats,Flat Es,%ES,Cast Speed,Crit Chance all of these stats are really good, just get as many as possible! Helm (2 ex): ES/Resists. If you are willing to drop 1500 Es you can run Alphas. Shield (10c +craft): as much Es as possible, with resists (spell damage/spell crit are nice) Chest(10ex): As much ES/Resists as possible and as many links as possible. (prior to this I used a 450 es 5l with dual res - made it for 7c) SKILL TREE (LVL 91) The skill tree is very flexible, it is fairly easy to change around for your gear/lvl paths can change depending on if you have enough dex/str/resists on gear. Lvl 100 finished build (grabs extra power charge, es, bit more crit, fingers of frost) Bandits Normal - Kill all Cruel - Kill all Merciless - Help Alira FLASKS
for end game you can swap a Rumi's (or 2) in for the granites, Surgeon's is required on mana flasks to sustain casting - there is no point trying to run clarity/get a load more mana nodes when surgeons flasks will cover you. Divination Distillate is another good end game flask (if you have space, as it stacks with the other resistance flasks vs reflect) (if you use Rumi's the witch tree flask nodes are worth getting) Flask management is important, you should be able to rotate round your flasks and keep them up whenever you are casting, this is important if you are freezing a boss with 6 player hp, and your party has no damage - you need to cycle carefully. I have now upgraded to Eternal mana flasks. Basically because they fit, it is very difficult to say what flasks you should use - its something you have to find out for yourself, but you need flasks and you need surgeon's on it. GENERAL GAMEPLAY Solo - you will need to get close to mobs to clear big packs - use the first form pierce. be careful shotgunning into reflect. use Assassins mark for charges / tempchains for boss Party - Stand back, Spam ice spears everywhere - perma freeze everything - job done. Everyone should love you. Hopefully someone is dual/tri/quad cursing, if the boss is quad cursed and you don't freeze it - you are doing something wrong. with quad curse - Palace Dominus should be doable. Hopefully in a good party someone should be conduit for power/frenzy. Leveling (work in progress)
Skill tree lvl 60ish (before CI) This is 60ish build I just threw together, to minimise budget, I've taken hybrid nodes and the big ES nodes, this means you can either play the build hybrid or spec into EB before you respec to CI Skill tree Lvl 70ish (after CI) This is the bare-bones of the CI build, it pretty much grabs all the ES nodes you will need. from here on you can spec into damage, (cold ndoes above witch) and maybe some helpful nodes dotted around Notable gear changes: cheaper than Maligaro's crit multi is good. Otherwise if you don't have much ES swap for a 100-150 es gloves. belt link this is fine until you can afford a doryani's This shield I didn't pay very much for, and is a good example of a middle tier item that will get you into maps and further. Helm - using a Rime Gaze is ok, around 220 ES with cold damage. until you get an ES helm with 250+ and resists. Wand - any wand with crit multi/spell damage, craft 1% cold leech on until you get doryani's rings- use these to cap out your resistances, a bit of ES is nice. Chest - use a 5l, best way to get one is spam alterations on a blue 5l chest, untill you get 100+ flat es and another good roll, then YOLO regal it, then craft % ES from the masters. this can give you a 400-500 es chest 5l for <10 chaos. Boots - rainbows are nice to have, unless you can find better - otherwise just ES boots with resists and movespeed if you can. You might have to spec into more ES nodes, if your gear isn't good enough to get you 7k+ es. WARNING This will depend alot on your gear, if you aren't freezing alot but have shit loads of ES, drop some ES - you are meant to be freezing for your party. This is why I recommend doing the respec very carefully/ in sections to ensure you don't mess up. Basically apply common sense... Bandits: Same as higher level build - though you can help Oak if you are willing to spend 20 regrets on swapping it later (or are just in need of HP) Obviously if having 50 regrets is not really a problem, remove es nodes, get more life, get more damage etc. Leveling skills Solo/Duo: 4l Freeze pulse -- LMP -- Faster Casting/Spell echo -- Crit damage/cold pen/lifeleech~ This is fairly open to change, use what feels best. 5l Freeze pulse - as above, add in one of the remaining damage gems. In parties: 4l Ice spear -- LMP/GMP (LMP will freeze betterwhen your damage isn't that good) -- Ele prolif -- Faster casting/ increased critical damage (can also sub in Echo for FC, depends on mana regen etc) 5l Ice spear -- GMP(should have enough damage) -- Ele prolif -- crit damage -- FC/Echo Notes You can use life leech gem if you need it, but as life based the new pots are good enough to sustain you, and you can get Ghost Reaver when CI. try to get quality gems straight away, and level up all the gems I have mentioned, you will want them all for switching around/finding a comfortable play style. FAQ
