[solved] Severe FPS drops when not at full mana under linux/wine since 1.2.2

I'm guessing this won't be supported because of unsupported platform, but I'll try anyway. Since the patch today, any time my character is not at completely full mana, FPS drops severely making the game unplayable. I've confirmed that this happens with other people playing in Linux as well. It may be related to the new comma in numbers code. It doesn't happen when life drops, just mana.

Wine version is 1.5.28-PathOfExile (supplied by PlayOnLinux). I'm on 64-bit Arch Linux with latest NVidia proprietary drivers. It's always worked well for me, I hope that this recent patch doesn't render the game unplayable on Linux from now on.
Last edited by I_I_I#2511 on Sep 11, 2014, 10:42:26 PM
You are correct that there is no official support for PoE on Linux/Wine.

Your best bet is the "Wine" thread in the discussion forum. There are usually a bunch of users there working on the issue and attempting to figure out the solution.

Good luck.
isn't that POE-patch for wine obsolete nowadays? try a recent wine 1.7 maybe.
Perception is reality.
Ah yes, using a more recent version of wine (1.7.19-WGL_WINE_surface2) fixes the problem. Thanks for the suggestion. The latest normal version doesn't work for PoE but PlayOnLinux gives an easy way to install these patched versions that work. Hopefully others with the issue see this too.
Last edited by I_I_I#2511 on Sep 12, 2014, 9:00:02 PM
Hi, i'm having the same problem. I was running wine 1.7.8 before the patch.

However I don't understand the solution. I tried newer patches, currently there is also a 1.7.49-PathOfExile version for wine but all of the newer ones flicker.
The whole games start's to blink.

What wine version did you use now to solve the problem?

Thanks for any help.
If I'm reading the post correctly, they used version 1.7.19-WGL_WINE_surface2 from the list in PlayOnLinux.

Keep in mind that your mileage may vary. Also keep in mind that the "Flickering" issue was affecting people on windows as well depending on their setups.... so it is entirely likely that even with different wine versions, it won't necessarily fix your issue if it is driver related or otherwise.
Verified working with 1.7.19-WGL_WINE_surface2 and windowed mode.

On i3wm I have this in my ~/.i3/config:

for_window [class="^Wine$" instance="^PathOfExile.exe$"] floating enable, move container to workspace 10
for_window [class="^Wine$" instance="^PathOfExile.exe$" title="^Path of Exile$"] floating enable, move container to workspace 10, border none, move absolute position center

This will put PoE and the launcher in workspace 10 in floating mode and won't draw a border frame so you won't resize or move the window possibly causing the render to fail via miss-click.
Great, thanks so much. I'm just not good enough in English and misread things sometimes ;). Thought newer, including 1.7.19-WGL_WINE_surface2 didn't work.
Works perfect with this version now.
Oh sorry, I could see how you were confused, my post had half a sentence accidentally stuck in the middle of another sentence, haha. To be clear, 1.7.19-WGL_WINE_surface2 works, 1.7.19-PathOfExile doesn't work, and neither does the most recent un-patched version.

For people that don't know how to install different versions (assuming you're using PlayOnLinux): highlight PoE in the games list, click Configure in the toolbar, press the "+" beside the wine version drop-down, find the correct version, and add it. Then choose it as the active version.
Last edited by I_I_I#2511 on Sep 12, 2014, 9:02:14 PM
Unfortunately, 1.7.19-WGL_WINE_surface2 introduces UI glitches when opening the character screen, social panel, waypoint menu in town, among other annoying glitches. These glitches were not there with 1.5.28-PathOfExile, which is why my guide recommended that version for so long, it just worked..... until yesterday. *sigh*

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