My thoughts about possible SET items in PoE

Every fan of aRPGs know what is set item and what pros and cons it have.

The cons are so high that implementing them to new games is blocked ,but they are still the classic thing of aRPGs that would be cool to have in PoE.

So i was thinking how to add this type of item while reducing the cons of it so it would actualy make people desire the items.
On the end i had only one idea.

Currently in game we have this type of item:
-normal aka white

But how to put there Set items without actualy messing the unique and rare category??
Well the answer for me was simple ,dont make the set item as one of those of above upgrades ,but set item as base property of item.
With would result in possiblity to have :\
-set -normal items
-set -magic items
-set -rare items
-set -unique items

Set item would be just upgraded version of "base" of the item ,giving really little banuses to player. Though still better than the actualy "normal" base of the item.

The best solution would be to make SET property as a actualy bonus MOD roll to item ,wery rare to get ,bit easier to drop than unique currently.

That would give possiblity to drop for example "Sniper set" bow as 15lvl version and 60lvl version without problem. As the set would be actualy just a MOD that got possiblity to accour on any item lvl ,just limited to the type of item like :helm ,gloves ,one handed sword.

Set item this way would give really small bonuses.
The best in my opinion would be to make the sets small ,meaning from 2 to 4 items compositions.

The set item by itself wouldnt give you anything special ,just like 5% quality cap incrase ,so maximum 25% quality instead of 20% on the set item.
Where collecting the set would result in gaining 1-2 bonus mods ,maybe even unique ones that dont appear on normal items ,but not really overpowering mods.
Some sets could give actualy just cosmetic mods as reward.

This wouldnt impact the game alot ,where players would desire to complete set without resiging from other item types.
Player wouldnt need to choose between rare or set items with is the biggest con of them in other games.
How many times i was having better rare item at base than set ,but taking off just that one part was giving me to big drawbacks to actualy equip the rare.
But with this method i presented player could have rare set items in one.
You could drop also by really uber small chance a unique set item.

The other possiblie item tapes at base could be legendary.
With also would have the 5% bonus quality cap ,while not being part of set ,they would give one bonus mod by itself. The mod could be normal one ,though reduced by 50%.
With this there could be also rare currency item that reroll the mod for legendary item.
Also wery rare currency item that reroll the base type of the item to normal/set/legendary.

So like always sorry people for my poor english ,give your opinions about the idea.
Mostly would like to see what GGG developers think about adding something like that to game.
Last edited by herflik#4390 on Oct 13, 2011, 7:43:59 AM
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Ya, set items would be a neat thing to have but I'm not sure if/how they will be implemented successfully.

I like your idea about having set items that range in rarity. Another idea I had was to have set items have several "base" stats, and there would be something like 2-4 random stats that could be tagged on it too. Then of course the set would always grant the same bonuses if you have the whole set equipped.

This way, even though two people have the same set items, both would be varying stat wise. This would make set items a lot more random but still keeping the theme of the set.
These are fantastic ideas for Set items.

Make them set items in a more "passive" sense.

I support this thread. More items = more fun.
Wouldn't that make rare set items most desirable of all? If so, it's a bad idea.

I mean, if it's just a trade of 1 affix for SET affix which practically gives just +5% max quality, then it's ok. You still have a choice because there can be lot better bonuses than +5% quality.

But I don't think we should have set unique items because set unique will be always superior to standard unique which is bad.
ingame: FeelLuckyPunk standard
Kendroxide wrote:
Ya, set items would be a neat thing to have but I'm not sure if/how they will be implemented successfully.

I like your idea about having set items that range in rarity. Another idea I had was to have set items have several "base" stats, and there would be something like 2-4 random stats that could be tagged on it too. Then of course the set would always grant the same bonuses if you have the whole set equipped.

This way, even though two people have the same set items, both would be varying stat wise. This would make set items a lot more random but still keeping the theme of the set.

Well the idea is something like that.

Lets say there is the "Sniper" set.
You can have 15lvl Sniper Bow.

It will give the base dmg ,+5% quality cap ,be a set part to that with give possiblity to gain bonus mods for completing the set.
And you still can enchant it to rare grade like any other items.