Q: Why isn't the boss frozen? @@@@ :(((
A: If you would please drop your enfeeble gem on the ground, and stop over cursing dual curse Temp chains/Frostbite then maybe you wouldn't be getting wrecked. Q: Why aren't these mobs frozen? @@ :(( A: If you were clearing with the main body of the party/myself - they would be. Q: Why are you not life-based? A: Life-based requires so many more nodes - you won't be able to get as much EHP and will have less damage. Also if you have 10k+ hp, you can leech so much more per second that single reflect does nothing with 2% leech. life based with 4k hp + Mom, you will destroy your anus. Q: Why are you not stacking cast speed - surely its better? A: With a decent wand/Faster casting/Spell echo you will be casting 3-4 ice spears a second - Freeze duration is based off your hit damage, if you stack too much cast speed and not enough flat damage, good luck freezing bosses and +hp rares. Q: Why don't you get vaal pact A: if you want to spend 11 points getting it - sure, but you don't need it. you hit so hard each hit - the problem with individual target leech isn't really a problem. Q: Why not use Cold pen all the time? A: You can, and its really good, but I prefer the cast speed which gives mobility and more a more stable/reliable freeze. Its a personally preference (but for bosses it makes a big difference) Q: Why do you not use eye of chayula? A: if you are getting hit by lots of phys damage mobs - you are doing something, terribly, terribly wrong. Q: Why do you not use Dream Fragments? A: Same as above, and with the new master crafting each ring gives me around 500 es and insane resists - its just not worth it. Q: Why don't you get crit chance on your wand/shield and more on the tree? A: The main job of this build is to freeze - which means you need 100% crit chance in the second phase, this means with charges you only need around 45-50 % first phase. Stacking more is ok for solo, but really - its just for whoring tooltip dps to show off. This doesn't mean its not worth getting - as it makes a difference when shotgunning mobs. Q: Why don't you go dual totem? A: You spec into dual totem if you have too much damage and will reflect yourself to death, with this build, you either don't hit enough targets - or have enough ES to survive. Spending 20 points to get Ancestral Bond just isn't worth it, I've seen people who go dual totem - they can't solo maps well and they don't freeze as much. Q: Why don't you put Pcoc in your main skill? A: it would mean a bit damage loss, and when I can maintain charges (if I want to) with assassins + Pcoc side link. Its not worth doing for me. Things I can currently freeze (and details about curses)
Every boss/mob up to 74 maps - GMP - no curse required 74 maps: Residence - easy with 1 curse, though he can teleport around which is really annoying Maze - with 1 curse (he has decent Hp and high cold res) Underground River - Joke freeze with GMP no curse 75 maps: Bazaar - Freeze with GMP, no curse required (there are 3 so single target won't work anyway) Plateau - Freeze with GMP, no curse required Necropolis - Freeze with single, needs 1 curse, though she is a horrible boss as she has very high cold res and summons other uniques which will hit you :) - who even does this boss anyway :P 76 maps: Precinct - Freeze with GMP, no curse required Academy - Freeze with single, no curse required (careful here, the hexfont can silence you! - make sure you have warding flask) Crematorium - Freeze with single, no curse required 77 maps: Shipyard - Freeze with single, no curse required (or gmp if you have good damage/use a curse) Shrine - Freeze with single, I normally use 1 curse to make sure 78 maps: Courtyard - Freeze with GMP, 1 curse normally required (careful here, freezing all three at the same time is hard, you need to be positioned correctly, also if cycloner is spinning