[1.2.0] [English/繁體中文] Voe's Lowlife Claw Reave - Uber Viable
Hello guys, there will be two sections of this little guide. The first section will be written in Chinese, the other one will be in English.
I have finished the Chinese version first, I will updated the English version later, but you can check the video/gem/gears in the spoiler first so you will have some ideas about how it works. The Massive Damage version is up. I will update another version with auxium and purity of ele later. 哈囉,這篇guide分中、英文,中文版已經粗略完成,稍後會更新英文版。 如果你有興趣的話,歡迎隨時在 PTT 寫信給我,或者在我實況時提問,謝謝。 My Ign: Voe_Aeternus
English Version
Hey guys, I wanna make a little guide for my LV100 Scion claw reave since a few friends want to know about some gem and gear setup for it. I have been playing low-life Spectral Throw for a long time and hit LV100. Then, I swapped to Power Siphon but I still wanna try something I have never really been into it. That's why the reason I am doing a reave claw build now. After testing it for a few days, I fixed the original passive in Chinese version and make 2 versions of this reave build.
Max Dps Version
This one will have more dps but less es and mana because it runs with a mirrored belt. The dps auras are Hatred, Anger, Wrath and Herald of Ash. These are my dps screenshots without and with flask/Vaal Haste buff: ![]() ![]() Also this is the Uber Atziri video I made(the language we spoke is Chinese): http://youtu.be/bNm2hu-xdvM Pro/Con Pros: 1) Endgame/Uber viable. I killed Uber with a non-optimized passive without any issues. 2) Massive dps with fast clean speed. 3) The leech from claw and high attack speed can handle reflect pretty well. Cons: 1) Expensive. 2) You will need to get like LV90 to make it work. 3) Any lag and desync will put you in a dangerous situation since you are melee and you reply on leech as your defense. Hence, it requires you to pay more attention while you are playing this build. If the game was desyncing badly you will have a hard time. Gears and Gems: The essential gears for this build are: 1)Crown of Eyes: still the best dps/leech helmet in game. 2)Shav's: Low-life massive aura dps mode. 3)Acuity: For instant leech. With claw, you will have a lot of leech. For the Shav's, if you wanna have max aoe you can take out either Faster Attack or Multistrike and use Increased A.O.E, with IAOE gem you will hit wider but the clean speed will remain the same, since you are already killing mobs so fast. Anyway, you don't really need to hit 2G2B2R, you can try 1G3B2R or 2G3B1R and it will work well. ( While you are going to fight boss, you can use conc. for dps boost). You don't need to worry about the color set, because you will clean the maps so fast. Personally I like attackspeed so that's why I am running 2G2R2B. For the shield, I will strongly suggest you to get 3R color on it so you can run CWDT combo for physical defense. Since reave is melee skill. You will have to yolo into/near mobs a lot. While you are trying to stack reave effect, you will like to have some defense because you are not running any ar/eva, and the CDWT combo helps a lot in ref maps. Also, you can take out CWDT and use increased duration to get more immune time if you like to do more stuff in map. For the rings and amulet, if you are running a budget version, I will suggest you to get ES/res first, then physical flat, accuracy and WED. ( on amulet, critical chance and multi are really good) You are not forced to mirror any gears and you can still make it work if you got the 3 essential gears with a good claw then just clean all the maps fast and enjoy the massive dps you get. However, if you are going to do some uber runs, you might need to get these gears step by step. I am running Lioneye's Paws to save more passive points for grabbing more claw dps nodes, so I can not run two heralds on my life with another 60% aura, so I just run herald of ash since it scales with physical damage. It boosts my dps a lot. I am still trying to figure out a way to run bloodmagic/mortal conviction nodes without losing too many points from ES nodes and claw nodes Bandits: Passive-Physical Damage-PowerChager. Passive: LV100 Scion Passive: http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgABAQkMfQ18DkgPqw_EEH8RUBGWFf0WQBa_Fy8ZihqPGyUdFB1PHaohAyLqJLAo-ioLLR8tqC9vNbk2PTt8Q2NF9EZxRwZLrkyzUDBTNVXWV8lY9VnzXfJfamNDZK9k52XxZp5tGW9Xb55wUnC7cNVxTXcHf8aApILHgwmFfYbRhxOJ04o4jAuPRpBVkn2VIJhvms-btZykncSio6Z_pwinK7GQsbO0DLTFtUi3MbfWuJO4yrjZuXy7fMAawcXB88M6xp7KStkT2VvbWdte2-fdSOGI44Tlz-kC6rrr7uwY7LDtQfLh8-r22vrS-wk= I think Witch will be better because you don't need to spend too many points on spell damage but get more es instead. Shadow will be slightly better because you get more physical damage. However I don't have any other LV100 or even LV90+ Witch/Shadow so I can't really test the dps/es value for you guys. If you have LV90 Witch/Shadow/Scion with proper gears, and you wanna try this build, I will suggest you to take out 3 nodes of the critical multi, the four nodes from Brutal Efficiency, the Athleticism node and you are fine (with Witch), since you don't need to get the four spell damage nodes near Scion. If you are running shadow, you might have to take out the powercharge nodes on the left side so you can make it aroubd LV90. Please let me know if there's anything you wannt me to explain more. Enjoy and have a nice day. Where to find these mirrored gears
Claw was crafted by my friend Jin, now I have it. You can reach me here: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/805100 Jin's thread is here: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/556020 Rings belong to KiPad: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/778747 Shield is from Kaiserin. Belt is from Dime. Amulet is from Ventor. Once again, you are not forced to mirror any gear to make this build work. But every currencies you put into this build will give you more efficiency, that's for sure. And, you can make your own decision to get whatever you like. I have my own reasons to use these gears. Shout-out to KiPad(broPad), if you mirror the claw from me then he will do discount for his ring. I will do the same thing too. If you mirrored his ring and you wanna mirror the claw from me, I will do discount as well.
