CHEAP and tanky CoC ST build
Hi there :)
I am somewhat a new player and i had problems ending up with endgame viable build cheap enough to actualy be possible for me. I like feeling like a ninja - trowing the hell out on everything that moves while going in and out of combat and staying safe at the same time. This is what i came out with: Cast on Crit dualwielding Ungil's Gauches spectral thrower.
Block chance - 55% from the daggers only!
With Dervish points you go to 65% and you can get to cap without spending travel points on the tree; You can get the Stone of Lazhwar neck and Rainbowstrider boots to get your spellblock to 50-55% (depending on rainbowstriders roll). Acrobatics and Phase Acrobatics Tons of atakspeed from the tree - more atakspeed = more CoC trigers. Imba mobility via whirling blades and faster atak gems ST crit without powercharges around 45-60 lv - 52%. It is low and single target fights against rogue exiles or some rares can be somewhat unnoying but at lower levels your weapon damage itself is still a factor and as you level the CoC gem it becomes less bothersome and your procrate increases; and you can further improve your crit as you get more currency/better gear. The cost of this build:
The dagger is cheap - i bough mines for 1 alch and 1 fusing in 2nd week of the league.
The cast on crit gem i got for 2c. 5link chest (2 green 2 blues 1 red) for 4c. If you can get tabula rasa early on it will make your leveling faster but it costs around 2 exalts i guess. 5 or 6 link Voll chest will be awesome but will make the build too expensive for players like myself. Romira's banquet ring (around an exalt i guess) and the amulet(was about to sell it for 20c) are somethings i got as a drops; the ring is making the build feels realy smooth (as your spellcrit is lower than your ST crit it happens that you crit, lose powercharges, triger spells that do not crit and you have powercharges for your next atak) but it is not a must have - it is just a thing you can aim for. Links:
ST + LMP + LoH/Lifeleech + CoC + Arc + Glacial cascade; i got told to replace Lifeleech with power charges on crit but it just felt bad without the lifesteal. I leveled with Lightning ball instead Arc but when i put LMP in the link i had to replace the ball. It is not shotgunning like other spells linked with LMP/GMP. It seems like a target can be hit by a lightning ball a fixed amount of times every second (no idea how much) regardless how many balls are on top of the target. That helped with the life-on-hit tankiness while leveling. Whirling blades + Faster atacks The Mobility of this build; maybe most peoples will not agree with me on that but for me it is one of the things that makes this build so enjoyable playing. I can avoid almost anything with that or i can go in/out of combat as i please; i was in a map with a friend of mine - just leveled to map level culler and we had a titty bitches (pardon i ment tentacle misscreations) with a crit totem; i managed to get infront of him just before he dies with whirling blades to block most of their shots. Spell totem + Summon skeletons + Blind - best meatshield/distraction i could think of Reduced mana + clarity + Herald of Ice + whatever aura you can use. Herald of Ice is a must! It increases your damage by like 20%-ish CodT + Enduring Cry - i have no idea why i am using that at all - it feels useless. I got a suggestion from my friend to use CodT lv 1 + Frost Wall as i am rangered and the frost wall pushes mobs back and blocks projectiles but i still have not tried it. <Edit: tried CotD + frost wall - it works wonders; rangered mobs stop ataking me trying to go around the wall and melees are pushed away; downside is i can not walk trough the wall but i can use whirling blades trough it and my projectiles can pass it> Curse - i am using elemental weakness. I tried the crit curse but it is not feeling like it actualy contributes to my damage while with the resist curse the difference is noticeable. Offweapons - i level other spells to have something to replace in my CoC link if i ever feel the need. I am planning to get some good damagewise daggers for this spec and have them on offweapon slots to swap if i do not need Ungul's tankiness. Talent points:
The passive tree has a lot of flexibility if you are ready to remove the blockcap (considering its a range build the cap is awesome but not so much nesesary) - you can take the aura nodes near the ranger, you can take more elemental damage at the shadow starting area. You can take the 3 resist nodes right below the Scion next to Sentinel node; you can go for the Vaal Pact and/or the atakspeed nodes next to it.
You can drop the dagger specific nodes and go for wands (barrage) if you have 2 good ones. Just have in mind that CoC with lower critchance feels much more fluid if you use ST than it is with barrage so you will have to fit in power charge on crit gem. You can replace Ungils with Divinarius or something else with more spellpower/crit. You can go for bow and use barrage to triger CoC with the crit bow nodes near Iron Reflexes and Oondar's Guile if you change the tree just a bit. Also you can start as Scion, Duelist or a Shadow. Passive tree:
My passive tree at the moment:
As you can see i miss a lot of HP nodes and i do not have almost any spell/elemental nodes but so far i have no problems in high level maps; also i tried atziri once(ever) and despite not knowing a thing about the boss i managed to kill the 2 vaal bosses and the 3 next after that. I believe that speaks enough for the quality of the build. Gear:
My gear atm:
Some intelect and strength on the gear is a good thing if you want to drop some nodes from the tree. Idealy you would want to cap your resistances and preferably to have spellpower/elemental damage and critchance on belt, rings and amulet. I leveled 31lv - 76lv using 5link with ST - CoC - life on hit - lightning ball - glacial cascade and around lv 66-68 i replaced LoH with lifeleach. When i got my 6link i felt like a complete idiot for playing this build without LMP (did not tried it with GMP but i guess it will be even more awesome) so a 6link is a must but even a tabula rasa will be enough. Problems i am having with this build:
Double reflect is hard but with pots its doable. Cant realy do no regen maps; hoping elreon ring + amulet can fix that. Corrupting blood = dead in 2 to 3 sek; bleed remove flask is a must! Also instant flask is good if you intend to ignore the HP nodes leaving them for the end like i am doing. Flasks with "recharge when you crit" are awesome as you crit a lot. I had hard time making the resist cap; i used purity of elements for a while. At the moment i struggle with the mana cost of ST; it is 17 mana for me and i shoot 3 times every sek. Recently i replaced mana regen neck with a resistance one and i had to level my clarity; now it takes all my mana except the reserve for Herald of ice and 60-ish more just so i can cast the skeleton totem. I plan on taking elreon ring and amulet with reduced mana and ask someone to put the mod "can be crafted multiple times" and i plan to regal them and craft what i need on them; then i can use them instead the clarity and i can go for Grace or Haste auras. I also had problems with the low int/str nodes on the tree where i am going; i went down to Ballistic mastery and below it to Heart of Oak and Finesse and from there above to that Mana point with 20 int and 20 str while leveling and replaced them later. I can say i sort of felt the losing of the stun/block nodes there at some point but it does not felt like i realy NEED them. I hope you will enjoy this build as much as i am :) and i just bet that most of you will have more understanding for it than me when you try it; feedbacks will be wellcome! Peace. Last edited by BGkamaz#1203 on Oct 1, 2014, 10:45:33 AM Last bumped on Mar 4, 2016, 11:43:53 PM
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Awesome! I'm going to try it out. Any chance you can put together a passive skill tree? Or even a SS of your current tree for now? The link you have up won't work with the updated skill tree app on the website.
It would be awesome if you had trees for lvl 20, 40, 60, etc. Great work! |
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