Righteous fire and snapshotting, post-patch
I am getting some odd behavior with Righteous Fire and snap-shotting after the patch that was supposed to get rid of that bug/feature.
Having a Righteous Fire gem in a weapon, activating the skill, and then weapon switching does not stop the self-damage. However, it makes some (but not all) of the visual effects disappear - specifically, the ring on the ground that usually indicates the damage radius. But nearby monsters still sometimes (but not always) take burning damage. What's going on? Edit: there appears to be a graphical bug present too, where a layer of the "ground" where the ring is supposed to be shows up on top of some objects. Note how the rails on the ground are not visible inside a circle around my character: http://imgur.com/xnccbWY Edit #2: Dousing flasks do not put out a snapshotted Righteous Fire, unless you switch back to the weapon with that skill gem in it. Last edited by arbitraryvalue#1740 on Aug 28, 2014, 10:43:04 PM
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Weapon swapping would not ever stop the self damage. It was always meant to continue until you reach 1 life or use a dousing flask. I guess the snapshot fix did change it so the monster damage goes to 0 when you remove the RF gem. I guess the dousing flask doesn't see the burning damage when it doesn't see the RF gem. I don't think this is a bug. The whole point of the snapshot fix was to prevent exactly what you're trying to do.
Guild Leader The Amazon Basin <BASIN>
Play Nice and Show Some Class www.theamazonbasin.com |
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>I guess the snapshot fix did change it so the monster damage goes to 0 when you remove the RF gem.
The thing is, it doesn't. At least not consistently. Often I can kill monsters with the "snapshotted" RF, then (a few dozen dead monsters later) the monster damage does go to zero, but weapon swapping a few times will get the RF to temporarily damage monsters while snapshotted again. |
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"This should not be possible and I cannot reproduce it - I always correctly loose the damage to enemies when swapping away form the gem, and only regain it when swapping back. I've passed the issue to QA to see if they have any luck reproducing the reported bug. As mentioned, it is intentional that the self damage cannot be turned off this way, but the damage to enemies (and spell damage bonus) are removed. The ring is removed because it's tied to the enemy damage, not the whole skill. | |
" I just tried it again for the first time since my initial bug report, with as close to the same item setup as I could get, and I can't reproduce it anymore either. Although I am certain that I was really getting that issue before, when I reported it. Maybe something changed in the interim and happened to fix it, or maybe it had something to do with network latency... |
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