Auxium Version
This version of build uses auxium instead of mirrored belt. With Auxium, you will have more es, mana, mana leech per powercharge, and the ability to handle freeze issue. Reave is melee skill, auxium can provide nice dps and defense. Also, since you will have high attackspeed, and auxium also provides good mana pool, it makes auxium a good choice. The down side is that you will lose Herald of Ash. These are the dps with auxium: ![]() ![]() Gears and Gems setup for this version:
(一)特色與優缺: 特色: 藉由Lowlife與Coe的組合得到巨幅的DPS成長,因此Reave將會是非常有效率的清怪技能,而且...爪很帥(無誤)。 優: 1) 可推遊戲內所有endgame內容,包括上層女王(綠門;uber Atziri) 2) 極高的 dps(三十五萬) 3) 由於爪的高吸血與女王手的特性,這個build的生存力極高。在玩家經驗足夠,並且知道何時需要上藥水的情況下,也可以刷雙反地圖。 DPS圖片: ![]() 缺點: 1)造價高 2)需要LV90以上 3)由於是近戰型角色,相對於投擲物型角色而言,近戰型角色相對較為危險,此build沒有任何AR/EVA,唯一的減傷機制是CWDT(受傷時施放)帶來的短暫無敵時間,因此相對要求玩家的判斷力(何時應該上藥水或者先離開怪物群)。除此之外,當遊戲產生錯位(desync),也容易因為短暫的沒有吸血、吸魔而讓玩家角色暴露於RIP的風險中。 先看看推上層女王的影片: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bNm2hu-xdvM (二)裝備: 核心裝備(必備): 1) Crown of Eyes(眼睛頭、傲慢頭、多眼頭): 雖然計算方式遭到 nerf,但仍然是最好的dps頭盔選擇。除此之外,CoE提供的4%/2%吸血、吸魔也是非常珍貴的詞墜。 2) Shavronnes's Wrapping(大CI): 這個遊戲唯二兩個可以讓混沌傷不穿透能量護盾的裝備,也因此讓血量成為開光環的基礎。除此之外,由於壓成貧血狀態,鮮血狂怒(Bloodrage)提供了相當快的功速加乘 3) Atziri's Acuity(女王手): 爆擊時瞬間吸取的詞墜太強就不解釋了,但這個裝備的情況特殊,後面會做說明? 4) Auxium: 這條皮帶提供了相當高的ES、魔力、吸魔還有非常好的抗冰措施。雖然在使用女王手之後,吸魔看似有點雞肋,但由於衝擊波(Reave)是近戰技能,因此這條皮帶提供相當好的防禦措施。 5)Lioneye's Paws(免暈鞋): 不用走下去拿免暈,極為節省點數。 其餘裝備: 爪:高物傷、高功速、高爆擊為主,其餘詞墜則視經濟能力情況。 如果你想複製我的爪,請參考: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/805100 臺灣人有優惠。 盾牌:依照優先順序來說,你需要的是高抗性(彌補眼睛頭帶來的副作用)、高ES與高法傷。 項鍊、戒指:由於這個build綁了很多傳奇裝,項鍊戒指是你唯一可以尋找抗性的地方,因此首要優先是抗性與ES,在經濟能力許可的情況下,則開始往增加物傷、命中、元素傷的方向發展。 在戒指方面,優先順序是抗性與ES、物傷、命中與元素傷。 在項鍊方面,由於項鍊可以骰出爆擊機率與爆傷加乘,因此這兩項是優先順序,其他選項是ES、物傷、命中與元素傷。 你不需要複製這些東西,這個build也能夠有相當不錯的輸出。 對於台版玩家來說,最大的問題是沒有女王手,因此無法得到瞬吸。為了處理反傷問題,所以你必須點取瓦爾冥約(Vaal Pact),這麼一來,你的天賦配置將會略微沒效率,而且效能也會有點打折,但是多眼頭與大CI甲的特色仍然可以讓你有很好的效能。如果沒有女王手與這些複製裝,攻略上層女王可能會有問題,但一般女王與其餘地圖都非常容易。我會在天賦那個部分介紹處理這種情況的方法。 因此,你更新裝備的順序如下: 一)多眼頭、CI甲、免暈鞋、Auxium與其餘抗性基礎裝:開啟貧血多光環模式,dps大幅上升 二)複製爪與女王手:開始享受秒怪的爽快 三)複製盾牌:拉高ES 四)項鍊 五)戒指 *如果你在購買多眼頭與CI甲之後就無法負擔Auxium,你也可以暫時使用高抗性的皮帶加上免凍戒指。唯一的原則就是讓自己的三抗超過75。 (三)天賦: LV 100 貴族: http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgABAQkMfQ18DkgPqw_EEH8RLxFQEZYV_Ra_Fy8ZihqPGyUdFB1PHaohAyLqJLAo-ioLKwotHy2oL281uTY9O3xF9EZxRwZLrkyzUDBTNVXWV8lZ81yKXfJfamNDZK9k52XxZp5qlW0Zb1dvnnBScLtw1XcHf8aApILHgwmG0YcTidOKOIwLj0aQVZJ9koCVIJhvmhebtZykoqOmf6cIpyuxkLGztAy0xbVItve31riTuMq42bl8u3zAGsHFwfPDOsaeykrQCdkT2VvbWdte2-fdSOGI44Tlz-kC6rrr7uwY7LDtQfLh8-r22vrS-wk= LV 90 女巫: https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgMA2VsbJUuu6QLfim0Zpys1uRFQ215QMEyzLR8dT7jKO3wPxKKjwfOVIFyKcLvsGMHFf8bZEy9v3Ui42QEJEZZjQw5IX2rb50cG8uFvV0X0ZK-KOBX9tMVwUonTcNVd8rVI8-oqC7Gz7UGmfxa_D6saj_ba-wkZipu1UzV3B4cTnKRvnspKwzodquGIRnGDCVfJDXzqurQMxp4Qfwx9gsco-qcIuJPr7h0Uj0ZmnvrSkFXAGuXPkn2Yb1nzkoCaF2qV0All8bt8IQMi6utjmZoRL4CkJLCG0RcvVdZk5w== 沒有女王手: LV100 貴族: https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgAAAQkMfQ18DkgPqw_EEH8RLxFQEZYV_Ra_Fy8ZihqPHRQdTx2qIQMi6iSwKPoqCysKLR8tqC9vNbk7fEX0RnFHBkyzUDBTNVXWV8lZ81yKXfJfamNDZK9k52XxZp5qlW9Xb55wUnC7cNV3B3_GgKSCx4MJhtGHE4nTijiPRpJ9koCVIJhvmhebtZykoqOmf6cIpyuxkLGztAy0xbVItve31riTuMq42bt8wBrBxcHzwzrGnspK0AnZE9tZ217b591I4Yjlz-q66-7sGO1B8uHz6vba-tL7CaxHUUxKyD8nKk19Wyo4qW618m6qkFU= LV88-90 女巫: https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgMA2VsbJUuu6QLfim0Zpys1uRFQ215QMEyzLR8dT7jKO3wPxKKjwfOVIFyKcLvsGMHFf8bZEy9v3Ui42QEJEZZjQw5IX2rb50cG8uFvV0X0ZK-KOBX9tMVwUonTcNVd8rVI8-oqC7Gz7UGmfxa_D6saj_ba-wkZipu1UzV3B4cTnKRvnspKwzodquGIRnGDCVfJDXzqurQMxp4Qfwx9gsco-qcIuJPr7h0Uj0ZmnvrSkFXAGuXPkn2Yb1nz62OZmhEvgKQksIbRFy9V1mTnKk19W6xHUUwqOKlutfJuqkrIPyc= 盜賊: 全殺(技能點) 物理傷害或全殺(技能點) 力量球(藍球) 光環: 由於你沒有點所有的光環保留nodes,所以已經無法在血上面開兩個60%光環,同時,因為你的裝備綁定了許多沒有帶抗性的傳奇裝,因此在血上面開40%的全抗光環剛好可以處理這方面的問題。 開的光環分別是: 全抗、冰傷、火傷、雷傷、能量護盾 技能連結: 請看裝備上的技能連結。如果你可以在CI甲上面洗到這個顏色,就可以使用多重打擊。如果你洗不到,也可以考慮將多重打擊換成增加AOE,這樣打圖更快,但單體會比較弱。 Q & A : 1) 我不相信你的dps,不要再騙人了。 兄弟,有圖有影片。 2) 請問你的build跟爪神的build哪裡不同? 目的不同:爪神要的是高ES跟高回復,所以他走CI。我要高DPS,使用大CI甲,所以我多兩個光環,可以增加更多的DPS。 2) 請問沒有女王手,可行嗎? 可以,但你需要花更多的點數去點 Vaal Pact。同時,由於沒有女王手,更高的爆傷、爆率等於更多的反傷,所以建議你可以在我推薦的天賦中,拿掉一些爆傷爆率天賦,多點一些ES。 3) 沒有女王手的話,要用什麼手? 左手或右手隨便啦...(誤) 最好的選擇是雙爆手。但正如前一段說的,更多的爆率與爆傷會讓你更難處理反傷。所以,如果你想打安全牌,就用高ES帶抗性的手。但請記得這件事情,每拿掉一件增加DPS的裝,就等於少一點的DPS。當你不知不覺拿掉好幾件的時候,DPS自然就會差了一些。但大CI提供的貧血無雙DPS模式仍然會讓你覺得非常強悍。 4) 請問這個流派(build)的打造步驟? 最簡單的版本需要一把還不錯的爪子,一件六連大CI加上一條Auxium。有這三個東西你就可以開貧血狀態進入無雙DPS模式。有了眼睛頭之後,你會多吸血跟命中還有ES,更重要的是眼睛頭可以把你的法傷盾牌變成DPS裝備,所以眼頭是第二步。之後你可以先用 VP 版本,但你打反傷圖會有點痛而且你需要許多次的練習才會知道什麼時候上藥水。 至於盾牌,一般來說要盡量挑選ES>350,法傷> 50%,帶火抗的盾牌。如果負擔不起,你也可以使用傳奇法格盾。 5) 你的藥水怎麼用? 這裡是我用的藥水組合: 重點在於全部的藥水都洗成爆擊時補充一次,這樣你幾乎有無限藥水。