[1.2] Crit Dagger Ranged Lightning Strike. 45k+ DPS and near Crit cap w/o Powercharges
This build spawned out of two simple questions I had when 1.2 was released: 1)Can I get really close to the crit cap without power charges? 2)Can I do that, and still have the build be "good" (read: can I kill Atziri, and ultimately Uber Atziri with this build?)? I personally think the answer is yes. Due to the fact that I initially designed this build strictly around "get moar crit," it had the side benefit of allowing me to basically do what ever I wanted in terms of ability usage once i accomplished that goal. This build is very modular, meaning that it can be built off of to suit the needs of what ever ability you decide to use. While the content of this build guide is mostly focused around the current set up that I am using that secondarily focuses on projectile damage after getting all the crit nodes, which allows me to use the build for both Lightning Strike and Spectral Throw, please note that the cookie cutter passive tree that I provide in the passive tree section is designed give the user lots viable options for main abilities to use. If others come up with ideas for building off of my cookie cutter tree, I'd love to see them posted here and I will add them to the examples section (with credit given), as I believe that the flexibility of this build is one of its major strengths.
Pros and Cons
PROS: +Very High Crit chance (currently have 83.3%) +No power charge baby sitting necessary +Enemies constantly get stunned/frozen +Can easily kill Atziri, and will more than likely be able to kill Uber Atziri (this is my current goal for the build) +Modular passive tree that can be easily modified to suit using other abilities +Can be built on a fairly low budget (only "expensive" required items are the belly of the beast chest, and a phys dagger) CONS: -Probably not HC viable -Without a belly of the beast, survivability can be... interesting -Good Phys daggers can be VERY expensive -No life regen
Tooltip DPS http://imgur.com/WRxZd9g ![]() Offence tab: http://imgur.com/PmYS4G1 ![]() Defense Tab: http://imgur.com/4F2z5AF ![]()
Since this build is centered around the Lightning strike projectiles, and the tooltip DPS is only for the melee attack, I wanted to figure out how much DPS I was actually doing. NOTE: I'm still getting used to the way this game calculates certain things, so if I made a mistake anywhere, please feel free to correct my errors and let me know. I am unsure of if the Phys Proj Atk Dmg gem effect is calculated before or after the lightning damage conversion for LS. (though I have a sneaking suspicion that it happens before, because other thing like the added fire damage gem is calculated before the lightning damage conversion) Because of this uncertainty I will be doing the math for the worse case. at some point I'll likely also add the math for the other case too.
from tooltip: phys dmg: 196-578 dmg -> avg dmg = (196+578)/2 = 387 combined Ele dmg: 553-1470 dmg -> avg dmg = (553+1470)/2 = 1011.5 adding up the increased proj dmg: 254 str with IR = 50% (rounding down because idk how the game handles decimals) LMP= 38% total = 88% increased proj dmg (so a 1.88 multiplier) combining the more's/less's into a single multiplier: LS: 0.7 LMP: 0.7 PJAD: 1.49 phys total = 1.49 * 0.7 * 0.7 = 0.7301 ele total = 0.7 * 0.7 = 0.49 projectile damage per hit: PHYS DMG: 387 * 1.88 * 0.7301 = 531.1916 ELE DMG: 1011.5 * 1.88 * .49 = 931.7838 TOTAL: 831.1916 + 931.7838 = 1462.985 now to take in to account accuracy and crit to get the average damage of a given projectile: (note: my chance to hit is 85%, and my crit chance is 83.3%, my LS has a crit multiplier of 665%) =0.85* ( (1462.985 * (1 - 0.833) ) + (1462.985 * 6.65 * 0.833) ) = 7096.185 now let's multiply that by the number of attacks per second: DPS = 7.1 * 7096.185 = 50,382.91 DPS now let's multiply that by 1.5, because with if the target is alive for more than about 2 seconds, it's more than likely going to have shock on it: shock DPS = 50,382.91 * 1.5 = 75,574.37 DPS with shock. And remember: this DPS is PER STREAM of projectiles. And there's 5 of them with a 60% chance to pierce it should be noted that if PJAD is calculated before the lightning conversion, then my proj DPS is in the neighborhood of 57k base, and 85589.29 with shock. these numbers are not exact as I did some sloppy calculations for these numbers, which are get skewed by things like weapon elemental damage, so keep that in mind.
