Lowlife Bloodmagic Maxblock "Budget" Mjolner Witch

The goal of this build is to have as many shiny effects as possible, abuse lowlife mechanics to the max, and to clear endgame maps with ease.

I tried out etup's life mjolner build and while for most things it did okay, it had a lot of issues with harder maps. CB would wreck me, bosses would wreck me, and single target was pretty poor. I tried out a build similar to Thor's rainbownuke, but purcupines and other heavy burst damage were an issues.

I have overcapped resists, 75 block, 50 spellblock ( can easily get more with better gear but isnt necessary), and 6.1 attacks per second with bloodrage going. I have 5.7k ES because i am clowning it up with some elreons unset rings, but it is pretty easy to get around 6.5k life if you focus more on ES(you dont need it).

It's "budget" because you dont need 100+ ex to complete the build. You need a mjolner and a 5link solaris lorica. Everything else is pretty easy to come by now on rampage.

Taking the bloodmagic keystone with mortal conviction allows me to reserve 10 skills on my life. By using mjolner you can use all your skills to go defensive while still killing things absurdly fast. By going lowlife with mjolner you can abuse both pain attunement and bloodrage giving you 30% more damage and more than 50% increased attack speed respectively.

you can mix these up quite a bit. Play with http://poe.mikelat.com/ to find a setup you like best.
4L: reduced mana, empower, discipline, purity of lightning
3L: tempest shield, curse on hit, elemental weakness
4L: reduced mana, purity of elements, vitslity, purity of fire
4L: reduced mana, haste, purity of ice, herald of ice,
1L: bloodrage, leapslam, lvl1 clarity(for the swirls)
5L:faster attacks, multistrike, GMP, lvl1 molten strike and lightning strike
Mjolner: arc arc lifeleech(quality more important that levels)

I use a vertex to boost my auras up, but a nice high ES helm would probably be better.
Solris Lorica. It is much easier to get the colors we need in this than in a shavs and much cheaper.
rathpith globe. stats aren't critical but higher is always nice
Belt and jewelry
These are super easy. You just want to fill in the dex and strength you will need to use the mjolner and auras while getting as much energy shield as possible. Resists dont matter and just get in the way of more useful mods. You need life on hit on your rings so that you can keep your attacks going or you can get the life on hit wheel(i dont recommend it).
Ideally you would have one Elreons unset ring for leapslam with -8mana>LGOH>ES>Dex>life but it is really unnecessary. Another Elreons unset ring with same modifiers to house your clarity if you want the swirls or a moonstone for more ES. You dont need elreon's rings but they will give you free leapslam, 4life cost molten and 14life cost LS, which would be amazing. They will be more expensive to craft now with the elreon nerf, but if you have the moneys its a nice upgrade.
I crafted some vorici gloves with dex str ES. I find the leech rate really helps to heal through high damage bosses and sketchy maps.

my gears


Kill all
Level up with arc or whatever until you can use mjolner. Any map modifiers are fine except -max combined with ele reflect. I generally avoid -50% recovery with reflect aswell as it can be a little sketchy. 75% lightning res can be a bit slow if you are carrying a party. Stacking a bunch of damage mods on lvl 78/79 bosses can lead to deaths if you are not careful. Atziri is no problem but there are probably better builds for it. The trio can be annoying if you are too lazy to socket immortal call, the rest of the map is easy.

Activate bloodrage, run up to group, oneshot it with a lightning strike, then bop the rare with a molten strike if it survives and move on. Tanky things will hit you and get cursed and then die faster.

I would make some videos of the build, but I don't know how to record it and I am not a beefcake like mathil.

Last edited by honodos on Sep 29, 2014, 1:09:02 AM
I am running a low life Mjolner build as well in Rampage. Im level 87 and basically following the Rainbow nuke build. I like the extra damage of discharge too much to go with two arcs. I am currently taking a lot more Es nodes than you but none of the block. It seems there are pros and cons to both. I would like to do Atziri but I'm worried about the trio fight. I do not really have a good way to stop the titty bitch rain. I am currently testing Herald of Ice to determine whether the small damage boost is worth it. What are your thoughts? I have a shavs but atm its only a 5l. If I get lucky and 6l it Im thinking about going with the curse on hit.
Hey I am currently doing life-based mjolner build in rampage but still deciding switch into LL to utilize PA and blood rage. Can you tell me your arc dmg in your build (lightning + cold from herald)? It would help me a lot when deciding. Thanks in advance
BenMey wrote:
I am running a low life Mjolner build as well in Rampage. Im level 87 and basically following the Rainbow nuke build. I like the extra damage of discharge too much to go with two arcs. I am currently taking a lot more Es nodes than you but none of the block. It seems there are pros and cons to both. I would like to do Atziri but I'm worried about the trio fight. I do not really have a good way to stop the titty bitch rain. I am currently testing Herald of Ice to determine whether the small damage boost is worth it. What are your thoughts? I have a shavs but atm its only a 5l. If I get lucky and 6l it Im thinking about going with the curse on hit.

If you max block you can put curse on hit on your tempest shield and not need a 6link.
what is your opinion on this build?

This build uses Mjolner in conjunction with Aegis Aurora (thus IR is necessary), no innerforce though.
For spell block, if i use corrupted stone of lazhwar + rainbow stride, it should be like around 66-70% block

honodos wrote:
BenMey wrote:
I am running a low life Mjolner build as well in Rampage. Im level 87 and basically following the Rainbow nuke build. I like the extra damage of discharge too much to go with two arcs. I am currently taking a lot more Es nodes than you but none of the block. It seems there are pros and cons to both. I would like to do Atziri but I'm worried about the trio fight. I do not really have a good way to stop the titty bitch rain. I am currently testing Herald of Ice to determine whether the small damage boost is worth it. What are your thoughts? I have a shavs but atm its only a 5l. If I get lucky and 6l it Im thinking about going with the curse on hit.

If you max block you can put curse on hit on your tempest shield and not need a 6link.

im thinking about doing this build but whouldnt a shield with thempest shield+bloodrage+bloodmagic be better? if bloodmagic has quality, you get the increased attackspeed bonus on lowlive permanent for bloodrage

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