如果你的盾牌沒有高格檔,那也不見得需要使用格檔藥水,可以用別的。 6) 請問新的光環(火拳頭跟冰拳頭)好用嗎?你為什麼不用? 其實他不是光環(不影響隊友)而是buff技能(skill)但沒關係這不重要。 我可以多用一個火拳頭但是這樣我就沒有受傷時施放所以少了一點防禦。我在英文版的guide裡面更新了火拳頭加上去之後的dps,非常高,但角色會變得比較軟。 新的火拳頭很適合有高物傷爪爪的朋友,因為它是將物傷的15%額外轉成火傷。但仍然比不上Anger的效果。所以如果你有高物傷爪爪,你也可以考慮使用這個新的光環。你可以自己決定要使用的光環但不需要使用冰拳頭因為效益太滴了。 7) 有通貨的話應該從什麼地方開始更新? 我說話最實在絕對不會先跟你講先來複製我的爪... 你當然是先買女王手,然後改天賦,接下來享受各種無雙dps無視反傷按著滑鼠看youtbue一邊打怪。 在女王手之後,複製裝備的順序依序是爪子(最重要的DPS武器)、盾牌(最重要的ES來源,同時也提供高dps)、項鍊、戒指。 有任何問題歡迎在這個討論串當中提出,或者在遊戲內PM給我,我通常都在線上但不見得在電腦前,留言在這個討論串是最好的方法。除此之外,讓這個版有些臺灣朋友,也是不錯的事情 :D Last edited by Voegelin#0366 on Sep 9, 2014, 11:35:56 PM
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Whats your crit chance with all the power charges up?
Maybe worth to include bandit choices as well. very decent build! Green_honey_boo_boo is my favourite south park character!
My Goddess Scorned crit ele cleave build @ 1076445 |
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WISH I CAN READ CHINESE! If any1 following guide can show me u mirrored his claw u can have discount on morbid knuckle ^^
IGN: KiPad
Mirror Services (/view-thread/778747): #1 Crit Rings for *ALL* builds (Low-life, CI, and Life), #1 1H Axe, #1 Ar Boots, #1 Life Rustic |
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Build looks sick as fuck.
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Thanks for the bump and questions, guys, I will edit/add some request later when I got free time from work.
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Nice job voe
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updated with max dps version, will get the auxium version done soon. enjoy, guys !
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update the auxium version. please let me know if you wanna know about something.
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nice build
btw, I'm TW player too. :D IGN:Dat_Wen (GMT+8)
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Do you have a version of the claw with chaos resist? It's for a friend...
#1 spirit shield - #1 ES/all res diamond ring - 6T1 ES/WED/tri-res rustic sash mirror service
http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/989804 twitch.tv/steezbattalion IGN ddddddddddddddddddddime |
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