he will continue even when frozen. Palace - Freeze with single, will require 1-2 curse - along with party members to kill the adds. second form is a bit sketchy, as the bubble is inside to the second phase ice spear range. Notes: Party members must understand that things can go wrong, miss-clicks, running out of mana, being stunned or bad luck can cause the boss to un-freeze. even with capped crit chance at 95%, thats a 1/20 chance you won't freeze the boss (a bit less due to freeze nodes) on hit. Curses can also drop - need someone in party to keep spamming them This is what I currently do, you may require more damage/curse to do the same (or less if you have crazy gear) I'm obviously working towards freeze every boss safely while running in a duo. (it should be fairly easy to freeze every boss if you have tri/quad curse VIDEOS
74 Gorge (full clear) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VmySIV2A7Qo&feature=youtu.be 75 Plateau (full clear) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lJzYk-zBodM&feature=youtu.be 76 Crema boss https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_7wbtZAtY6Y 76 Precinct boss https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQcEEJ6naDA 76 Academy boss- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ouBwmQbRyjM&feature=youtu.be 77 Shipyard Boss https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Ipj7D0PzC8&list=UUGkHxGwFSg70f-8oodKtbAg 77 Shrine full clear - http://youtu.be/xl5Fb0LRIdc 77 Shrine boss only - http://youtu.be/moLiW2jmizc 78 Courtyard full clear berek's grip http://youtu.be/LqbLoEv9nQI 78 Courtyard Just boss http://youtu.be/GvWA3j9ecsw BEREK'S GRIP
If can get your hands on: You can switch up the build alot. Swap Added lightning for Faster casting, (might want to get cast speed on wand/tree gear) Drop 1 of the mana pots, get a rumi's. Run herald of thunder You should be able to shock pretty much every boss, (unless its lightning res) This is a video of me using berek's grip and clearing a Courtyard. http://youtu.be/LqbLoEv9nQI You can drop leech% on wand/belt - maybe use an ES belt/auxium if you want.5% life leech also makes a massive difference. (at some point I will make a life based/Pledge/MoM/vaal pact version of the build) IGN - Kinespear Last edited by k19#7895 on Dec 26, 2014, 7:58:31 PM Last bumped on Aug 8, 2017, 4:25:01 AM
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IGN - Kinespear
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no auxium or dreamfrags scrub confirmed Kappa signature?
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" "Hey K19, can you freeze this boss for me" <3 you too Makaveli IGN - Kinespear
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some updates done, will add new tooltips later.
IGN - Kinespear
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How did you go about leveling this build?
Also, could you post lower level trees? |
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" I leveled as freezepulse mostly, and used ice spear in parties of more than 2-3 I was going to post a bit about FP shortly when I get back to my desktop. Also regarding Life/Es whilst leveling, ill post a couple of trees before and after respec into CI - I respeced very early (around lvl 70) to minimise the regrets I needed, still had 7.5k es and only used my free respec points + 10 regrets or so. but that was all done on a tight budget as it was the second day of the league. IGN - Kinespear
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posted some leveling information - will look into it again soon.
IGN - Kinespear
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Thank you for the lower level tree.
Couple more questions: 1. How do you generate power charges? 2. Besides reflect anything else to be wary of? Thanks again Last edited by Bootywhap#5446 on Oct 7, 2014, 12:13:24 PM
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" 1. Power charges, when solo - Assassin's Mark is good enough to build charges if you have decent damage. When in a party, i'm fairly lucky that someone has conduit - but if not, using: lvl 1 Ice spear -- Faster castomg -- Power charge on crit (quality is really good) -- GMP to build charges. Will add this to guide 2. Positioning is very important, to freeze all/the correct mobs you need to be in the right place. Physical damage mobs will hurt as you don't have much/any armour - Immortal call can help, but make sure you freeze them before they hit you :D IGN - Kinespear