note that because of how my build is set up, this build also functions as a spectral throw build. http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgYABx4OPA5IEZYUcRa_Gjgc3CThJpUn7SoLKk0s4TBUMZ4yfjWSNj06UjwtPT4_Jz-bRnFHBklRSshN41FMVUtW9VnzXfJh4mKsaoxsFmyMbqpvnnBScFZw1XKpdwd9W33jfr1_xoMJhxOHGYnTjAuMNo6KkBuQVZJ9kyeVLpfQl_6Yb5oTnKSdqqLZplemf6c0p4SsR6xmrKqw2LGztAy1SLXytz65Prl8wBrAnMT2xq7IFMpK2HbYvdtu29TcI-OE5c_qGOyw7UHw1fPq9W_2_Pcy-Ov7RfxL_gr-jw== LEVELING PROGRESSION: Bandits: Oak(life) > Passive > Passive
45 pts
85 pts
The build below can be used for a variety of dagger based builds. I've personally used it for lightning strike, Reave, and Viper Strike. depending on what ability you wish to use after this point is when you'd start min/max'ing your passives (for example picking up entropy if you want to use Viper Strike)
100pt cookie cutter
examples of other builds based around this cookie cutter tree
Viper strike
http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgYBBLMHHg5IEZYUTRa_Gjgc3CaVJ-0qCypNLOEwVDGeMok1kjY9PC09Pj8nP5tGcUcGSVFKyE3jUUxVS1b1V-JZ813yYeJirGqMbIxuqm-ecFJwVnDVcql3B3f9fVt94369f8aDCYM4hxOJ04wLjDaOipAbkFWSfZMnlS6X0Jf-mG-aE5yknaqiAKLZplemf6c0p4SsR6xmrKqw2LGztAy1SLXytz65Prl8wBrAnMT2xq7IFMpK0NDYdti9227b1Nwj44Tlz-oY7DjssO1B73zw1fPq9W_2_Pcy_gr-jw== for LS/ST, I'm calling the build "Complete" at level 91:
other flasks used during atziri:
WEAPON: Get the highest physical DPS dagger you can find/afford. high crit rolls are awesome and should be sought out, as is high attack speed. fairly standard stuff for a crit dagger build. I personally think that Ambusher's are one of the best base items for this build due to the crit chance and the attack speed. SHIELD: I was lucky and had an Aegis drop, which happens to be my favorite shield ever, so I geared around that a bit. Daresso's Courage is a good and cheap option for when you hit map levels. In general though you should just get what ever shield is going to give you the most survability. HELM: I chose to get a helm with high armor and life on it (with the accuracy/ resists being an added bonus). If you are not using an aegis, the base type doesn't really matter. Either way, I'd suggest itemizing the helm slot towards survability. Rat's nest could be used, but then you might run in to health issues. Abyssus could also be used for for insane DPS. CHEST: Because this build only has 143% increased max life from the passive tree, you're more than likely going to want to use a Belly of the beast to push it up in to the ~175% range. You can probably also get away with using a really high life roll chest, but it's easier/safer to use Belly in my opinion. GLOVES: Maligaro's Virtuosity is generally speaking going to be your best bet. In the end getting an Atziri's Acuity is BiS, because the int allows you to pick a shorter path to get to the Evasion wheel/Harrier, but most people don't have those gloves. Prior to acquiring a maligaro's, itemize for attack speed and life. BOOTS: Pretty standard stuff, get as much life, Armor/Evasion/ES, resists, and movement speed as you can find/afford. BELT: Use a Rustic Sash, again, as