'of Crafting' Mod Cost

Qarl wrote:
The price of the "of Crafting" mod (which grants the ability to have multiple crafted mods) has been changed from one Divine Orb to two Exalted Orbs.

This above change is horrible. Chaos orbs have minimal sink, and exalts have neither recipe nor Master purchase. This turns the game into hoarding exalts bought cheap to sell for profit. You will se massive inflation of exalt:chaos rate.

Either change cost of that mod to 50-60 chaos, or make one of the masters sell 1 exalt for 30 chaos.

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If this change was seriously announced, this is VERY VERY fucking bad. This change would only deflate the prices of divine orbs while increasing those of exalts, this would lead to further hoarding as stated above and push the line between casual players and straight up "neets" even further. This change is all sorts of fucking silly. Going from 8 chaos to 60 at minimum, this is what is defined as reasonable lol? Is there anyone out there that would care to enlighten me as to which case this might actually have a positive impact on anything/anyone?
Last edited by Deimos1337#6178 on Sep 25, 2014, 8:07:22 PM
You forget the cartographer's strongbox nerf. Maybe people will have to spend more chaos to sustain maps.
Add a Forsaken Masters questline
NeroNoah wrote:
You forget the cartographer's strongbox nerf. Maybe people will have to spend more chaos to sustain maps.
it was nerfed long ago. And it didn't affect the economuh at all. Maybe I am wrong, in this case I'd like to hear how it did.
And worst change is putting almost all bosses in new version of maps into fucking small areas, where you can't kite well or dodge stuff. What a terrible idiot invented that I want say to him: dude flick you, seriously flick you very much.
silumit wrote:
NeroNoah wrote:
You forget the cartographer's strongbox nerf. Maybe people will have to spend more chaos to sustain maps.
it was nerfed long ago. And it didn't affect the economuh at all. Maybe I am wrong, in this case I'd like to hear how it did.

People can actually run blue maps (or regaled ones) because they don't have to roll for IIQ.

Zana made that worse, but it started in Ambush (just research the ex/chaos ratio in every league).
Add a Forsaken Masters questline
I agree. Some Expensive master recipes could take a high number of chaos orbs. Do we really want to inflate one of our most limited resources?
I doubt it's going to change as it will accomplish precisely what GGG want it to accomplish. It will take Eleron's level 8 crafted mod and move it out of the reach of the "wrong" type of player.
Thaelyn wrote:
I doubt it's going to change as it will accomplish precisely what GGG want it to accomplish. It will take Eleron's level 8 crafted mod and move it out of the reach of the "wrong" type of player.

I assume by "wrong" you mean the casual players that have families and jobs to worry about? Not everyone can put in 10 hours of game time per day.
Yeah, that is probably what he means. And to me, he doesn't sound happy about it, either...
May your maps be bountiful, exile
Last edited by SisterBlister#7589 on Sep 27, 2014, 5:50:31 PM
Deimos1337 wrote:
Thaelyn wrote:
I doubt it's going to change as it will accomplish precisely what GGG want it to accomplish. It will take Eleron's level 8 crafted mod and move it out of the reach of the "wrong" type of player.

I assume by "wrong" you mean the casual players that have families and jobs to worry about? Not everyone can put in 10 hours of game time per day.

Treffnix wrote:
Yeah, that is probably what he means. And to me, he doesn't sound happy about it, either...

What I mean isn't so much about time played as it is play style choice. I've said for some time now that GGG has designed this game's crafting system not as the alternative to trade that it should be, but rather as a reward for trade. While it's true that most of the gap filling mods available from masters offer a boon to players who don't trade, this change further reinforces that overall notion by moving the price point from an orb that a non trader can build towards (i.e. vendoring a 6L, which is far easier with the apparent bump in Tabula drop rates) to an orb that non traders cannot build toward.

I've gotten the impression from GGG, both from what they've said and looking at the overall direction of their patches, that they consider people who don't trade to be the "wrong" type of player. I've been told many times by several people around here that I'm full of it, but I see what I see.

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