Now the question is only like mentioned by Ugm.
The set items i present will be for sure stronger than regular items ,though as i mentioned their drop chance should be just bit lower than unique items.
Where if there would be also the Legendary items grade ,they would be as rare as unique.
So getting legendary unique would be totally rare ,like just few on server.

I droped till now just one unique item ,ofc it overpower all other items of this type for me.
So droping set part would be hard too ,completing whole set from just even 3 items would be even harder ,you would need to trade for it to succes.
They would be stronger than other items (though under unique still) ,but also much harder to get ,where it would result that each high lvl person would have like 1 small set(2-3items) on them ,maybe 1 legendary item ,1 unique and rest filled with normal rares.

Though i dont see why there shouldnt be chance to get even stronger items than we got now.
I mean look at the current system ,white dont have chance to magic ,magic to rare ,rare to unique aswell in most cases. Reaching current goal in game to complete rare items isnt so hard ,so adding some higher harder to get grade would actualy give some nice goals to farm gear.
It is a pretty cool idea! Just having item mods that interact with each other would be interesting - Would be hard to balance, though.

We're fine with having very situational stats like Elemental Resistance that devalue an item, and very strong stats like Weapon Physical Damage to make items desirable, but certain 'set' mods could be a little too potent, and too desirable. I'll talk over the idea with the others, but it would have to be a distant future addition even if it was being considered!
Balance & Design
One of the key problems with sets is balancing their mods. It's difficult to balance mods so that a set item on its own still has some usefulness but the entire set together isn't completely overpowered. That said, if we can think of a way to capture all the cool aspects of sets without their typical gameplay issues then I'm sure GGG would be interested in including them. I think this is definitely doable and I like the concepts being tossed around.

For example, an item mod can read: '+2% armor for every item from Set X that you wear (including this one)'

This would be rolled on items just like any other magic mod but more rarely and only on specific types of items. Of course there would be multiple types of mod bonuses that all relate to Set X. Another item may give '+1% attack speed for every Set X item'. That way you can even customize your particular item set. One person's Set X may just have all the +armor mods while another person's Set X may have some +attack speed and some +move speed. You don't get any bonus mods on the base item and you don't get any bonus mods for having multiple set items which should make this system much easier to balance and much more versatile for players.
Forum Sheriff
Last edited by tpapp157#0336 on Oct 13, 2011, 9:13:15 PM
I wrote that the set can give just cosmetic mods.
So dont give any power at all for completing the set (expect the 5% quality cap per part) ,but change the visual look of something.
Maybe your attack ,maybe just one skills or your overall armour/weapon display.

Something similar to what is planed to cash shop ,though you couldnt buy these ones in cash shop ,while they would be for sure hard to unlock for player. But thats to decide for GGG as its their decision if they wanna give cosmetic only in CS or also possible to get by wery rare drops so hard work of player.

They can give also normal mods ,but not to strong.
The existance of set item in this way give already bonus of having more mods than regular item ,so they should be small bonuses.


You are talking about mod per one part of set,or overally whole set completion mod??

If its just per part then it would overally give more mods than just giving one or two for completing whole set.
But that wouldnt make bigger diffrence when these would be 4 small mods vs 2 medium mods. The 4 would be then more costumizable ofc ,with actualy could be better for player.

I think everybody would agree that the bonuses from set should be really small and just give like more satisfaction rather than power for completing it.
Honorable reward ,still noticable ,but not must have.


What you guys think abou the +5% quality cap on set items??
Should it be there or actualy be removed ,and just leave the mods of set be the diffrence between the set vs basic??

The whole idea was to not make SET as seperate grade of items like rare or magic ,but to make it BASE item propety with still can be made rare or magic.
While the base property would give small bonus and challange for player to unlock it.
Last edited by herflik#4390 on Oct 14, 2011, 5:10:59 AM
Making it a different base item wouldn't really work well in my opinion. I think it would then need to be a completely separate item and GGG would need to make duplicates of every item. Even if that wasn't the case, I'm not in favor of it.

If set system was implemented, It should just be done as a mod.

Like someone said though, set items are hard to balance though, since they are either only useful when you have all/many of them, or they become overpowered when you have all/many of them.

The least problematic route I could see would be having this mod appear on some unique items. It is probably very doable that way since uniques can have negative values, and are at a fixed (lower) item tier.
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Last edited by Xapti#6455 on Oct 14, 2011, 6:44:34 AM

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