much life and resists as you can get, elemental damage with weapons is also very nice. Using a Doryani's invitation belt might be a viable option despite the lack of health, but I haven't had a phys roll drop from atziri this league, so I haven't been able to play around with it. RINGS: Try to itemize around using at least one diamond ring for more crit. Weapon elemental damage is awesome, as is added phys damage. If you can get a ring with life on hit on it, DO IT. LoH is amazing with this build. Mana leach is handy to have on a ring especially when you're just starting to gear the character and aren't doing really high DPS, but it is by no means required (mind drinker takes care of that). NECK: Life, and life leach are the important stats on the neck. you can choose to switch things around and get life leach on your rings and what not, but I personally found it easier to use the neck for that. likewise for getting int. one of the bottle necks for this build is getting enough int to run with a level 20 ele weakness and it requires that some of your gear have int on it. in super expensive land, you're going to want to also get a neck with a good phys roll, and crit multiplier on it. The neck I currently use has a crafted increased global crit chance roll which the seller put on it. Once I get Elreon high enough level, I'll probably take that off and put something else on it, as there are higher DPS options for the crafted stat. FLASKS: fairly standard stuff. use an Aztiri flask because Aztiri flasks are amazing. Have at least 1 life flask that gains 1 charge on crit. And have a Granite flask that has an armor roll and a charge on crit roll. for Atziri you're gonna want a ruby/topaz/sapphire flask with charge on crit, and swap them accordingly for each of the fights.
LIGHTNING STRIKE: 4 link: LS> Multistrike> Crit Damage> LMP 5 link: LS> Multistrike> Crit Damage> LMP >Phys Proj Attack Dmg 6 link: LS> Multistrike> Crit Damage> LMP >Phys Proj Attack Dmg> Weapon Elemental Damage note for 6 link: if you're going to be doing a decent amount of swapping to ST for atziri for playstyle reasons(see explanation in the playstyle section), then to save money it's probably best to make the 6th color be green and use a faster attacks gem. BUFFS/AURAS: 4 link: Reduced Mana> Hatred> Herald of Fire> Herald of Ice WHIRLING BLADES: 3 link: WB> Faster attacks> Power Charge on Critical Note: PCoC is really not needed, but at the same time, there's no real loss to using it either. the occasional free power charge is nifty, but not particularly noticeable in the grand scheme of this build. Elemental Weakness: 3 link: EW> Blood Magic> Spell Totem Note: This is only really used for atziri, hence the spell totem (which allows you to get around the curse reflect mechanic), the blood magic is because otherwise EW would cost pretty much my entire mana pool. CAST WHEN DAMAGE TAKEN: 3 link: CWDT(level 1)>Enduring Cry> Molten Shell Note: I chose enduring cry to increase my armor to enhance the strength of my aegis. if you choose to use a different shield, then you can use a different ability here if you'd like.
The play style is pretty straight forward, just hold shift, aim your mouse in the general direction of the bad guys, and then melt everything. When you get bored or there's those goofy mobs hiding behind rocks and things that the LS projectiles can't hit, then you can either move around the rock, or just use spectral throw. In most circumstances, I pretty much exclusively use Lightning Strike. HOWEVER, for Atziri, I personally prefer the play style of Spectral Throw for the last two fights, so in those cases I will switch around my gems to use ST. You definitely do not need to do this in order to kill Atziri with this build. SURVIVABILITY Although from a stats perspective this build might not seem very tanky; the high crit chance/crit multiplier of this build actually plays a big roll in survivability. Because this build runs Hatred and Herald of Ice, generally speaking, nearly every time you crit you are going to freeze the enemy. and since this build is critting so frequently and attacking so fast, most mobs will be stun/freeze locked for their entire life. To put it simply, this build doesn't take a lot of damage because mobs rarely have a chance to do attacks On top of this, whirling blades can/will get down to under 1.0 seconds per use, which makes this build highly mobile, so if mobs ever get to close, you can easily and quickly get more distance from them. REFLECT: Ele reflect is slightly scarier than Phys reflect, but they are fairly equal in terms of how dangerous they are. If you have some life gain on hit, then reflect is almost entirely a non-issue, even with double reflect. If you don't, then in certain circumstances reflect can be a little worrisome, namely double reflect in large packs. HOWEVER, because you're critting the vast majority of times you attack, the damage is actually not all that bursty, making it easier to control your incoming damage. If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to leave a comment! I'll be working on getting some videos recorded to post in this thread in the near future, and eventually a self sufficient guide video. if there's something that you think I should add to this build guide to make it better in some way, please let me know! Torment Shop: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1133076/ Last edited by Cautex#4165 on Oct 24, 2014, 2:59:39 PM
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So Far looking at this is a really cool build and imma try it myself
in future do you look at getting a 6L and if what 6L will you get ? |
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" Right now my plan is to save up enough currency to get my Belly of the Beast 6 linked as it provides roughly 600 hp for me in my current gear. EDIT: Also worthy of note is that my preliminary math for my DPS once I get that 6th link suggests that with a Weapon Elemental Damage gem, my projectile DPS would go up to ~69.3k base, and ~131.7k with 3x shock stacks. Torment Shop: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1133076/ Last edited by Cautex#4165 on Oct 6, 2014, 5:38:40 PM
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Quick note. Shock doesnt stack anymore.
Im currently running a Lightning strike character too. But i decided to go with a tankier version than yours. It may have a bit better gear but im currently rolling with 108k tooltip dps with just auras. Not including power charges atziri promise etc. Using this build atm. https://www.poebuilder.com/character/AAAAAgIAAF4Zju2DCC6bjQHRr-vTfmJaJJ3-un11PeJI7niuG63Xy7fTo4oEsUxglWYwfI19I_ZNktaKfytKfYd2Z6D8xaQ50IFH4iLiFSAs6d0N0Tb_3iT951RRRzpCS3jdqDBx1CMFtY2_bIxirLTFwux94yzhrGa5Pth2Rwbb546Kl9Dbblb1naoOSOOENj1wUonTcNVd8vPqKgu1SO1Bpn-xsxa_VUth4iaVjDYRlnBWkBuaE9vUBx5JUfDVlS7_HEuNHoG5fIwL7LB6U2Hrz3qyGTIBmybo1s3q4l6A4bcXOJYKm3jr73rnCg== From what i see, your build seems EXTREMELY squishy. Ign: Kiaraa, Kionn , Nalaa Kiaraa Cyclone (2.0): https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1330927 Kionn Wander (1.2): http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1037723 (OUTDATED) Shop: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1315055 Last edited by yongsheng11#5129 on Oct 7, 2014, 2:18:01 AM
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" you're right. I had totally forgot about the changes. I've fixed my math accordingly. judging by that DPS, you're probably rolling with a 6 link, and not really focusing on the projectiles (read: not using LMP/PJAD). Especially dropping LMP will get you a very large amount of more DPS (somewhere in the neighborhood of 10k more), but of course then you're losing some of the multi target potential, which is totally fine and I do that on the 2nd fight in the apex of sacrifice. I personally think that it doesn't seem too squishy. I currently have 4800 effective hp (4600 hp +200 ES), with 3 endurance charges I have ~30% damage reduction, and molten shell bumps that up to around 35% on top of my ~19% chance to evade and 34% chance to block. This is certainly not a very tanky build, but as long as you play reasonably well (namely paying attention to positioning) then it's pretty hard to die IMO. Torment Shop: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1133076/ Last edited by Cautex#4165 on Oct 7, 2014, 9:43:14 AM
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Updated the guide a bit:
-Re-did the beginning section to discuss the philosophy I had when designing this build, and threw it in to its own spoiler tag. -Added commentary on how the high crit chance makes stun/freeze locking a common occurrence and how that impacts survivability in the play style section. -Fixed various Grammatical errors Torment Shop:
http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1133076/ |
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Can you please update the Passiv Tree?
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